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成人発症のVery Long-Chain Acyl-CoA Dehydrogenase Deficiency(VLCADD)
Adult-onset Very Long-Chain Acyl-CoA Dehydrogenase Deficiency (VLCADD).
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A rare cause of acute severe upper airway obstruction that required endotracheal intubation: adenoid hypertrophy.
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Bipolar vs. monopolar transurethral resection of the prostate for lower urinary tract symptoms secondary to benign prostatic obstruction: A Cochrane review.
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Single versus double suspension sutures for selected cases of obstructive sleep apnea.
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In silico design novel (5-imidazol-2-yl-4-phenylpyrimidin-2-yl)[2-(2-pyridylamino)ethyl]amine derivatives as inhibitors for glycogen synthase kinase 3 based on 3D-QSAR, molecular docking and molecular dynamics simulation.
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UAE1 阻害は膵臓癌におけるアンフォールドタンパク応答、DNA 損傷、カスパーゼ依存性細胞死を媒介する
UAE1 inhibition mediates the unfolded protein response, DNA damage and caspase-dependent cell death in pancreatic cancer.
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Robotic Foregut Surgery.
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Fixed-dose three-factor prothrombin complex concentrates is safe and effective in warfarin reversal.
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Oscillation regimes produced by an alto saxophone: Influence of the control parameters and the bore inharmonicity.
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The Role of Physiological Vitamin C Concentrations on Key Functions of Neutrophils Isolated from Healthy Individuals.
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Classification of "Kintoki ninjin" and other groups of carrot () based on simple sequence repeat markers.
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角膜上皮細胞移植の可能性のある手段としてのAntheraea pernyi silk fibroinから調製された自立膜の評価
Assessment of freestanding membranes prepared from Antheraea pernyi silk fibroin as a potential vehicle for corneal epithelial cell transplantation.
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Impact of Puberty in Pediatric Migraine: A Pilot Prospective Study.
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The Stain of the Original Salt: on Chrome Tanned Leathers and on Ancient Parchments Are Two Sides of the Same Ecological Coin
The Stain of the Original Salt: on Chrome Tanned Leathers and on Ancient Parchments Are Two Sides of the Same Ecological Coin.
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A Case of Autoimmune Hepatitis after Occupational Exposure to N,N-Dimethylformamide.
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Incidental COVID-19 in the radiology department: Radiographic findings of COVID-19 in asymptomatic patient undergoing CT staging for breast cancer.
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Spectrum of Cardiac Involvement in COVID-19.
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Using Pharmacogenetic Testing to Tailor Warfarin Therapy: The Singapore Experience and What the Future Holds.
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Ultrasound Examination of the Pupil - A New Tool for the Neuro-Ophthalmological Assessment.
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マイクロRNA-379-5p/YBX1 軸は細胞の EMT を制御し、上咽頭癌細胞の遊走と浸潤を抑制することを明らかにした
MicroRNA-379-5p/YBX1 Axis Regulates Cellular EMT to Suppress Migration and Invasion of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Cells.
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Clinical and Economic Outcomes in Low-risk Pulmonary Embolism Patients Treated with Rivaroxaban versus Standard of Care.
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Compressive strain formation in surface-damaged crystals.
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Phase 1 Pharmacokinetic Study of AZD5718 in Healthy Volunteers: Effects of Coadministration With Rosuvastatin, Formulation and Food on Oral Bioavailability.
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気管前庭気道モデルにおける乾燥粉末吸入器のエアロゾル沈着。in vitroデータを用いたCFD予測の検証
Dry powder inhaler aerosol deposition in a model of tracheobronchial airways: Validating CFD predictions with in vitro data.
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Kinetic modelling of vitamin C losses in fresh citrus juices under different storage conditions.
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Physiological aspects of vaginal contraception.
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Coexisting well-differentiated and anaplastic thyroid carcinoma in the same primary resection specimen: immunophenotypic and genetic comparison of the two components in a consecutive series of 13 cases and a review of the literature.
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マラリアの迅速検出におけるSysmex XNシリーズ自動血液分析装置の応用
Application of Sysmex XN-Series Automated Haematology Analyser in the Rapid Detection of Malaria.
