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Survey on the Current Clinical and Technological Level of Implant Prosthesis Application and Its Complications among Romanian Prosthodontic Specialists.
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Chitosan/hydroxyapatite composite coatings on porous Ti6Al4V titanium implants: and studies.
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Oral Health-Related Quality of Life and Full-Arch Immediate Loading Rehabilitation: An Evaluation of Preoperative, Intermediate, and Posttreatment Assessments of Patients Using a Modification of the OHIP Questionnaire.
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チタン製歯科インプラントのオッセオインテグレーションにおける抗菌性表面の効果。A Systematic Review
Effectiveness of Antibacterial Surfaces in Osseointegration of Titanium Dental Implants: A Systematic Review.
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LDL-コレステロールとアポリポ蛋白Bを減少させる新しい治療法:JACC Focus Seminar 1/4
New and Emerging Therapies for Reduction of LDL-Cholesterol and Apolipoprotein B: JACC Focus Seminar 1/4.
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LDL-コレステロールとアポリポ蛋白Bを減少させる新しい治療法:JACC Focus Seminar 1/4
New and Emerging Therapies for Reduction of LDL-Cholesterol and Apolipoprotein B: JACC Focus Seminar 1/4.
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LDL-コレステロールとアポリポ蛋白Bを減少させる新しい治療法:JACC Focus Seminar 1/4
New and Emerging Therapies for Reduction of LDL-Cholesterol and Apolipoprotein B: JACC Focus Seminar 1/4.
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Articulation, oral function, and quality of life in patients treated with implant overdentures in the mandible: A prospective study.
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The trouble with implants.
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Dental implant care and trouble among dependent patients based on the questionnaire survey among Japanese dental practitioners.
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Poor information on clear aligner websites.
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Bisphosphonates in dentistry: Historical perspectives, adverse effects, and novel applications.
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Bisphosphonates in dentistry: Historical perspectives, adverse effects, and novel applications.
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Bisphosphonates in dentistry: Historical perspectives, adverse effects, and novel applications.
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Bisphosphonates in dentistry: Historical perspectives, adverse effects, and novel applications.
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間接修復された臼歯の破壊強度に及ぼすDeep Margin Elevationと調製デザインの影響
Influence of Deep Margin Elevation and preparation design on the fracture strength of indirectly restored molars.
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The benefits and challenges of family genetic testing in rare genetic diseases-lessons from Fabry disease.
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Agalsidase beta treatment slows estimated glomerular filtration rate loss in classic Fabry disease patients: results from an individual patient data meta-analysis.
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The Changing Landscape of Fabry Disease.
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Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of JR-051, a biosimilar of agalsidase beta, in healthy adults and patients with Fabry disease: Phase I and II/III clinical studies.
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Antibiotics to prevent complications following tooth extractions.
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Complications associated with the placement and restoration of dental implants.
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Allergy or tolerance: reduced inflammatory cytokine response and concomitant IL-10 production of lymphocytes and monocytes in symptom-free titanium dental implant patients.
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Hypersensitivity to titanium: a less explored area of research.
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Allergic contact dermatitis caused by titanium screws and dental implants.
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Gold-coated pacemaker implantation for a patient with type IV allergy to titanium.
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Novel Nanoparticulate and Ionic Titanium Antigens for Hypersensitivity Testing.
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Cross-sectional observational study exploring clinical risk of titanium allergy caused by dental implants.
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Foreign body reactions, marginal bone loss and allergies in relation to titanium implants.
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Allergy to Surgical Implants.
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Metal allergy patient treated by titanium implant denture: A case report with at least 4-year follow-up.
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Positive Material Identification testing of dental implant to correlate their compositions with allergic conditions.
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General review of titanium toxicity.
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General review of titanium toxicity.
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インプラントの "花形 "という稀な症例における補綴液に影響を及ぼすチタンアレルギーの疑惑
Suspicions of titanium allergic reaction influencing the prosthetic solution in a rare case of implant "flowering".
