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The Evaluation of Root Fracture with Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT): An Epidemiological Study.
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Influence of Tooth Orientation on the Detection of Vertical Root Fracture in Cone-beam Computed Tomography.
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Influence of voxel size on cone-beam computed tomography-based detection of vertical root fractures in the presence of intracanal metallic posts.
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The accuracy of CBCT for the detection and diagnosis of vertical root fractures in vivo.
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In Vivo Detection of Subtle Vertical Root Fracture in Endodontically Treated Teeth by Cone-beam Computed Tomography.
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Effectiveness of the static-guided endodontic technique for accessing the root canal through MTA and its effect on fracture strength.
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A Critical Review of the Differential Diagnosis of Root Fracture Line in CBCT scans.
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Influence of the technical parameters of CBCT image acquisition on vertical root fracture diagnosis: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
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Diagnostic efficacy of cone-beam computed tomography for detection of vertical root fractures in endodontically treated teeth: a systematic review.
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Radiographic Criteria for Differential Diagnosis Between Vertical Root Fracture and Apical Periodontitis in Single-Rooted Endodontically Treated Premolars Using Cone-Beam Computed Tomography.
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Developing evidence-based clinical imaging guidelines for the diagnosis of vertically fractured teeth.
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Is cone-beam computed tomography more accurate than periapical radiography for detection of vertical root fractures? A systematic review and meta-analysis.
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Effect of different periods of calcium hydroxide dressing on the fracture resistance of root dentin.
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Evaluation of Perceptual and Anthropometrical Facial Changes According to Increase in Vertical Dimension of Occlusion.
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Erbium laser-assisted ceramic debonding: a scoping review.
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A rare case of lysozyme-induced anaphylaxis in a child with egg allergy.
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Effect of Addition of Cetylpyridinium Chloride Cationic Surfactant on the Antimicrobial Activity of Chlorhexidine Endodontic Irrigant.
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Adsorption of oral antibacterial agents on zirconia surfaces with different crystal systems.
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Research Note: Evaluation of selected chlorhexidine salts/product and/or cetylpyridinium chloride as potential pre-slaughter crop disinfection agents using an in vitro assay simulating crop contents.
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Evaluation of the antiplaque efficacy of two cetylpyridinium chloride-containing mouthwashes.
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The effect of SARS-CoV-2 effective mouthwashes on the staining, translucency and surface roughness of a nanofill resin composite.
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防腐活性の比較指標および生体内における着色の予測因子としてのマウスリンスによるin vitroでの食餌性着色
Dietary staining in vitro by mouthrinses as a comparative measure of antiseptic activity and predictor of staining in vivo.
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Efficacy of orofacial myofunctional therapy combined with myofascial release in patients with mild obstructive sleep apnoea: a randomized controlled trial.
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Retention of CAD-CAM locator retentive attachment insert in mandibular implant overdenture.
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The science of printing and polishing 3D-printed dentures.
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New future dental material: Antimicrobial material "cetylpyridinium chloride-montmorillonite" and implantable material "phosphorylated pullulan".
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CAD-CAM complete digital dentures: An improved clinical and laboratory workflow.
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The influence of 3-dimensional printing layer thickness on model accuracy and the perceived fit of thermoformed retainers.
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Can ChatGPT be guide in pediatric dentistry?
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The Relationship Between Manual Dexterity and Toothbrushing Efficiency in Preschool Children: A Crossover Study.
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Impact of Digitalization in Dentistry on Technostress, Mental Health, and Job Satisfaction: A Quantitative Study.
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義歯の3Dプリンティング用レジンの組成プロファイルのin vitro分析
In vitro analysis of composition profiles of resins for 3D printing of dentures.
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A cross-sectional study on improving clinical efficiency through centralized digital impression.
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Impact of 3D printing orientation on accuracy, properties, cost, and time efficiency of additively manufactured dental models: a systematic review.
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Minimally invasive non-surgical vs. surgical approach for periodontal intrabony defects: a randomised controlled trial.
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Clinical efficacy of minimally invasive surgical (MIS) and non-surgical (MINST) treatments of periodontal intra-bony defect. A systematic review and network meta-analysis of RCT's.
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Minimally invasive non-surgical therapy (MINST) in stage III periodontitis patients: 6-month results of a split-mouth, randomised controlled clinical trial.
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Use of a hydrocolloid dressing to prevent nasal pressure sores after nasotracheal intubation.
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Risk Factors for Pressure Ulcers at the Ala of Nose in Oral Surgery.
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Use of a suction tube to prevent nasal pressure sores during nasotracheal intubation.
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Prevention of Nasal Ala Pressure Injuries With Use of Hydroactive Dressings in Patients With Nasotracheal Intubation of Orthognathic Surgery: A Randomized Controlled Trial.
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Medical device-related pressure injuries in intensive care patients: A prospective and descriptive study.
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Effect of a self-developed fixation device on preventing endotracheal intubation-related pressure injury: a randomised controlled trial.
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The effect of evidence-based skin care and hydrocolloid dressing in the prevention of nasogastric tube-related pressure injury: A randomized controlled clinical trial.
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Knowledge in the Area of Prevention and Treatment of Pressure Injuries Among Nurses: Report from the Study.
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Risk-reducing salpingo-oophorectomy for Japanese women with hereditary breast and ovarian cancer: a single-institution 10-year experience.
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Whole-genome analysis of human papillomavirus 67 isolated from Japanese women with cervical lesions.
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Preoperative Magnetic Resonance Imaging versus Intraoperative Frozen Section Diagnosis for Predicting the Deep Myometrial Invasion in Endometrial Cancer: Our Experience and Literature Review.
