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3種類のオリフィスバリア充填材の歯冠マイクロリークのin vitro比較
An in vitro comparison of coronal microleakage of three orifice barriers filling materials.
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Dentinal tubule infection as the cause of recurrent disease and late endodontic treatment failure: a case report.
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A recall program for the outcome of conventional root canal treatment performed in a teaching hospital.
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コロナルシーラントとして使用される4種類の修復材料の封鎖能の比較評価:in vitro試験
Comparative evaluation of sealing ability of four different restorative materials used as coronal sealants: an in vitro study.
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Secondary lesions of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity as a side effect of complex anticancer treatment: a literature review.
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Diabetic Ketoacidosis in Type 1 Diabetes Onset in Latin American Children.
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Failure of endodontic treatment: The usual suspects.
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The influence of pressure changes on the retentive force and coronal microleakage of different types of posts in endodontically treated teeth during simulated dives.
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[The assessment of the endodontic foundation].
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[The role of computed tomography in the diagnosis of exudative otitis media and in the evaluation of the efficacy of its treatment].
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[Transmeatal aerodynamical otoendoscopy for otitis media].
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Clinical utility of hyperbaric oxygen therapy in dentistry.
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Hyperbaric oxygen therapy for the treatment of moderate to severe periodontitis: a clinical pilot study.
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高気圧酸素療法による歯の矯正移動と歯根膜におけるSMAD 3、インテグリンおよびVEGFの発現
SMAD 3, Integrin and VEGF Expression in a Periodontal Ligament During Orthodontic Tooth Movement Induced by Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy and .
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Clinical Assessment of the Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Efficacy in Mild to Moderate Periodontal Affections: A Simple Randomised Trial.
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Hyperbaric oxygen therapy as an adjunct treatment of periodontitis, MRONJ, and ONJ: a systematic literature review.
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ROS-Induced Gingival Fibroblast Senescence: Implications in Exacerbating Inflammatory Responses in Periodontal Disease.
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Local Oxygen-Based Therapy (bluem) for Treatment of Peri-Implant Disease: Clinical Case Presentation and Review of Literature about Conventional Local Adjunct Therapies.
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A comprehensive history of injection therapy for erectile dysfunction, 1982-2023.
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[Antibiotic prescribing in respiratory tract infections and predictive factors for their use].
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[Exudative otitis media. Modern concepts and the importance of the problem].
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Unstable periodontal disease and its association with sleep-disordered breathing.
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Psychological Stress and its relationship to Periodontal flora and salivary Nitrite/Nitrate.
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Caries-inhibiting effect of preventive measures during orthodontic treatment with fixed appliances. A systematic review.
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A Two-Step Surgical Approach with Flattening of the Root Surface to Treat Localized Gingival Recessions Affecting Mandibular Incisors: A Case Series Report.
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Stress, salivary cortisol and periodontitis: A systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies.
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Association of Stress, Salivary Cortisol, and Chronic Periodontitis: A Clinico-biochemical Study.
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The immunopathogenesis of periodontal disease.
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spp. Determination and Th1/Th2 Mixed Cytokine Profile in Oral Samples From HIV+ Patients With Chronic Periodontitis.
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Higher expression of Th1/Th2-related cytokines in the intestine of Wistar rats with ligature-induced periodontitis.
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The long-term effect of periodontitis treatment on changes in blood inflammatory markers in patients with generalized aggressive periodontitis.
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Serum biomarker levels in smokers and non-smokers following periodontal therapy. A prospective cohort study.
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and effectiveness of a novel injectable calcitonin-loaded collagen/ceramic bone substitute.
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Successful Regenerative Therapy of Periodontal Defects Associated With Tongue Piercing: A Clinical Report.
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Lip Repositioning Surgery: A Simple Smile and Life Transformation Procedure.
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Fracture Characteristics of Commercial PEEK Dental Crowns: Combining the Effects of Aging Time and TiO Content.
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Influence of Aging on the Fracture Characteristics of Polyetheretherketone Dental Crowns: A Preliminary Study.
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Evaluation of the failure modes and load-bearing capacity of different surface-treated polyether ether ketone copings veneered with lithium di-silicate compared to polyether ether ketone copings veneered with composite: An study.
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The effect of surface modification on the retention strength of polyetheretherketone crowns adhesively bonded to dentin abutments.
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Assessment of Polyetheretherketone Crown in Patients: An Original Research.
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Retention and fatigue performance of modified polyetheretherketone clasps for removable prosthesis.
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Periodontal bacteria and hypertension: the oral infections and vascular disease epidemiology study (INVEST).
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Periodontitis and blood pressure: the concept of dental hypertension.
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Salivary cortisol, alpha-amylase and heart rate variation in response to dental treatment in children.
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Periodontitis may contribute to poor control of hypertension in older adults.
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Oral Health and Blood Pressure: The IPC Cohort.
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Vital signs changes during different dental procedures: A prospective longitudinal cross-over clinical trial.
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Poor Oral Health and Blood Pressure Control Among US Hypertensive Adults.
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Periodontitis and Hypertension: Is the Association Causal?
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Is periodontitis associated with hypertension?
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Dental implants as strategic supplementary abutments for implant-tooth-supported telescopic crown-retained maxillary dentures: a retrospective follow-up study for up to 9 years.
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The effect of nonsurgical periodontal treatment on gingival crevicular fluid stress hormone levels: A prospective study.
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Effect of non-surgical periodontal therapy on concentrations of salivary biomarkers in patients with chronic periodontitis: A clinical trial.
