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Ethical decision making in a pandemic: where are the voices of vulnerable people?
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Metformin Hydrochloride and Sitagliptin Phosphate Fixed-Dose Combination Product Prepared Using Melt Granulation Continuous Processing Technology.
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Is there any relationship between hypodontia and hyperdontia with taurodontism, microdontia and macrodontia? A retrospective study.
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メラトニンとカルシウムが塩分ストレス下のDracocephalum kotschyiにおけるロスマリン酸、ルテオリン、アピゲニンの産生を調節することを明らかにした
Melatonin and calcium modulate the production of rosmarinic acid, luteolin, and apigenin in Dracocephalum kotschyi under salinity stress.
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BCDIN3D regulates tRNAHis 3' fragment processing.
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Detection of enteroviruses in urban sewage by next generation sequencing and its application in environmental surveillance.
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Predicting SARS-CoV-2 infection trend using technical analysis indicators.
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Pegylated interferon may be considered in chronic viral hepatitis E resistant to ribavirin in kidney transplant recipients.
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Evaluations of effects of sleep surfaces on athletic performance in youth.
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Artificial (Cs) and natural (K) radioactivity and total potassium in medicinal fungi from Yunnan in China.
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Nutrients and warming interact to force mountain lakes into unprecedented ecological states.
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Identification of novel loss of function variants in MBOAT7 resulting in intellectual disability.
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不眠症障害を持つ被験者の多呼吸睡眠パラメータに及ぼすPassiflora incarnata Linnaeusの効果:二重盲検無作為化プラセボ対照試験
Effects of Passiflora incarnata Linnaeus on polysomnographic sleep parameters in subjects with insomnia disorder: a double-blind randomized placebo-controlled study.
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How important is obesity as a risk factor for respiratory failure, intensive care admission and death in hospitalised COVID-19 patients? Results from a single Italian centre.
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FT-NIRS Coupled with PLS Regression as a Complement to HPLC Routine Analysis of Caffeine in Tea Samples.
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Monosomal karyotype is associated with poor outcomes in patients with Philadelphia chromosome-negative acute lymphoblastic leukemia receiving chemotherapy but not allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.
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Good long-term glycemic compensation is associated with better trabecular bone score in postmenopausal women with type 2 diabetes.
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Medial Elbow Exposure: An Anatomic Comparison of Five Approaches.
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Disentangling the relationship between cholesterol, aggression, and impulsivity in severe mental disorders.
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The ultrastructural organization of elastic fibers at the interface of the nucleus and annulus of the intervertebral disc.
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顔の表情の時間的変化は病棟で病状悪化のリスクがある患者を特定するのに役立つか?Visual Early Warning Score Studyのポストホック分析
Do Temporal Changes in Facial Expressions Help Identify Patients at Risk of Deterioration in Hospital Wards? A Post Hoc Analysis of the Visual Early Warning Score Study.
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Tuning intermediate filament mechanics by variation of pH and ion charges.
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グローバルとローカルのダイエット人気ランキング、その世俗的な傾向、Google Trendsデータの季節的な変動
Global and local diet popularity rankings, their secular trends, and seasonal variation in Google Trends data.
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Maternal Tryptophan Supplementation Protects Adult Rat Offspring against Hypertension Programmed by Maternal Chronic Kidney Disease: Implication of Tryptophan-Metabolizing Microbiome and Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor.
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Eradication of caprine arthritis encephalitis virus in the goat population of South Tyrol, Italy: analysis of the tailing phenomenon during the 2016-2017 campaign.
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Assessment of apolipoprotein B/apolipoprotein A-I ratio in non-ST segment elevation acute coronary syndrome patients.
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Effects of reconstruction techniques after proximal gastrectomy: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
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Utility of transjugular renal biopsy as an alternative to percutaneous biopsy.
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Salivary and serum markers of angiogenesis in periodontitis in relation to smoking.
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Epilepsy in NF1: a systematic review of the literature.
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A Total Worker Health Approach to Skin Exposure Assessment: Experiences from the Firefighter Cancer Initiative.
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The influence of firearms trafficking on gunshot injuries in a co-offending network.
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アルギン酸分解菌Cobetia sp. cqz5-12の単離・同定・全ゲノム配列解析
Isolation, identification, and whole genome sequence analysis of the alginate-degrading bacterium Cobetia sp. cqz5-12.
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Cholangiocarcinoma Metastasis to the Spine and Cranium.
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また、Pinellia ternata の短期熱ストレス応答のトランスクリプトーム解析により、スペルミジンとメラトニンによる耐熱性の改善について新たな知見を得ることができた
Transcriptomic analysis of short-term heat stress response in Pinellia ternata provided novel insights into the improved thermotolerance by spermidine and melatonin.
