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Acute longus colli tendinitis: Case report of a rare cause of neck pain.
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Modelling the maximal active consumption rate and its plasticity in humans-perspectives from hot dog eating competitions.
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小児-AYA 診断基準と重症度分類を用いた副鼻腔閉塞性症候群の検出の改善
Improved detection of sinusoidal obstructive syndrome using pediatric-AYA diagnostic criteria and severity grading.
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Integration of FDG-PET/CT in the diagnostic workup for Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia: a prospective interventional matched-cohort study.
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Effects of immune cell-targeted treatments result from the suppression of neuronal oxidative stress and inflammation in experimental diabetic rats.
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Changes of hematological and immunological parameters in COVID-19 patients.
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Nitric oxide potently inhibits the rate-limiting enzymatic step in steroidogenesis.
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The Role of Intraoperative Indocyanine Green in Robot-assisted Partial Nephrectomy: Results from a Large, Multi-institutional Series.
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[Effect of L-cysteine on colonic motility and the underlying mechanism].
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Genetic generalized epilepsies with frontal lesions mimicking migratory disorders on the epilepsy monitoring unit.
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Lack of lymphocytes impairs macrophage polarization and angiogenesis in diabetic wound healing.
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Structure equation model and neural network analyses to predict coronary artery lesions in Kawasaki disease: a single-centre retrospective study.
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包括的なマルチパラメータ遺伝学的解析により、頭頸部がん患者の循環腫瘍 DNA 検出が改善される
Comprehensive multiparameter genetic analysis improves circulating tumor DNA detection in head and neck cancer patients.
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Speckle Tracking Echocardiography in Pediatric Patients with Premature Ventricular Contractions.
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Ginsenoside Rb2 improves insulin resistance by inhibiting adipocyte pyroptosis.
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Genome-wide identification of microRNAs involved in the regulation of fruit ripening and climacteric stages in melon ().
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A new irregular monoterpene acetate along with eight known compounds with antifungal potential from the aerial parts of Artemisia incisa Pamp (Asteraceae).
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Modeling the neuropsychiatric manifestations of Lowe syndrome using induced pluripotent stem cells: defective F-actin polymerization and WAVE-1 expression in neuronal cells.
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冠動脈アクセスと経皮的冠動脈インターベンション バルーン拡張可能な大動脈弁を用いた経カテーテル大動脈弁留置術後3年まで
Coronary Access and Percutaneous Coronary Intervention Up to 3 Years After Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation With a Balloon-Expandable Valve.
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The lncRNA regulates arginine dimethylation of human FUS to cause its proteasomal degradation in .
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Amyloid Signature Proteins in Feline Amyloidosis.
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Differential effects of dexamethasone and indomethacin on Tenon's capsule fibroblasts: Implications for glaucoma surgery.
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Hyperglycaemia-related occipital lobe seizures.
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A glimpse into the biogeography, seasonality, and ecological functions of arctic marine .
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Distinct Proteomic Profile of Spermatozoa from Men with Seminomatous and Non-Seminomatous Testicular Germ Cell Tumors.
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Is downstaging a reliable strategy for expanding criteria for liver transplantation in hepatocellular carcinoma?
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Serum Matrix Metalloproteinases and Left Atrial Remodeling-The Hoorn Study.
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Prevalence and correlates of muscle-enhancing behaviors among adolescents and young adults in the United States.
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Neural crest cells require Meis2 for patterning the mandibular arch via the Sonic hedgehog pathway.
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Positional assembly of multi-enzyme cascade reaction in polyelectrolyte doped microcapsule through electrospray and layer-by-layer assembly.
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Feasibility of a multimodal intervention on malnutrition in patients with lung cancer during primary anti-neoplastic treatment.
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Firearm Use in Violent Crime: Examining the Role of Premeditation and Motivation in Weapon Choice.
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Halogenated derivatives of methotrexate as human dihydrofolate reductase inhibitors in cancer chemotherapy.
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Crop Enhancement of Cucumber Plants under Heat Stress by Shungite Carbon.
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Arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis and achene mucilage have independent functions in seedling growth of a desert shrub.
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New frontiers in immunosuppression.
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トランスクリプトームと代謝物解析の結果、キビタキビの干ばつ耐性は、PEG ストレス下での発芽過程においてフェニルプロパノイド関連経路と有意に相関していることが明らかになった
Transcriptome and metabolite analysis reveal the drought tolerance of foxtail millet significantly correlated with phenylpropanoids-related pathways during germination process under PEG stress.
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Stimuli-responsive graphene-based hydrogel driven by disruption of triazine hydrophobic interactions.
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Complex ovarian defects lead to infertility in Etv5-/- female mice.
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Modulation of the acute defence reaction by eplerenone prevents cardiac disease progression in viral myocarditis.
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Evidence for host-dependent RNA editing in the transcriptome of SARS-CoV-2.
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Differences in lipid metabolism between anagliptin and sitagliptin in patients with type 2 diabetes on statin therapy: a secondary analysis of the REASON trial.
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CD24 enhances DNA damage-induced apoptosis by modulating NF-κB signaling in CD44-expressing breast cancer cells.
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Drug repurposing in Raynaud's phenomenon through adverse event signature matching in the World Health Organization pharmacovigilance database.
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オリーブ(Olea europaea)の果実の成長と沈み込みの強さは、組織の大きさではなく、細胞数に関係している
Fruit growth and sink strength in olive (Olea europaea) are related to cell number, not to tissue size.
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A multicenter randomized controlled trial using a novel collagen membrane for guided bone regeneration at dehisced single implant sites: Outcome at prosthetic delivery and at 1-year follow-up.
