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The Use of Platelet-Rich Fibrin (PRF) in the Management of Dry Socket: A Systematic Review.
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Low-level laser treatment's ability to reduce dry socket pain.
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Short versus Longer Implants in Sites without the Need for Bone Augmentation: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials.
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The German S3 guideline on titanium hypersensitivity in implant dentistry: consensus statements and recommendations.
- Int J Implant Dent.2022 Nov;8(1):51.
Short implants compared to regular dental implants after bone augmentation in the atrophic posterior mandible: umbrella review and meta-analysis of success outcomes.
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Less marginal bone loss around bone-level implants restored with long abutments: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
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Factors influencing intraoperative and postoperative complication occurrence: A series of 1135 periodontal and implant-related surgeries.
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Short (≤6 mm) compared with ≥10-mm dental implants in different clinical scenarios: A systematic review of randomized clinical trials with meta-analysis, trial sequential analysis and quality of evidence grading.
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Implant Disease Risk Assessment Diagram(インプラント疾患リスク評価図)を用いた長期機能性歯科インプラントの辺縁骨レベルの変化評価:2~6年間の追跡レトロスペクティブ研究
Marginal Bone Level Changes Evaluation of Long-term Functional Dental Implants with the Implant Disease Risk Assessment Diagram: A 2 to 6 Years Follow-up Retrospective Study.
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Slow drilling technique may enhance peri-operative patient-reported outcomes in dental implant surgery.
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Is the clinical performance of dental implants influenced by different macrogeometries? A systematic review and meta-analysis.
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Comparative evaluation of pit & fissure sealant retention using cotton roll & rubber dam isolation techniques - a systematic review & meta-analysis.
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Quality and Survival of Direct Light-Activated Composite Resin Restorations in Posterior Teeth: A 5- to 20-Year Retrospective Longitudinal Study.
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Controversies in posterior composite resin restorations.
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Impact of Two Implant-Abutment Connection Types on Crestal Bone Stability: A 3-Year Comparative Split-Mouth Clinical Trial.
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Assessment of Bone Loss Around Platform-Switching Subcrestal Implants: A Quasi-Experimental Study.
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Combination of Enamel Matrix Derivatives with Bone Graft vs Bone Graft Alone in the Treatment of Periodontal Intrabony and Furcation Defects: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.
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Bone Augmentation With Alloplastic Graft Material in a Patient Under Bisphosphonate Therapy: A Case Report and Literature Review.
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Metastatic Tumors to the Oral Soft Tissues and Jawbones: A Retrospective Analysis of 40 Cases and Review of the Literature.
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Clinical analysis of 1,038 cases of odontogenic jawbone cysts.
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Prognostic factors for autotransplanted third molars with completely formed roots: A retrospective cohort study.
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Intentional Replantation of Single-Rooted and Multi-Rooted Teeth: A Systematic Review.
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Air-polishing followed by ultrasonic calculus removal for the treatment of gingivitis: A 12-month, split-mouth randomized controlled clinical trial.
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ED approach to electrical toothbrush associated hand injury, a unique case of non-oropharyngeal injury.
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The role of guided tissue regeneration and guided bone regeneration.
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Manual toothbrushing techniques for plaque removal and the prevention of gingivitis-A systematic review with network meta-analysis.
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The healing socket and socket regeneration.
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Partial (incomplete) removal of granulation tissue using modified minimally invasive surgical technique in treatment of infrabony defects (randomized control clinical trial).
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Implants placed into alveoli with periapical lesions: an experimental study in dogs.
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Tissue changes of extraction sockets in humans: a comparison of spontaneous healing vs. ridge preservation with secondary soft tissue healing.
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感染歯と非感染歯における歯槽骨稜保存部位と自然治癒部位の実験的インプラント周囲炎の前臨床比較試験:無作為化盲検in vivo試験
Preclinical comparison study of experimental peri-implantitis between alveolar ridge preservation and spontaneous healing sites in infected and noninfected tooth: a randomized blinded in vivo study.
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Pain, dynamic postural control, mental health and impact of oral health in individuals with temporomandibular disorder: A cross-sectional study.
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顎関節症の様々なサブタイプが身体のバランスに及ぼす影響 - 予備的研究
The impact of various subtypes of temporomandibular disorders on body balance - preliminary study.
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Incidence of caries and pathological findings in different positions of impacted third molars: A retrospective analysis.
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Effect of erosive media on microhardness and fracture toughness of CAD-CAM dental materials.
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Adhesion to Zirconia: A Systematic Review of Current Conditioning Methods and Bonding Materials.
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Effects of the Contents of Various Solvents in One-step Self-etch Adhesives on Shear Bond Strengths to Enamel and Dentin.
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繊維補強ポストとコアの接着強さの比較:In vitro試験
Comparison of adhesive bond strength among fiber reinforced post and core with different cementation techniques: In vitro study.
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Immediate bond performance of resin composite luting systems to saliva-contaminated enamel and dentin in different curing modes.
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Glass fiber posts relining: can composite opacity influence retention to root canal dentin?