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Stiffness-matched biomaterial implants for cell delivery: clinical, intraoperative ultrasound elastography provides a 'target' stiffness for hydrogel synthesis in spinal cord injury.
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Night Blindness in a Healthy Middle-Class Child.
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磁気肝引き込みは、Nathanson 装置と比較して Bariatric Surgery の術後疼痛と滞在期間を減少させる
Magnetic Liver Retraction Decreases Postoperative Pain and Length of Stay in Bariatric Surgery Compared to Nathanson Device.
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Reduced delay in diagnosis of odontogenic keratocysts with malignant transformation: A case report.
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Vaccinia Virus as a Master of Host Shutoff Induction: Targeting Processes of the Central Dogma and Beyond.
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G タンパク質共役型受容体 56 (GPR56) の活性化には、GAIN ドメインを介した開裂が必要である
GAIN domain-mediated cleavage is required for activation of G protein-coupled receptor 56 (GPR56) by its natural ligands and a small-molecule agonist.
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Rapid Microscopic Detection of by Fluorescent Receptor Binding Proteins of Bacteriophages.
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Recurrent swelling and pain in the abdomen and joints in a patient with hereditary angioedema and Ehlers-Danlos syndrome.
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The Suffering Body: Manipulation and Discomfort in Eating Disorders.
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Salivary changes in oxidative stress related to inflammation in oral and gastrointestinal diseases.
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Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor of nasal cavity and paranasal sinus with 13 years of follow-up-A case report and review of literature.
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Filamentous nestin and nonmuscle myosin IIB are associated with a migratory phenotype in neonatal rat cardiomyocytes.
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Endoworm」プロトタイプのin vitroおよびex vivoモデルでの腸管把持能力の分析
Analysis of the 'Endoworm' prototype's ability to grip the bowel in in vitro and ex vivo models.
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FGF21は、p38 MAPK/c-Jun軸を刺激することで、末梢性ミエリンの発生を阻害します
FGF21 impedes peripheral myelin development by stimulating p38 MAPK/c-Jun axis.
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Bacillus anthracisの二次細胞壁多糖類のαおよびβガラクトシル化を担う異なる経路
Distinct Pathways Carry Out α and β Galactosylation of Secondary Cell Wall Polysaccharide in Bacillus anthracis.
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SMC5/6 acts jointly with Fanconi anemia factors to support DNA repair and genome stability.
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Impact of angiotensin II-mediated stimulation of sodium transporters in the nephron assessed by computational modeling.
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Molecular detection of genotypes and subtypes of Cryptosporidium infection in diarrheic calves, lambs, and goat kids from Turkey.
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Key Radiographic Parameters That Influence the Improvement of Postoperative Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease in Patients Treated Surgically for Adult Spinal Deformity With a Minimum 2-Year Follow-up.
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Safety and efficacy of magnetic sphincter augmentation dilation.
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3つのP450遺伝子の過剰発現は、Magnaporthe oryzaeの新規ピリミジンアミンに対する抵抗性に関与している
Overexpression of three P450 genes is responsible for resistance to novel pyrimidine amines in Magnaporthe oryzae.
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Breast cancer survivors' risk of interval cancers and false positive results in organized mammography screening.
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CPAP失敗の予測因子 - 単一のセンターからの複数の試験の10年分のデータ。レトロスペクティブな観察研究
Predictors of CPAP Failure - 10 years' Data of Multiple Trials from a Single Center: A Retrospective Observational Study.
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P. ostreatusとL.記憶指数とストレプトゾトシン誘発糖尿病ラットのアルツハイマー病とリンクされている主要な酵素上のsubnudusを補った食事の効果
Effect of diet supplemented with P. ostreatus and L. subnudus on memory index and key enzymes linked with Alzheimer's disease in streptozotocin-induced diabetes rats.
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The secret life of chloroplast precursor proteins in the cytosol.
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Designing Discrete Choice Experiments Using a Patient-Oriented Approach.
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Cloning and Functional Analysis of Dwarf Gene () in .
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Changes in Oxygen Saturation and Mean Arterial Pressure With Inhaled Epoprostenol in Transport.
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Mitophagy Induced by Mitochondrial Function Damage in Chicken Kidney Exposed to Cr(VI).
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Structure-guided design of pure orthosteric inhibitors of αIIbβ3 that prevent thrombosis but preserve hemostasis.