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東南アジアにおけるマラリア予防のためのナフトキン-アジスロマイシン共剤の有効性と安全性。第 3 相、二重盲検、無作為化、プラセボ対照試験
Efficacy and Safety of a Naphthoquine-Azithromycin Co-Formulation for Malaria Prophylaxis in Southeast Asia: A Phase 3, Double-Blind, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Trial.
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[Overview and symptom management in heart failure patients eligible for palliative care].
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The Sister Chromatid Exchange (SCE) Assay.
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MDM2とMDMXのデュアルインヒビターとしてDaucus carotaから単離されたフラボノイドの分子ドッキング
The Molecular Docking of Flavonoids Isolated from Daucus carota as a Dual Inhibitor of MDM2 and MDMX.
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IL-17A Modulates Peritoneal Macrophage Recruitment and M2 Polarization in Endometriosis.
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Chronic Pain in HIV.
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Inflammatory bowel disease: adherence to immunomodulators in a biological therapy era.
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Liquid-based and conventional cytology for bronchial washings/bronchoalveolar lavages in the diagnosis of malignancy - An institutional experience.
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Clobazam add-on therapy for drug-resistant epilepsy.
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Solid-phase partitioning and release-retention mechanisms of copper, lead, zinc and arsenic in soils impacted by artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASGM) activities.
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卵黄抗体を用いた代替抗生物質の製造(Crotalus durissus terrificus AGAINST Crotalus durissus terrificus
Production of an alternative antivenom based on egg yolk antibodies AGAINST Crotalus durissus terrificus.
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Bilateral proximal median neuropathy: an unexpected complication of back tattoo.
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Role of the RNA-binding protein La in cancer pathobiology.
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A one-century sedimentary record of N- and S-polycyclic aromatic compounds in the Athabasca oil sands region in Canada.
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PKCδ Mediates NF-κB Inflammatory Response and Downregulates SIRT1 Expression in Liver Fibrosis.
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Smart magnetofluorogenic photosensitizer nanoassemblies enabling redox-driven disassembly for photodynamic therapy.
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Melatonin improves cryopreservation of ram sperm by inhibiting mitochondrial permeability transition pore opening.
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Characterization of Dysphagia and Longitudinal Changes in Swallowing Function in Adults with Niemann-Pick Disease Type C Treated with Miglustat.
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Tusks, the extra-oral teeth.
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Intraoperative MRI guidance for right deep fronto-temporal glioma resection: how I do it.
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Combined Collection and Analysis of Inorganic and Organic Gunshot Residues.
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Radiolucent lines around knee arthroplasty components : a narrative review.
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The Healthy Activity Program (HAP), a lay counsellor-delivered brief psychological treatment for severe depression, in primary care in India: a randomised controlled trial.
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Sjögren Syndrome and Cancer.
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YBX1 mediates autophagy by targeting p110β and decreasing the sensitivity to cisplatin in NSCLC.
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Ultrasonic Sensor Fusion Inverse Algorithm for Visually Impaired Aiding Applications.
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Congenital Stationary Night Blindness due to Novel Gene Mutations in a Korean Patient.
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リン酸化プロテオーム解析により、CLK1 が胃癌の新規治療標的であることが明らかになった
Phosphoproteomic analysis identifies CLK1 as a novel therapeutic target in gastric cancer.
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気管支肺胞液中の単純ヘルペスウイルス 1 型患者の機械換気患者の転帰に及ぼす抗ウイルス療法の効果:レトロスペクティブコホート研究
Effect of antiviral therapy on the outcome of mechanically ventilated patients with herpes simplex virus type 1 in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid: a retrospective cohort study.
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RbfA and IF3 couple ribosome biogenesis and translation initiation to increase stress tolerance.
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Synthesis and characterization of timolol maleate-loaded quaternized chitosan-based thermosensitive hydrogel: A transparent topical ocular delivery system for the treatment of glaucoma.
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Interstitial Lung Disease Associated with Adult Niemann-Pick Disease Type B.
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Diagnosis accuracy of PCA3 level in patients with prostate cancer: a systematic review with meta-analysis.
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食餌性タンパク質と脂質レベルが大型バス(Micropterus salmoides)の成長性能、飼料利用率、肝臓組織に及ぼす影響
Effects of dietary protein and lipid levels on the growth performance, feed utilization, and liver histology of largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides).
