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高性能非対称スーパーキャパシタ用バイメタルFeNi-MIL-88由来のNiFeO@Ni-Mn LDH複合電極材料
Bimetallic FeNi-MIL-88-derived NiFeO@Ni-Mn LDH composite electrode material for a high performance asymmetric supercapacitor.
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Curcumin preconditioned human adipose derived stem cells co-transplanted with platelet rich plasma improve wound healing in diabetic rats.
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Antilophia galeataの赤血球菌の発生と都市近接性の影響
Effects of urban proximity and the occurrence of erythroplastids in Antilophia galeata.
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Longer-term (≥ 2 years) survival in patients with glioblastoma in population-based studies pre- and post-2005: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
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Total Laparoscopic Uncut Roux-en-Y for Radical Distal Gastrectomy: An Interim Analysis of a Randomized, Controlled, Clinical Trial.
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The Anticancer Potential of Apigenin via Immunoregulation.
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Differences in Theophylline Clearance between Patients with Chronic Hepatitis and those with Liver Cirrhosis.
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Comparative portrayal of ocular surface microbe with and without dry eye.
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環境に優しい白色LED用EuドープCa Mg (PO )蛍光体の合成と発光特性の評価とTLドジメトリ用途への応用
Synthesis and luminescence characterization of Eu doped Ca Mg (PO ) phosphor for eco-friendly white LEDs and TL Dosimetric applications.
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Molecular Characterization of a Novel Lytic Enzyme LysC from URNW and Its Antibacterial Activity Mediated by Positively Charged -Terminal Extension.
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水酸化カルシウムによる尖頭化 vs. 再灌流
Apexification with Calcium Hydroxide vs. Revascularization.
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Redefining cardiac biomarkers in predicting mortality of inpatients with COVID-19.
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Waste tire valorization by intermediate pyrolysis using a continuous twin-auger reactor: Operational features.
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evidence for glioblastoma cell death in temperatures found in the penumbra of laser-ablated tumors.
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Sociodemographic Determinants of Occupational Risks of Exposure to COVID-19 in Canada.
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Is postnatal depression a distinct subtype of major depressive disorder? An exploratory study.
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Subventricular zone contacting glioblastoma: tumor size, molecular biological factors and patient survival.
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Factor structure of the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale in the Japan Environment and Children's Study.
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A Review of Salivary Diagnostics and Its Potential Implication in Detection of Covid-19.
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hUMSC transplantation restores ovarian function in POI rats by inhibiting autophagy of theca-interstitial cells via the AMPK/mTOR signaling pathway.
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Restoration of the partially edentulous mouth--a comparison of overdentures, removable partial dentures, fixed partial dentures and implant treatment.
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Independent and combined associations of sleep duration and sleep quality with common physical and mental disorders: Results from a multi-ethnic population-based study.
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Synthesis of Hybrid Carbon Materials Consisting of N-Doped Microporous Carbon and Amorphous Carbon Nanotubes.
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Atmospheric effects of Fukushima nuclear accident: A review from a sight of atmospheric monitoring.
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Perspectives of Popular Education in Health and its Thematic Group at the Brazilian Association of Public Health (ABRASCO).
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The effect of probe geometry on rind puncture resistance testing of maize stalks.
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Selection of side of ovulation by intraovarianism in Bos taurus heifers†.
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Rumex crispus L.由来のマトリックスメタロプロテアーゼ阻害剤および日焼け止め効果のある化合物:単離、同定、生理活性および分子ドッキング研究
Matrix metalloproteinase inhibitor and sunscreen effective compounds from Rumex crispus L.: isolation, identification, bioactivity and molecular docking study.
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From extraocular photoreception to pigment movement regulation: a new control mechanism of the lanternshark luminescence.
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K Fertilizers Reduce the Accumulation of Cd in (Burk.) F.H. by Improving the Quality of the Microbial Community.
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Effect of LASER therapy Vs conventional techniques on clinical and radiographic outcomes of deciduous molar pulpotomy: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
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High Precision Invasive FFR, Low-Cost Invasive iFR, Or Non-Invasive CFR?: Optimum Assessment of Coronary Artery Stenosis Based on the Patient-Specific Computational Models.
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Does Screw Length for Primary Two-level ACDF Influence Pseudarthrosis Risk?
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Anemia and thrombocytopenia in people living with HIV/AIDS: a narrative literature review.
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Diagnostic value of the molecular detection of Sarcoptes scabiei from a skin scraping in patients with suspected scabies.
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Evaluation of the radiological quality of water released by a uranium mining in Brazil.
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Bifidobacterium plays a protective role in TNF-α-induced inflammatory response in Caco-2 cell through NF-κB and p38MAPK pathways.
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New Drugs 2020, part 2.
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Gastric Cancer in Aktobe Region of Western Kazakhstan from 2009 to 2018: Incidence Rates, Trends, and Five-Year Survival.
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The future of conferences, today: Are virtual conferences a viable supplement to "live" conferences?
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Thermoluminescence study in fossils of dinosaur bones and eggshells.
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Association of Natriuretic Peptide Levels After Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement With Subsequent Clinical Outcomes.
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Skin Physiology and its Microbiome as Factors Associated with the Recurrence of Pressure Injuries.
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Glass 3D printing of microfluidic pressure sensor interrogated by fiber-optic refractometry.
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Biofuel-powered soft electronic skin with multiplexed and wireless sensing for human-machine interfaces.
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Energy Expenditure of Dynamic Submaximal Human Plantarflexion Movements: Model Prediction and Validation by Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy.
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Safety of psychotropic medications in people with COVID-19: evidence review and practical recommendations.
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Morphological, chemical and thermal analysis of cellulose nanocrystals extracted from bamboo fibre.
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Identifying dominant factors of waterlogging events in metropolitan coastal cities: The case study of Guangzhou, China.
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高ダイナミックレンジイメージングを用いた近赤外透過照明によるin vitroでのう蝕検出
Near-infrared transillumination with high dynamic range imaging for occlusal caries detection in vitro.
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Active Shooter Training Drill Increases Blood and Salivary Markers of Stress.
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The link between dynamic hyperinflation, autonomic dysfunction and exercise testing parameters with masked heart failure in patients with non-severe obstructive pulmonary disease.
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Development of a non-viral platform for rapid virus-like particle production in Sf9 cells.
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Management of overdoses of salvia, kratom, and psilocybin mushrooms: a literature review.
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Advances in detection algorithms for radiation monitoring.
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Investigation of the Impact of Infrared Sensors on Core Body Temperature Monitoring by Comparing Measurement Sites.
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A Systematic Review of Activity of Medicinal Plants from Sub-Saharan Africa against spp.
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Weaving the Strands of Life (): History of Genetic Research Involving Navajo People
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