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接着剤による接着を簡略化するための2つの異なる戦略の性能に関する包括的なin vitro研究
A comprehensive in vitro study on the performance of two different strategies to simplify adhesive bonding.
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[Research and development of intraoral scanning in edentulous soft tissue].
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Comparison of conventional and digital impression approaches for edentulous maxilla: clinical study.
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完全アーチインプラントリハビリテーションにおける写真測量法、口腔内スキャニング法、および従来の印象法の精度:in vitro比較試験
Accuracy of photogrammetry, intraoral scanning, and conventional impression techniques for complete-arch implant rehabilitation: an in vitro comparative study.
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Effect of dentinal tubules and resin-based endodontic sealers on fracture properties of root dentin.
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Fracture resistance of roots filled with gutta-percha or RealSeal®.
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Alkaline Material Effects on Roots of Teeth.
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In vitro evaluation of the impact of a bioceramic root canal sealer on the mechanical properties of tooth roots.
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An In Vitro Comparative Analysis of Physico-Mechanical Properties of Commercial and Experimental Bioactive Endodontic Sealers.
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Technologic advances in endodontics.
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Root canal filling using Resilon: a review.
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Bond strength of a calcium silicate-based sealer tested in bulk or with different main core materials.
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Apical extrusion of debris by supplementary files used for retreatment: An ex vivo comparative study.
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自己接着性歯内シーラーをバルク材として使用した場合の光重合度(Degree of conversion of a self-adhesive endodontic sealer when used as bulk material
Degree of conversion of a self-adhesive endodontic sealer when used as bulk material.
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根管壁水分および充填技術がiRoot sp.の封鎖性に及ぼす影響
[Effect of root canal wall moisture and filling techniques on the sealability of iRoot sp].
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Oroactive dental biomaterials and their use in endodontic therapy.
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Dentinal Tubule Penetration and Retreatability of a Calcium Silicate-based Sealer Tested in Bulk or with Different Main Core Material.
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A micro-computed tomography evaluation of voids using calcium silicate-based materials in teeth with simulated internal root resorption.
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Impact of Conservative Endodontic Cavities on Root Canal Preparation and Biomechanical Behavior of Upper Premolars Restored with Different Materials.
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Effect of handpiece light and material used in pulp chamber on dentin removal during root canal retreatment.
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Micro-CT comparative evaluation of porosity and dentin adaptation of root end filling materials applied with incremental, bulk, and ultrasonic activation techniques.
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Reciprocating instrumentation for endodontic treatment of primary molars: 24-month randomized clinical trial.
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The impact of the filling technique with two sealers in bulk or associated with gutta-percha on the fatigue behavior and failure patterns of endodontically treated teeth.
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根管シーラーの辺縁適応と封鎖能力の評価:in vitro研究
Assessment of Marginal Adaptation and Sealing Ability of Root Canal Sealers: An in vitro Study.
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Micro-computed tomographic evaluation of a new system for root canal filling using calcium silicate-based root canal sealers.
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Conservative Treatment of an Infected Lateral Canal: A Case Report with a 4-Year Follow-up.
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Effect of using calcium-silicate and silicone based root canal sealers in bulk or with main core material on bond strength.
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Evaluation of stress distributions of calcium silicate-based root canal sealer in bulk or with main core material: A finite element analysis study.
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Filling ability of ready-to-use or powder-liquid calcium silicate-based sealers after ultrasonic agitation.
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Influence of Cavity Designs on Fracture Resistance: Analysis of the Role of Different Access Techniques to the Endodontic Cavity in the Onset of Fractures: Narrative Review.
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3種類の根管シーラントを用いたアピカルリーケージの比較評価:in vitro試験
A Comparative Evaluation of Apical Leakage using Three Root Canal Sealants: An in vitro Study.
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Dental Luting Cements: An Updated Comprehensive Review.
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Effect of RMGI Roughness and Dentin Bonding Primer on Shear Bond Strength of Sandwich-type Restorations.
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10-MDPを含む万能接着剤系の接着特性に及ぼすHEMA不存在の影響.In Vitro試験
Effect of the Absence of HEMA on the Bonding Properties of Universal Adhesive Systems Containing 10-MDP: An In Vitro Study.
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Universal Adhesive Application Modes Differentially Affect the Fracture Resistance of Resin Composite Restored Teeth.
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Shear bond strength of universal adhesives to human enamel and dentin.
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Effect of triple antibiotic paste on the bond strength of epoxy and methacrylate resin-based sealers to root canal dentin.
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Er:YAG Laser-Assisted Bone Regenerative Therapy for Implant Placement: A Case Series.
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Anatomical Measurements of the Malar Bone for Safe Zygomatic Implant Placement: A Study on Donated Bodies.
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垂直性歯根破折とオプチレーションおよびポストセメンテー ション中の相対的変形
Vertical root fracture and relative deformation during obturation and post cementation.
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ファーケーション穿孔の修復に使用したMTAの封鎖能力を、内部マトリックスを使用した場合と使用しない場合でin vitro評価した
In vitro evaluation of the sealing ability of MTA used for the repair of furcation perforations with and without the use of an internal matrix.
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