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Influence of psychological stress on non-surgical periodontal treatment outcomes in patients with severe chronic periodontitis.
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Temporomandibular disorders: the most common diagnostic approaches.
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Temporomandibular treatments are significantly efficient in improving otologic symptoms.
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A global bibliometric analysis on the relationship between tinnitus and temporomandibular disorders.
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Piezoelectric bone surgery for impacted lower third molar extraction compared with conventional rotary instruments: a systematic review, meta-analysis, and trial sequential analysis.
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A split-mouth study comparing piezo electric surgery and traditional rotary burs on impacted third molars in young patients: an intraoperative and postoperative evaluation.
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口腔外科およびインプラント治療における従来の回転器具と比較したピエゾ式骨手術:International Piezoelectric Surgery Academy Consensus Conference 2019 の概要とコンセンサスステートメント
Piezoelectric bone surgery compared with conventional rotary instruments in oral surgery and implantology: Summary and consensus statements of the International Piezoelectric Surgery Academy Consensus Conference 2019.
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Three-Dimensional evaluation of the effect of platelet-rich fibrin on edema in lower impacted third molar surgery performed with piezosurgery.
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RE: Piezosurgery Versus Conventional Osteotomy: A Comparison of Techniques in the Extraction of Uneruped Mandibular Third Molars in Children.
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Conventional Rotary Technique and Piezosurgical Technique in the Removal of Impacted Mandibular Third Molar: A Comparative Study.
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Comparative and clinical evaluation between piezoelectric and conventional rotary techniques for mandibular impacted third molar extraction.
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Comparison of the Effects of Dexamethasone Administration on Postoperative Sequelae Before and After "Third Molar" Extraction Surgeries.
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Effect of preemptive dexamethasone and etoricoxib on postoperative period following impacted third molar surgery - a randomized clinical trial.
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Inferior alveolar nerve anaesthesia: A rare complication of orthodontic tooth movement.
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Objective and subjective comparison of submucosal and intravenous routes of single-dose preoperative dexamethasone for mandibular third molar surgery-a prospective randomized observer-blind study.
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Effect of the intra-alveolar administration of dexamethasone on swelling, trismus, and pain after impacted lower third molar extraction: a randomized, double-blind clinical trial.
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A novel therapeutic approach for reducing postoperative inflammatory complications after impacted mandibular third molar removal.
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下顎第三大臼歯手術後の術後不快感および疼痛管理における先制的デキサメタゾンとメチルプレドニゾロンの有効性:A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Efficacy of Preemptive Dexamethasone versus Methylprednisolone in the Management of Postoperative Discomfort and Pain after Mandibular Third Molar Surgery: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.
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Three-dimensional facial swelling evaluation of pre-operative single-dose of prednisone in third molar surgery: a split-mouth randomized controlled trial.
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Efficacy and safety of parenteral and local application of tramadol in mandibular third molar extraction: a qualitative systematic review of current evidence.
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Preemptive Analgesic Efficacy of Dexamethasone and Diclofenac in Mitigating Post-surgical Complications After Mandibular Third-Molar Surgery: A Systematic Review.
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Factors associated with indication of prophylactic extraction of the lower third molar in orthodontic practice.
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How effective are concentrated growth factor and injectable platelets in reducing complications following impacted third molar surgery?
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[Analysis of the correlation between peri-implant probing depth and radiographic bone level].
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Eating and drinking experience in patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis: a qualitative study.
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The Beneficial Impact of Pulmonary Rehabilitation in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis: A Review of the Current Literature.
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Multidisciplinary Approach to the Diagnosis of Idiopathic Interstitial Pneumonias: Focus on the Pathologist's Key Role.
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Spontaneous bone formation on the maxillary sinus floor in association with surgery to remove a migrated dental implant: a case report.
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A Case of Simultaneous Ectopic Tooth Extraction and Removal of Migrated Dental Implant from Maxillary Sinus.
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Unusual Case of Osseointegrated Dental Implant Migration into Maxillary Sinus Removed 12 Years after Insertion.
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Complications and Management of Implants Migrated into the Maxillary Sinus.
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Soft Tissue Grafting Procedures before Restorations in the Esthetic Zone: A Minimally Invasive Interdisciplinary Case Report.
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Evaluation of the efficacy of manual soft tissue therapy and therapeutic exercises in patients with pain and limited mobility TMJ: a randomized control trial (RCT).
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Effectiveness of Rehabilitation for Disk Displacement of the Temporomandibular Joint-A Cross-Sectional Study.
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Predicting inhibitor development using a random peptide phage-display library approach in the SIPPET Cohort.
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Marginal bone loss in ball versus locator attachments in implantretained overdentures: systematic review and meta-analysis.
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Knowledge and attitudes on oral health of women during pregnancy and their children: an online survey.
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Psychological treatments for temporomandibular disorder pain-A systematic review.
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Could painful temporomandibular disorders be nociplastic in nature? A critical review and new proposal.
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Early Endoscopic Interventions for Pancreatic Necrosis: Indications, Technique, and Outcomes.
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An Old Technique as an Alternative to Coronectomy in Lower Third Molar Surgery: Extraction!
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コンピュータ支援設計およびコンピュータ支援製造によるエンドクラウンの適合および保持強度に及ぼすセラミック材料および歯牙前処理設計の影響:in vitro試験
Effect of ceramic materials and tooth preparation design on computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing endocrown adaptation and retentive strength: An in vitro study.
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