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Covid-19: scientific advisers must do more than just voice their concerns behind closed doors.
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Clonal lineage from normal endometrium to ovarian clear cell carcinoma through ovarian endometriosis.
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GC content-associated sequencing bias caused by library preparation method may affect serotype prediction using SeqSero2.
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Synergy effect of peroxidase enzymes and Fenton reactions greatly increase the anaerobic oxidation of soil organic matter.
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Municipal Solid Waste Incineration (MSWI) Ashes as Construction Materials-A Review.
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HIV DNA上のヒストン負荷を探ることで、非統合型と統合型ウイルスゲノムの間のダイナミックなヌクレオソームの位置関係が明らかになった
Exploring histone loading on HIV DNA reveals a dynamic nucleosome positioning between unintegrated and integrated viral genome.
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Prognostic Nutritional Index, Another Prognostic Factor for Extranodal Natural Killer/T Cell Lymphoma, Nasal Type.
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Formation and characterization of lipid droplets of the bovine corpus luteum.
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Leisure time physical activity is associated with improved HDL functionality in high cardiovascular risk individuals: a cohort study.
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Long-term Efficacy of Ibrutinib in Relapsed or Refractory Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia: Results of the Polish Adult Leukemia Study Group Observational Study.
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Exposure to copper oxide nanoparticles triggers oxidative stress and endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-stress induced toxicology and apoptosis in male rat liver and BRL-3A cell.
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Deimination Protein Profiles in Reveal Plasma and Extracellular Vesicle-Specific Signatures Relating to Immunity, Metabolic Function, and Gene Regulation.
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Analysis of Tuberculosis in Chest Radiographs for Computerized Diagnosis using Bag of Keypoint Features.
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Moving the Needle, the Clinical Perspective.
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Candidate Animal Disease Model of Spp. Infection in Humans, Based on the Systematic Pathology and Oxidative Damage Caused by in .
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DNA damage and growth hormone hypersecretion in pituitary somatotroph adenomas.
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The impact of climate changes on the water footprint of wheat and maize production in the Nile Delta, Egypt.
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LED lights increase an antioxidant capacity of Arabidopsis thaliana under wound-induced stresses.
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Aberrant pain modulation in trigeminal neuralgia patients.
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Transcriptome analysis reveals molecular strategies in gills and heart of large yellow croaker (Larimichthys crocea) under hypoxia stress.
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HIV-1 resistance rarely observed in patients using darunavir once-daily regimens across clinical studies.
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Modulation of radiation-induced damage of human glomerular endothelial cells by SMPDL3B.
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Mitochondria-targeted antioxidant mito-TEMPO alleviate oxidative stress induced by antimycin A in human mesenchymal stem cells.
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重症皮膚糸状爪牙癬の治療におけるメチレンブルー vs メチルアミノレブリン酸塩光線力学療法と経口テルビナフィンの併用。短期的および長期的効果
Methylene blue vs methyl aminolevulinate photodynamic therapy in combination with oral terbinafine in the treatment of severe dermatophytic toenail onychomycosis: Short- and long-term effects.
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Adenovirus Mimetic Nanoparticles: Sequential Ligand-Receptor Interplay as a Universal Tool for Enhanced In Vitro/In Vivo Cell Identification.
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JAK-Inhibitors for the Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Focus on the Present and an Outlook on the Future.
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Molecular mechanism of the anti-diabetic activity of an identified oligosaccharide from .
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Acute Exercise Induced Compartment Syndrome in an 22-Year-Old Active-Duty Man and Review of the Literature.
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全身性硬化症による間質性肺疾患患者におけるポマリドマイドの投与。A Phase II、多施設、無作為化、二重盲検、プラセボ対照、並行群間試験
Pomalidomide in Patients with Interstitial Lung Disease due to Systemic Sclerosis: A Phase II, Multicenter, Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled, Parallel-group Study.
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Thyroid dysfunction in Iranian pregnant women: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
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Effect of prednisolone on glyoxalase 1 in an inbred mouse model of aristolochic acid nephropathy using a proteomics method with fluorogenic derivatization-liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry.
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MIWI prevents aneuploidy during meiosis by cleaving excess satellite RNA.
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Behavioral and cortisol responses to feeding frequency in pregnant sows under isocaloric intake.
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Fluorescent probes for the detection of reactive oxygen species in human spermatozoa.
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Vestibular Function in Children With a Congenital Cytomegalovirus Infection: 3 Years of Follow-Up.