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High Levels of Within-Host Variations of Human Papillomavirus 16 Genes in Invasive Cervical Cancer.
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Molecular epidemiology of human papillomavirus 18 infections in Japanese Women.
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Three-Dimensional Peripheral Bloodstream Model of the Uterus for Laparoscopic Radical Hysterectomy.
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Whole-Genome Analysis of Human Papillomavirus Type 16 Prevalent in Japanese Women with or without Cervical Lesions.
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Within-Host Variations of Human Papillomavirus Reveal APOBEC Signature Mutagenesis in the Viral Genome.
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Ultrasound-based logistic regression model LR2 versus magnetic resonance imaging for discriminating between benign and malignant adnexal masses: a prospective study.
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Whole-genome analysis of human papillomavirus genotypes 52 and 58 isolated from Japanese women with cervical intraepithelial neoplasia and invasive cervical cancer.
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New heavy-fermion antiferromagnet UPd2Cd20.
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Prosthetically Guided Orthodontics (PGO): A Personalized Clinical Approach for Aesthetic Solutions Using Digital Technology.
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Influence of Oral Habits on Pediatric Malocclusion: Etiology and Preventive Approaches.
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Malocclusion and Deleterious Oral Habits in Vietnamese Children Between the Ages of 8 and 12 years: A Cross Sectional Study.
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Dentoalveolar alterations after interventions to relieve mouth breathing : Systematic review and meta-analysis.
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Fracture resistance and marginal fit of three different overlay designs using advanced zirconia-reinforced lithium disilicate CAD/CAM material.
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Tattooing: immediate and long-term adverse reactions and complications.
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Updates on the clinical application of glass ionomer cement in restorative and preventive dentistry.
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Adolescence, Adulthood and Self-Perceived Halitosis: A Role of Psychological Factors.
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Evaluation of the Change in Halitosis with the Improvement in Oral Health in Cleft Lip and Palate Patients.
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Impact of the Tobacco Heating System and Cigarette Smoking on the Oral Cavity: A Pilot Study.
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Novel Strategies for Preventing Dysbiosis in the Oral Cavity.
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Premenstrual Syndrome: Awareness and Oral Manifestations in Patients Attending Dental Hospital in Pune.
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Efficacy of a mouthwash containing ε-poly-L-lysine, funme peptides and domiphen in reducing halitosis and supragingival plaque: a randomized clinical trial.
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Take the bull by the horns and tackle the potential downsides of the ketogenic diet.
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Effects of Platelet-Rich Fibrin on Bone Healing Around Implants Placed in Maxillary Sinuses: A Histomorphometric Assessment in Rabbits.
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A Survey of Lithuanian Pregnant Women's Knowledge about Periodontal Disease, Its Prevalence and Possible Influence on Pregnancy Outcomes.
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Wear of monolithic zirconia against different CAD-CAM and indirect restorative materials.
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In vitroにおけるジルコニアに対する歯科修復材料の摩耗挙動の評価
Evaluation of wear behavior of dental restorative materials against zirconia in vitro.
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Dental human enamel wear caused by ceramic antagonists: A systematic review and network meta-analysis.
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Tribological aspects of enamel wear caused by zirconia and lithium disilicate: A meta-narrative review.
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Wear Behaviour of Polymer-Infiltrated Network Ceramics, Lithium Disilicate and Cubic Zirconia against Enamel in a Bruxism-Simulated Scenario.
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The menopause and oral health.
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Mobile Health to Improve Efficacy of Interdental Brushing Among Periodontitis Patients: A Randomized Clinical Trial.
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オッセオデンシフィケーションを用いたインダイレクトサイナスリフトにおけるHaeNaem Zero Bone Loss Kitの有効性の評価
Evaluation of the Efficacy of the HaeNaem Zero Bone Loss Kit in Indirect Sinus Lift Using Osseodensification.
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The era of the ARG: An introduction to ancestral recombination graphs and their significance in empirical evolutionary genomics.
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Carbonation of Alkali-Activated Materials: A Review.
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Accuracy of 3 Intraoral Scanners in Recording Impressions for Full Arch Dental Implant-Supported Prosthesis: An In Vitro Study.
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Accuracy of intraoral scanners in maxillary multiple restorations: An study.
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A Comprehensive Review of Techniques for Enhancing Zirconia Bond Strength: Current Approaches and Emerging Innovations.
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Comparison of Internal and Marginal Adaptation of Endocrowns at Different Depths Fabricated by the Digital and Conventional Impression Techniques: Internal and Marginal Fit of Endocrowns.
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Two-Year Clinical Evaluation of Enamel Wear Antagonistic to Polished and Glazed Monolithic Zirconia Endocrowns.
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Impact of surface pre-treatment on bond strength between cement and zirconia: A systematic review and network meta-analysis.
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前臼歯抜歯症例における「ジェットコースター効果」:クリアアライナー vs. ストレートワイヤー装置
The 'roller coaster effect' in premolar extraction cases: clear aligners vs. straight-wire appliance.
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In Vitro Comparison of the Effectiveness of Different Attachment Shapes and Locations on Extrusion of the Upper Left Lateral Incisor Using Thermoplastic Aligners.
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The biomechanical effects of clear aligner trimline designs and extensions on orthodontic tooth movement: a systematic review.
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Effect of high trimline aligners on distalizing mandibular molars: a three-dimensional finite element study.
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Accuracy of Preliminary Maxillary Canine and Anchorage Tooth Movement in Premolar Extraction Cases Using 12 In-House Clear Aligners: A Randomised Control Trial Comparing Power Arm and Control.
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