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Eating Behaviour-Consumption Frequency of Certain Foods in Early Childhood as a Predictor of Behaviour Problems: 6-year follow-up study.
- Sultan Qaboos Univ Med J.2022 May;22(2):225-232.
Regional Inequality in Dental Care Utilization in Japan: An Ecological Study Using the National Database of Health Insurance Claims.
- Lancet Reg Health West Pac.2021 Jul;12:100170.
Influence of co-existing social isolation and homebound status on medical care utilization and expenditure among older adults in Japan.
- Arch Gerontol Geriatr.2021 Mar-Apr;93:104286.
Characteristics associated with hospitalization within 30 days of geriatric intermediate care facility admission.
- Geriatr Gerontol Int.2021 Nov;21(11):1010-1017.
Comparison of Techniques for Obtaining Centric Relation Based on the Reproducibility of the Condylar Positions in Centric Relation-A Systematic Review.
- Eur J Dent.2021 Dec;
A Case of Idiopathic Acute Pancreatitis in the First Trimester of Pregnancy.
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Watch and learn? A systematic review comparing oral health educational videos with written patient information aimed at parents/carers or children.
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Diagnosis and management of acute obstetrical DIC.
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Implant Maintenance Curriculum Content in Dental Hygiene Education.
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COVID-19 米国における歯科衛生士のワクチン接種の意図と躊躇
COVID-19 Vaccine Intention and Hesitancy of Dental Hygienists in the United States.
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Infection Prevention and Control Practices of Dental Hygienists in the United States During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A longitudinal study.
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Attitudes of Dental Hygiene and Nursing Students Following a Simulation Activity.
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韓国の歯科衛生士の高齢者関連経験が高齢者の人権侵害に対する認識に与える影響:横断的研究(A Cross-Sectional Study
Effect of Korean Dental Hygienists' Experiences Related to the Elderly on Their Perception of Human Rights Violations of the Elderly: A Cross-Sectional Study.
- Int J Environ Res Public Health.2022 03;19(6).
Establishment of "Smiles": an innovative inclusive program for the promotion of oral health among preschool children.
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The Effects of Self-Assessment on Clinical Competence in Dental Hygiene Education.
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A comparison of manikin and live patient-based dental hygienist clinical licensing exam.
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Immediate bleeding complications in dental implants: a systematic review.
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Drugs and Lactation Database (LactMed)
Short-Term Safety of Paroxetine Plus Low-Dose Mirtazapine During Lactation.
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歯科患者1335人のカルテにおける根管治療手順によるIatrogenic Errorの発生頻度
Frequency of Iatrogenic Errors through Root Canal Treatment Procedure in 1335 Charts of Dental Patients.
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Diamond particles in toothpastes: in-vitro effect on the abrasive enamel wear.
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Na-Cl Co-transporter(NCC)遺伝子の不活性化は、骨の微細構造の改善と関連している
Na-Cl Co-transporter (NCC) gene inactivation is associated with improved bone microstructure.
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Does intraoperative perforation of Schneiderian membrane during sinus lift surgery causes an increased the risk of implants failure?: A systematic review and meta regression analysis.
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What Affects Postoperative Sinusitis and Implant Failure after Dental Implant: A Meta-analysis.
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Influence of exposing dental implants into the sinus cavity on survival and complications rate: a systematic review.
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Removal of osseointegrated dental implants: a systematic review of explantation techniques.
- Clin Oral Investig.2020 Jan;24(1):47-60.
Complications reported with the use of orthodontic miniscrews: A systematic review.
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Accidental ingestion of an endodontic file: a case report.
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New Approach to Treatment of High-Risk Allograft Recipients Under Chronic Immunosuppression With Tooth Loss. Evaluation of Safety and Longevity of Dental Implants: A Case Report.
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Longevity of implant crowns and 2-unit cantilevered resin-bonded bridges.
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Smile Analysis: Diagnosis and Treatment Planning.
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The Association Between Breastfeeding Self-Efficacy and Mode of Infant Feeding.
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Predictors of Breast Milk Zinc Levels Among Breastfeeding Women in Palestine: a Cross-Sectional Study.
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Effectiveness of root canal filling materials and techniques for treatment of apical periodontitis - A Systematic review.
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S-PRG配合歯磨剤とNaF配合歯磨剤およびNaFワニスとのin vitroにおける象牙質透過性の比較
S-PRG-based toothpastes compared to NaF toothpaste and NaF varnish on dentin permeability in vitro.
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Peroxide penetration from the pulp chamber to the external root surface after internal bleaching.
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Esthetic rehabilitation with tooth bleaching, enamel microabrasion, and direct adhesive restorations.
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Walking bleach technique for endodontically treated teeth with 35% hydrogen peroxide and 37% carbamide peroxide may result in similar improvements in tooth color and patient satisfaction.
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Influence of Irrigation Protocol on Peroxide Penetration into Dentinal Tubules Following Internal Bleaching: A Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy Study.
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Comparison of the Bleaching Efficacy of Different Agents Used for Internal Bleaching: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.
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血液が付着した歯に対する漂白技術の効果と色の安定性。In vitro 研究
Effectiveness and color stability of bleaching techniques on blood-stained teeth: An in vitro study.
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Rapid Apical Healing with Simple Obturation Technique in Response to a Calcium Silicate-Based Filling Material.
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A parable of the mask: Stay calm, be a hummingbird.
