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Anxiety and pain during dental treatment among children with haemophilia.
- Eur J Paediatr Dent.2013 Dec;14(4):284-8.
Hemophilia and oral health.
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Do hemophiliacs have a higher risk for dental caries than the general population?
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Dental management of patients with haemophilia in the era of recombinant treatments: increased efficacy and decreased clinical risk.
- BMJ Case Rep.2019 Apr;12(4).
Comparative analysis of oral health and treatment necessities in hemophilia individuals of Davangere population - A case control study.
- J Family Med Prim Care.2020 Sep;9(9):4774-4777.
Evaluation of bleeding symptoms and laboratory parameters related to bleeding in sisters of patients with hemophilia A and B.
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Dental habits and oral health in children and adolescents with bleeding disorders: A single-institution cross-sectional study.
- Haemophilia.2021 Nov;
Budget Impact of Emicizumab for Routine Prophylaxis of Bleeding Episodes in Patients With Hemophilia A With Inhibitors.
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Survival Analysis of Total Hip Arthroplasty for High Hip Dislocation Secondary to Developmental Dysplasia or Septic Arthritis of the Hip.
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セラミック・ラミネート・ベニア: プレパレーション・デザインとセラミックの厚さが破壊抵抗とin vitroのマージン・クオリティに及ぼす影響
Ceramic laminate veneers: effect of preparation design and ceramic thickness on fracture resistance and marginal quality in vitro.
- Clin Oral Investig.2020 Aug;24(8):2745-2754.
OCTを用いたセラミックベニヤの内部適合性の評価 - プレパレーションデザインとセラミックの厚さによる
OCT evaluation of the internal adaptation of ceramic veneers depending on preparation design and ceramic thickness.
- Dent Mater.2021 03;37(3):423-431.
Porcelain Laminate Veneersの生存率。A Systematic Review
Survival Rates for Porcelain Laminate Veneers: A Systematic Review.
- Eur J Dent.2021 May;15(2):360-368.
Anterior Veneer Restorations - Evidence-based Minimal-Intervention Perspective
Anterior Veneer Restorations - An Evidence-based Minimal-Intervention Perspective.
- J Adhes Dent.2021 Apr;23(2):91-110.
no-prep porcelain veneer protocolのレトロスペクティブな臨床評価
Retrospective clinical evaluation of a no-prep porcelain veneer protocol.
- J Prosthet Dent.2021 May;
Diagnostic accuracy of severe periodontitis case definitions: Comparison of the CDC/AAP, EFP/AAP, and CPI criteria.
- J Periodontol.2021 Sep;
Pandemics past, present, and future: Their impact on oral health care.
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Oral hypofunction and its relation to frailty and sarcopenia in community-dwelling older people.
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Optimising oral health in frail older people.
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電子タバコのエアロゾル、Cannabisの煙、従来のタバコの煙が歯肉線維芽細胞/歯肉間葉系幹細胞の特性に及ぼす影響をin vitroで評価
In vitro evaluation of the effect of the electronic cigarette aerosol, Cannabis smoke, and conventional cigarette smoke on the properties of gingival fibroblasts/gingival mesenchymal stem cells.
- J Periodontal Res.2021 Nov;
Charcoal and charcoal-based dentifrices: A literature review.
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Curcumin-loaded chitosan/carboxymethyl starch/montmorillonite bio-nanocomposite for reduction of dental bacterial biofilm formation.
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モンモリロナイトとChlorhexidini Acetasから調製した抗菌性を有する新規有機粘土
A novel organoclay with antibacterial activity prepared from montmorillonite and Chlorhexidini Acetas.
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Short term clinical evaluation of a clay containing dentifrice. 565.
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Appropriate follow-up period for odontogenic keratocyst: a retrospective study.
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Autologous bone marrow aspirate concentrate (BMAC) for treatment of keratocystic odontogenic tumour (KCOT)-a case report.
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The Development of Large Radicular Cysts in Endodontically Versus Non-Endodontically Treated Maxillary Teeth.
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A Retrospective Study to Evaluate Biopsies of Oral and Maxillofacial Lesions.
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Differential Expression of Claudin in Odontogenic Cysts.
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Rubber dam isolation for restorative treatment in dental patients.
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強化された感染管理プロトコルが大臼歯の根管治療の結果に与える影響 - 無作為化臨床試験
The impact of an enhanced infection control protocol on molar root canal treatment outcome - a randomized clinical trial.
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How is carious pulp exposure and symptomatic irreversible pulpitis managed in UK primary dental care?
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When using the left atrial appendage occlusion device, atrial fibrillation itself should not be ignored.
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Monitoring Intra-cellular Tacrolimus Concentrations in Solid Organ Transplantation: Use of Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells and Graft Biopsy Tissue.