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出芽酵母由来MAPKK Ste11の二量体SAMドメインの塩分依存性コンフォーメーション安定性(英文酵母由来の二量体SAMドメイン:ネイティブステートH/D交換NMR研究"
Salt Dependence Conformational Stability of the Dimeric SAM Domain of MAPKKK Ste11 from Budding Yeast: A Native State H/D Exchange NMR Study".
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Parasitological study of mountain viscacha fecal pellets from patagonia over the last 1200 years ('Cueva Peligro', Chubut province, Argentina).
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Mapping the local viscosity of non-Newtonian fluids flowing through disordered porous structures.
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Infraglottic versus supraglottic jet-ventilation for endobronchial ultrasound-guided transbronchial needle aspiration: A randomised controlled trial.
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太平洋アワビ(Haliotis discus hannai)におけるAPGWamideの発現プロファイルと生殖制御
Expression profile and reproductive regulation of APGWamide in Pacific abalone (Haliotis discus hannai).
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PSYCHLOPS Kidsの開発とテスト:子どもを中心とした新しいアウトカム指標
The development and testing of PSYCHLOPS Kids: a new child-centred outcome measure.
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Enhancing Anti-Tumor Activity of Sorafenib Mesoporous Silica Nanomatrix in Metastatic Breast Tumor and Hepatocellular Carcinoma via the Co-Administration with Flufenamic Acid.
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Differences in TRPC3 and TRPC6 channels assembly in mesenteric vascular smooth muscle cells in essential hypertension.
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転移性去勢抵抗性前立腺がんの男性におけるダサチニブまたはスニチニブの追加に無作為に割り付けたアビラテロンの第 2 相試験
A Phase 2 Trial of Abiraterone Followed by Randomization to Addition of Dasatinib or Sunitinib in Men With Metastatic Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer.
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Untargeted LC-MS Metabolomics Differentiates Between Virulent and Avirulent Clinical Strains of .
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Endocarditis as the Cause of Recurrent Fever and Brain Abscess in a Patient with Complex Congenital Heart Disease: A Case Report and Literature Review.
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Association Between Legal Performance-Enhancing Substances and Use of Anabolic-Androgenic Steroids in Young Adults.
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Safety assessment of highly automated driving systems in test tracks: A new framework.
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Nanoscale Copper(II)-Diethyldithiocarbamate Coordination Polymer as a Drug Self-Delivery System for Highly Robust and Specific Cancer Therapy.
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Carnoquinolines Target Copper Dyshomeostasis, Aberrant Protein-Protein Interactions, and Oxidative Stress.
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Therapeutic itineraries of Qom mothers in a peri-urban community of Formosa.
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ブラックチェリー(Ehrh. )と競合するヨーロッパブナ(L
Initial Survival and Development of Planted European Beech ( L.) and Small-Leaved Lime ( Mill.) Seedlings Competing with Black Cherry ( Ehrh.).
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ジシストロウイルス科で初めて綿虫Phenacoccus solenopsisに感染する新規クリパウイルスの単離と解析
Isolation and characterization of a novel cripavirus, the first Dicistroviridae family member infecting the cotton mealybug Phenacoccus solenopsis.
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Antifungal and anti-aflatoxigenic activity of roots and affinin/spilanthol against by downregulating the expression of D and R genes of the aflatoxins biosynthetic pathway.
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Lineariifolianoids M-O, three rare sesquiterpene lactone dimers inhibiting NO production from Inula lineariifolia.
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Friendly neighbors: Hydraulic redistribution accounts for one quarter of water used by neighboring drought stressed tree saplings.
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Evaluation of Disease Related Knowledge in Patients of Osteoporosis: An Observational Study.
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Efficacy and safety updates of poly ADP-ribose polymerase (PARP) inhibitor maintenance in ovarian cancer from ASCO 2020.
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抗原提示細胞におけるアデノシンA2B受容体の発現は、CD8 T細胞応答を抑制し、腫瘍の増殖を促進する
The Expression of Adenosine A2B Receptor on Antigen-Presenting Cells Suppresses CD8 T-cell Responses and Promotes Tumor Growth.
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Treatment of infantile spasms: why do we know so little?
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Calcium imaging of primary canine sensory neurons: Small-diameter neurons responsive to pruritogens and algogens.
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Pregnancy outcomes in women with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome.
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Transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) in cardiogenic shock: TAVI-shock registry results.
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The Relationship Between Athletic Performance and Physiological Characteristics in Wheelchair Basketball Athletes.
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COVID-19肺炎重症患者におけるIL-2/IL-2Rの阻害は、JAK1-STAT5を介してCD8 T細胞とリンパ球の減少をもたらす
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