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Performance of deep learning technology for evaluation of positioning quality in periapical radiography of the maxillary canine.
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Impact of in vitro Fertilization-Embryo Transfer on Mother-to-Infant Transmission in Women with Chronic HBV Infection.
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Case report: a case of pyoderma gangrenosum with intractable leg ulcers treated by allogeneic cultured dermal substitutes.
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Use of self-setting α-tricalcium phosphate for maxillary sinus augmentation in rabbit.
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Novel application of stem cell-derived factors for periodontal regeneration.
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Implant fracture under dynamic fatigue loading: influence of embedded angle and depth of implant.
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インプラントオーバーデンチャーのアタッチメントシステムの違いによる咀嚼効率と最大咬合力:acrossover study
Chewing efficiency and maximum bite force with different attachment systems of implant overdentures: a crossover study.
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Enamel micro-cracks produced around restorations with flowable composites.
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インプラント周囲の軟組織ボリューム補強におけるXenogenic Collagen Matricesの使用。現在のエビデンスと新しい技術に関するクリティカルレビュー
Use of Xenogenic Collagen Matrices in Peri-Implant Soft Tissue Volume Augmentation: A Critical Review on the Current Evidence and New Technique Presentation.
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Effect of various grit burs on marginal integrity of resin composite restorations.
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Multimodal phenotypic labelling using drug-induced sleep endoscopy, awake nasendoscopy and computational fluid dynamics for the prediction of mandibular advancement device treatment outcome: a prospective study.
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Peripheral biomarkers to diagnose obstructive sleep apnea in adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
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Association between obstructive sleep apnea and Alzheimer's disease-related blood and cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers: A meta-analysis.
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Impact of sleep apnea and treatments on cardiovascular disease.
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A meta-analysis on the association between obstructive sleep apnea and periodontitis.
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Efficacy of a deep leaning model created with the transfer learning method in detecting sialoliths of the submandibular gland on panoramic radiography.
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Preliminary Study on the Diagnostic Performance of a Deep Learning System for Submandibular Gland Inflammation Using Ultrasonography Images.
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Indications for self-cured and light-cured adhesive composite resins.
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Controlled study of lactoperoxidase gel on oral flora and saliva in irradiated patients with oral cancer.
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leaf polysaccharides ameliorated hyperglycemia and promoted gut bacterial associated SCFAs to alleviate type 2 diabetes in adult mice.
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Prospective clinical evaluation of chairside-fabricated zirconia-reinforced lithium silicate ceramic partial crowns-5-year results.
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3 種類の CAD/CAM インレー・オンレー材料の 1 年間の臨床追跡調査後の臨床評価
Clinical Evaluation of Three Types of CAD/CAM Inlay/ Onlay Materials After 1-Year Clinical Follow Up.
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Clinical performance of CAD-CAM crowns provided by predoctoral students at the University of Toronto.
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White spot lesions during orthodontic clear aligner therapy: A scoping review.
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No differences seen in outcomes between three different methods of orthodontic retention.
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ORTHODONTIC RETENTION. Studies of retention capacity, cost-effectiveness and long-term stability.
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The rationale for orthodontic retention: piecing together the jigsaw.
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Survey on retention procedures and use of thermoplastic retainers among orthodontists in Norway, Sweden, and Denmark.
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Influence of implant length and bicortical anchorage on implant stress distribution.
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Use of Enamel Matrix Derivative in Minimally Invasive/Flapless Approaches: A Systematic Review with Meta-Analysis.
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One Curve,F6 Skytaper,Protaper Next,Hyflex CMの歯内療法用ファイルの耐繰返し疲労性の比較.
Comparison of the cyclic fatigue resistance of One Curve, F6 Skytaper, Protaper Next, and Hyflex CM endodontic files.
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Effect of nickel-titanium alloys on root canal preparation and on mechanical properties of rotary instruments.
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Endodontic Rotary Files, What Should an Endodontist Know?
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Self-Crosslinkable Oxidized Alginate-Carboxymethyl Chitosan Hydrogels as an Injectable Cell Carrier for In Vitro Dental Enamel Regeneration.
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Role of the Mineral in the Self-Healing of Cracks in Human Enamel.
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Associations between Homelessness and Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementia: A Systematic Review.
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Ivermectin and curcumin cause plasma membrane rigidity in Leishmania amazonensis due to oxidative stress.
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Construction of an Debonding Device and Comparison of Bracket Failure Rate and Debonding Force for Indirect Orthodontic Bonding.
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Estimates and multivariable risk assessment of mid-buccal gingival recessions in an Italian adult population according to the 2018 World Workshop Classification System.
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Titanium as a Possible Modifier of Inflammation Around Dental Implants.
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Guardian Factors Affecting High Prevalence of Dental Caries in Preschool Children.
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Gingival thickness threshold and probe visibility through soft tissue: a cross-sectional study.
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Soft tissue phenotype modification predicts gingival margin long-term (10-year) stability: Longitudinal analysis of six randomized clinical trials.
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The association between loneliness and medication use in older adults.
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Impact of the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) on the professional practice and personal well-being of community pharmacy teams in the UK.
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Pharmacological Management of Nightmares Associated with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder.
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Design, synthesis, and biological evaluation of new thalidomide-donepezil hybrids as neuroprotective agents targeting cholinesterases and neuroinflammation.
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