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Microneedles mediated allergen-specific immunotherapy for treatment of airway allergy in mice.
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Efficacy of Statin/Ezetimibe for Secondary Prevention of Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease in Asian Populations: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials.
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Benefit of standardized risk assessment for postpartum hemorrhage.
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Suicide loss in the modern era: An exploration of digital suicide loss obituaries.
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Maternal stress, low cervicovaginal β-defensin, and spontaneous preterm birth.
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Changes in peripheral mitochondrial DNA copy number in metformin-treated women with polycystic ovary syndrome: a longitudinal study.
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The Dynamics of Radio-Cesium in Soils and Mechanism of Cesium Uptake Into Higher Plants: Newly Elucidated Mechanism of Cesium Uptake Into Rice Plants.
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Simultaneous Inhibition of Peripheral CB1R and iNOS Mitigates Obesity-Related Dyslipidemia Through Distinct Mechanisms.
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ロングノンコーディングRNA TCONS_00016406は、miR-687/PTEN経路を制御することにより、リポ多糖類誘発性急性腎障害を抑制する
Long Noncoding RNA TCONS_00016406 Attenuates Lipopolysaccharide-Induced Acute Kidney Injury by Regulating the miR-687/PTEN Pathway.
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Actively Operable Thermoresponsive Smart Windows for Reducing Energy Consumption.
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New theropod dinosaur from the Upper Cretaceous of Patagonia sheds light on the paravian radiation in Gondwana.
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ラビリント切除術および Translabyrinthine 手技を受けた患者における聴力保持。症例報告とシステマティックレビュー
Hearing Preservation in Patients Who Undergo Labyrinthectomy and Translabyrinthine Procedures: A Case Report and Systematic Review.
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Impact of sex, age and diet on the cysteine/cystine and glutathione/glutathione disulfide plasma redox couples in mice.
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肝損傷は COVID-19 患者における有害臨床転帰と独立して関連している
Liver injury is independently associated with adverse clinical outcomes in patients with COVID-19.
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NaRE(MO)蛍光体(RE = La, Pr, Eu, Dy; M = Mo, W)のマイクロ波アシスト固体合成
Microwave-assisted solid-state synthesis of NaRE(MO) phosphors (RE = La, Pr, Eu, Dy; M = Mo, W).
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Severe maternal morbidity and mortality associated with COVID-19: The risk should not be downplayed.
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Continuous infusion chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and FDG-PET are feasible during extracorporeal membrane oxygenation.
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Genome-Wide Analysis of Serine Carboxypeptidase-Like Acyltransferase Gene Family for Evolution and Characterization of Enzymes Involved in the Biosynthesis of Galloylated Catechins in the Tea Plant ().
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Human alkaline ceramidase 2 promotes the growth, invasion, and migration of hepatocellular carcinoma cells via sphingomyelin phosphodiesterase acid-like 3B.
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Primary Cilium, An Unsung Hero in Maintaining Functional β-cell Population.
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Association of striatal dopaminergic neuronal integrity with cognitive dysfunction and cerebral cortical metabolism in Parkinson's disease with mild cognitive impairment.
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Identification of Alternative Physician Assistant Recertification Models: An Analysis of the Landscape and Evidence Surrounding Approaches to Recertification in the Health Professions.
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抗HIV HEPT類似体のMIA-QSAR研究におけるピクセル選択のための遺伝的アルゴリズムの新規設計派生物への応用
Application of Genetic Algorithms for Pixel Selection in MIA-QSAR Studies on Anti-HIV HEPT Analogues for New Design Derivatives.
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The mechanics of urethral closure, incontinence and midurethral sling repair. Part 2 further experimental validation (1993-2003).
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A case report of two siblings with Alstrom syndrome without hearing loss associated with two new ALMS1 variants.
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Effects of 0 PEEP and < 1.0 F on S and P During Open Endotracheal Suctioning.
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First report of Spirocerca vulpis in red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) in Portugal.
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Immobilization of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans with addressable light-induced heat knockdown (ALINK).
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Sexually dimorphic impact of the iron-regulating gene, , on survival in glioblastoma.
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Antihyperglycemic Therapies with Expansions of US Food and Drug Administration Indications to Reduce Cardiovascular Events: Prescribing Patterns within an Academic Medical Center.
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Pestalotiopsis neglectaに対する光活性化殺菌活性に影響を与える重要な因子
Key factors affecting photoactivated fungicidal activity of sodium pheophorbide a against Pestalotiopsis neglecta.
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