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A fungal based synthesis method for copper nanoparticles with the determination of anticancer, antidiabetic and antibacterial activities.
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Novel frameshift variant (c.409dupG) in is a common cause of congenital sideroblastic anaemia in the Indian subcontinent.
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Analytical and Structural Studies for the Investigation of Oxidative Stress in Guanine Oligonucleotides.
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Diffuse I-MIBG renal uptake in a patient with severe renal artery stenosis: A consequence of adrenergic activation.
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Cured giant hepatocellular carcinoma after transarterial embolization complicated with liver abscess formation.
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Endothelial progenitors increase vascularization and improve fibroblasts function that prevent medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw.
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Sofosbuvir shows a protective effect against vertical transmission of Zika virus and the associated congenital syndrome in rhesus monkeys.
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Genomic regions influencing aggressive behavior in honey bees are defined by colony allele frequencies.
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抗菌フィルム含浸による留置型尿道カテーテルにおけるProteus mirabilisのコロニー化と群集運動性の減衰。インビトロでの研究
Attenuation of Proteus mirabilis colonization and swarming motility on indwelling urinary catheter by antibiofilm impregnation: An in vitro study.
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カプサイシン誘発性皮膚脱感作は、A-δおよびC-ファイバー媒介の熱感受性に差 異的に影響を与える
Capsaicin-Induced Skin Desensitization Differentially Affects A-Delta and C-Fiber-Mediated Heat Sensitivity.
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Accumulation of amyloid beta in human glioblastomas.
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Comprehensive Literature Review of Radiation Levels During Endovascular Aortic Repair in Cathlabs and Operating Theatres.
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Comparing the efficacy and safety of duloxetine and amitriptyline in the treatment of fibromyalgia: overview of systematic reviews.
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Comparison of four documents describing adrenaline purification, and the work of three important scientists, Keizo Uenaka, Nagai Nagayoshi and Jokichi Takamine.
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A Primase-Induced Conformational Switch Controls the Stability of the Bacterial Replisome.
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Paradigm shift in the diagnosis of peste des petits ruminants: scoping review.
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PHLPP2 is a novel biomarker and epigenetic target for the treatment of vitamin C in pancreatic cancer.
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Involvement of muscarinic receptor mechanisms in antidepressant drug action.
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Painless jaundice with pancreatic mass in 79-year-old man receiving bortezomib for relapsed multiple myeloma.
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Quantifying the effect of inbreeding on average daily gain and Kleiber ratio in Mazandaran native chickens.
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Accurate science requires that we base our work on accurate publications.
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In Situ Recovery(ISR)による浸出中のU崩壊連鎖の娘元素の移動性。デジタルオートラジオグラフィーからの新たな知見
Mobility of daughter elements of U decay chain during leaching by In Situ Recovery (ISR): New insights from digital autoradiography.
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GENETICS IN ENDOCRINOLOGY 家族性ネフローゼ性糖尿病(NDI)の病態生理、診断、治療について
GENETICS IN ENDOCRINOLOGY Pathophysiology, diagnosis and treatment of familial nephrogenic diabetes insipidus.
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Strains Isolated From Kombucha: Fundamental Insights, and Practical Application in Low Alcohol Beer Brewing.
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Acute differences in blood lipids and inflammatory biomarkers following controlled exposures to cookstove air pollution in the STOVES study.
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FtsZ-Independent Mechanism of Division Inhibition by the Small Molecule PC190723 in Escherichia coli.
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A sensitive fluorescent probe based on dithizone-capped ZnS quantum dots for quercetin determination in biological samples.
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Practice points for ophthalmologists from the 2020 British Society for Rheumatology Giant Cell Arteritis guidelines.
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Explantation of Infected Iliac Stents: Old Tools Should Not Be Forgotten.
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Evaluating nitrite content changes in some Chinese home cooking with a newely-developed CDs diazotization spectrophotometry.
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サウジアラビア産Gerbillus nanusのBartonellaの分子解析により、高いレベルの有病率、多様性、および共感染が明らかになった
Molecular assessment of Bartonella in Gerbillus nanus from Saudi Arabia reveals high levels of prevalence, diversity and co-infection.
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Retraction: Silencing of LncRNA PVT1 inhibits the proliferation, migration and fibrosis of high glucose-induced mouse mesangial cells via targeting microRNA-93-5p.
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乳酸はGタンパク質結合型受容体81を介してリポ多糖刺激下でマクロファージの代替分極(M2)をin vitroで誘導する
Lactate induces alternative polarization (M2) of macrophages under lipopolysaccharide stimulation in vitro through G-protein coupled receptor 81.
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Household cooking fuel use and its health effects among rural women in southern India-A cross-sectional study.
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Amyloid, tau, and astrocyte pathology in autosomal-dominant Alzheimer's disease variants: AβPParc and PSEN1DE9.
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Voltammetry of local anesthetics: theoretical and practical aspects.
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The LUBAC participates in lysophosphatidic acid-induced NF-κB activation.
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Small intestinal microbiota composition and the prognosis of infants with ileostomy resulting from distinct primary diseases.
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miR-34b-3p protects against acute kidney injury in sepsis mice via targeting ubiquitin-like protein 4A.
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AcDCXR Is a Cowpea Aphid Effector With Putative Roles in Altering Host Immunity and Physiology.
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クレアチン欠損 AGAT および GAMT KO マウスの後肢におけるマーカー酵素活性 - モデル、筋肉、および性の違い
Marker enzyme activities in hindleg from creatine-deficient AGAT and GAMT KO mice - differences between models, muscles, and sexes.
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