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2-Deoxy-D-glucose impedes T cell-induced apoptosis of keratinocytes in oral lichen planus.
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Expression of Cathepsin B and Cystatin A in Oral Lichen Planus.
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Psychological profile and α-amylase levels in oral lichen planus patients: A case-control preliminary study.
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A useful method of using the healing abutments for interocclusal records in implant overdenture: a case report.
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A novel porous silica-zirconia coating for improving bond performance of dental zirconia.
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A Case of Mandibular Cancer Involving Almost Entire Attached Gingiva.
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Effect of a temporary sealing material on the bond strength of CAD/CAM inlay restorations with resin-coating technique.
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Effect of zirconia surface modification using dopamine polymerisation on the shear bond strength of resin cement.
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Influence of the resin-coating technique on the bonding performance of self-adhesive resin cements in single-visit computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing resin restorations.
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Clinical assessment of resin-coating technique applied to exposed dentin after crown preparation.
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Effects of different aligner materials and attachments on orthodontic behavior.
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Finite Element Analysisを用いた矯正治療における体性歯牙移動を誘発するClear Alignerアタッチメントの効率的な設計
Efficient Design of a Clear Aligner Attachment to Induce Bodily Tooth Movement in Orthodontic Treatment Using Finite Element Analysis.
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Immediate dentin sealing supports delayed restoration placement.
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The effect of three variables on shear bond strength when luting a resin inlay to dentin.
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Computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturingにより製作されたClass IIセラミック修復物のマイクロリーケージに及ぼすレジンコーティングおよび咬合負荷の影響:共焦点顕微鏡による研究
Effect of resin coating and occlusal loading on microleakage of Class II computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing fabricated ceramic restorations: a confocal microscopic study.
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Internal fit of two all-ceramic systems and metal-ceramic crowns.
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Effect of post-silanization heat treatments of silanized feldspathic ceramic on adhesion to resin cement.
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A 3 years retrospective study of survival for zirconia-based single crowns fabricated from intraoral digital impressions.
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A comparison of stresses in molar teeth restored with inlays and direct restorations, including polymerization shrinkage of composite resin and tooth loading during mastication.
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First clinical experiences with CAD/CAM-fabricated PMMA-based fixed dental prostheses as long-term temporaries.
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Fit of lithium disilicate crowns fabricated from conventional and digital impressions assessed with micro-CT.
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Chairside CAD/CAM Composite Onlays for the Restoration Of Primary Molars.
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A randomized clinical trial of class II composite restorations using direct and semidirect techniques.
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シュナイダー膜の肥厚が上顎洞形成とインプラント治療の結果に及ぼす影響。A Systematic Review
Effect of Schneiderian Membrane Thickening on the Maxillary Sinus Augmentation and Implantation Outcomes: A Systematic Review.
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重度の副鼻腔粘膜肥厚がある場合のCrestal Sinus Augmentation:3例の報告
Crestal Sinus Augmentation in the Presence of Severe Sinus Mucosal Thickening: A Report of 3 Cases.
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Association between odontogenic conditions and maxillary sinus mucosal thickening: a retrospective CBCT study.
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Diffusion-Weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Maxillary Sinuses Inflammatory Diseases: Report of Three Cases and Literature Review.
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Therapeutic effect of one-time root canal treatment for irreversible pulpitis.
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Could optimising periodontal health in expectant mothers reduce the risk of babies being born prematurely?
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イオン歯ブラシのエネルギー出力とin vitroの生物学的効果
Energy output and in vitro biologic effects of an ionic toothbrush.
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Clinical comparison of an electric-powered ionic toothbrush and a manual toothbrush in plaque reduction: A randomized clinical trial.
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Patient-Specific Implants (PSI) in Maxillary Hypoplasia Secondary to Cleft Lip and Palate Deformity.
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末梢下顎神経の損傷、介入と転帰の評価。A Systematic Review
Injuries of the Peripheral Mandibular Nerve, Evaluation of Interventions and Outcomes: A Systematic Review.
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下顎骨顆部基部骨折に対するInfinitesimal Peri-Angular Pterygomasseteric Transectioning Approach(IPPTA)。予備的研究
Infinitesimal Peri-angular Pterygomasseteric Transectioning Approach (IPPTA) for the Base Fractures of the Mandibular Condyle: A Preliminary Study.
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Forsus™ FRDアプライアンスを用いたClassII矯正における骨格と歯槽骨の寄与 :定量的評価
Skeletal and dentoalveolar contributions during Class II correction with Forsus™ FRD appliances : Quantitative evaluation.
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二級不正咬合の機能的固定治療による外歯根吸収の評価:Cast splint Herbst applianceとForsus fatigue resistant deviceの比較
Evaluation of external apical root resorption caused by fixed functional treatment of class II malocclusion : Cast splint Herbst appliance vs. Forsus fatigue resistant device.
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