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歯科用金属インプラントの副作用。Impact on Human Health (Metal as a Risk Factor of Implantologic Treatment)
Side Effects of Dental Metal Implants: Impact on Human Health (Metal as a Risk Factor of Implantologic Treatment).
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Radiographic changes in height and volume after lateral GBR procedures with different ratios of deproteinized bovine bone mineral and autogenous bone at different time points. An experimental study.
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Comparison of the performances of low-crystalline carbonate apatite and Bio-Oss in sinus augmentation using three-dimensional image analysis.
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SARS-CoV-2 infection of the oral cavity and saliva.
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Dental Sealant Composition-Retention Assessment in Young Permanent Molars.
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Case series of cleidocranial dysplasia: Radiographic follow-up study of delayed eruption of impacted permanent teeth.
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Developing Lactic Acid Bacteria as an Oral Healthy Food.
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Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2に対するさまざまな口腔洗浄剤の殺ウイルス効果
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Is povidone iodine mouthwash effective against SARS-CoV-2? First in vivo tests.
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COVID-19患者における経口細菌療法。A Retrospective Cohort Study
Oral Bacteriotherapy in Patients With COVID-19: A Retrospective Cohort Study.
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歯周病治療と肺炎の減少の関連性について。A Nationwide Population-Based Cohort Study
The Association of Periodontal Treatment and Decreased Pneumonia: A Nationwide Population-Based Cohort Study.
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Oral mucosal lesions in a COVID-19 patient: New signs or secondary manifestations?
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Titanium allergy as a possible cause of extrusion of a bone conduction ear implant.
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Delayed Titanium Hypersensitivity and Retained Foreign Body Causing Late Abdominal Complications.
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A Possible Relationship between Peri-Implantitis, Titanium Hypersensitivity, and External Tooth Resorption: Metal-Free Alternative to Titanium Implants.
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A Possible Relationship between Peri-Implantitis, Titanium Hypersensitivity, and External Tooth Resorption: Metal-Free Alternative to Titanium Implants.
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Nexus between COVID-19 and periodontal disease.
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Remineralization Potential of Nanohydroxyapatite Toothpaste Compared with Tricalcium Phosphate and Fluoride Toothpaste on Artificial Carious Lesions.
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E. faecalis, A. naeslundii, P. micraに対するジアミンフルオライド銀とヨウ化カリウムの抗菌効果
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E. faecalis, A. naeslundii, P. micraに対するジアミンフルオライド銀とヨウ化カリウムの抗菌効果
Antibacterial effect of silver diamine fluoride and potassium iodide against E. faecalis, A. naeslundii and P. micra.
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歯科技工所におけるエアロゾルの発生と制御。典型的な臨床セットアップのin vitro分光法による研究
Aerosol generation and control in the dental operatory: An in vitro spectrometric study of typical clinical setups.
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Mitigating saliva aerosol contamination in a dental school clinic.
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歯内療法の際に発生するエアロゾル。Aerosol of Endodontic Treatment: Aerosol of Endodontic Treatment: Aerosol of Endodontic Treatment: Aerosol of Endodontic Treatment
Aerosols Generated during Endodontic Treatment: A Special Concern during the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic.
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Normal breathing releases SARS-CoV-2 into the air.
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Droplet Sizes Emitted from Demonstration Electric Toothbrushes.
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Report of a Powered Air-Purifying Respirator and Its Use in the Dental Setting.
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歯科医院におけるパンデミックリスクの体系的管理。A Consolidated Framework for COVID-19 Control in Dentistry
Systemic Management of Pandemic Risks in Dental Practice: A Consolidated Framework for COVID-19 Control in Dentistry.
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Up in the Air?歯科におけるエアロゾルを評価するための今後の研究戦略
Up in the Air? Future Research Strategies to Assess Aerosols in Dentistry.
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