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DUODENAL-JEJUNAL BYPASSが視床下部肥満ラットの褐色付着部における脂質蓄積を減少させることを明らかにした
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123I-mIBG SPECTを用いた心不全患者の心筋交感神経系の局所評価
Regional Cardiac Sympathetic Nervous System Evaluation Using 123I-mIBG SPECT in Patients with Heart Failure.
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Recombinant Epstein-Barr virus glycoprotein 350 as a serological antigen.
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Lipidomic Analysis of α-Synuclein Neurotoxicity Identifies Stearoyl CoA Desaturase as a Target for Parkinson Treatment.
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An study to compare the surface roughness of glazed and chairside polished dental monolithic zirconia using two polishing systems.
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Upregulated METTL3 in nasopharyngeal carcinoma enhances the motility of cancer cells.
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Circ-HuR suppresses HuR expression and gastric cancer progression by inhibiting CNBP transactivation.
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完全磁気浮上式の小型遠心式左室補助装置の脈動運転下での血行動態性能。脈動運転下での完全磁気浮上式小型遠心式左室補助装置の血行動態性能:in vitro試験
Hemodynamic performance of a compact centrifugal left ventricular assist device with fully magnetic levitation under pulsatile operation: An in vitro study.
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Evaluating teen driving knowledge and behaviors following educational outreach.
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Fe/Mg-Modified Carbonate Apatite with Uniform Particle Size and Unique Transport Protein-Related Protein Corona Efficiently Delivers Doxorubicin into Breast Cancer Cells.
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Abuse, self-harm and suicidal ideation in the UK during the COVID-19 pandemic.
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Mesenchymal Stem Cell Derived Biocompatible Membrane Vesicles Demonstrate Immunomodulatory Activity Inhibiting Activation and proliferation of Human Mononuclear Cells.
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7-Ketocholesterol disturbs RPE cells phagocytosis of the outer segment of photoreceptor and induces inflammation through ERK signaling pathway.
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COVID-19とタバコ - 答えよりも多くの疑問
COVID-19 and tobacco - more questions than answers.
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The RNA-binding protein HuR is a negative regulator in adipogenesis.
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Magnesium-specific ring expansion/contraction catalysed by the class II diterpene cyclase from pleuromutilin biosynthesis.
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Development of Hazardous Materials Management Standard for Decoction Type of Personalized Herbal Medicine.
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虚血性網膜静脈閉塞症と MMP2-1306C/T 多型の関連
Association of MMP2-1306C/T Polymorphism with Ischemic Retinal Vein Occlusion.
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先天性塩化物下痢症関連SLC26A3 c.392C>G (p.P131R)多型発現細胞モデルの確立とその作用機序の予備的解析
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Severe Hypercalcemia in an Adolescent with New-Onset Diabetes Mellitus and Diabetic Ketoacidosis.
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Convalescent plasma or hyperimmune immunoglobulin for people with COVID-19: a living systematic review.
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1 型糖尿病児と健常児の口腔保健と口臭
Oral health and halitosis among type 1 diabetic and healthy children.
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Designing and fabricating a novel medical insole with universal fluid layer with auto-customizability.
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CD24 and PRAME Are Novel Grading and Prognostic Indicators for Pineal Parenchymal Tumors of Intermediate Differentiation.
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Europium-Doped Ceria-Gadolinium Mixed Oxides: PARAFAC Analysis and High-Resolution Emission Spectroscopy under Cryogenic Conditions for Structural Analysis.
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Induction of Accommodation by Anti-complement Component 5 Antibody-based Immunosuppression in ABO-incompatible Heart Transplantation.
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Lactobacillus reuteri PNW1 のゲノムベースのプロバイオティクス関連性と安全性の統合的評価
Integrated genome-based probiotic relevance and safety evaluation of Lactobacillus reuteri PNW1.
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Assessment of biowaste composting process for industrial support tool development through macro data approach.
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Down-regulation of ETS2 inhibits the invasion and metastasis of renal cell carcinoma cells by inducing EMT via the PI3K/Akt signaling pathway.
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GSK-3β inhibition by curcumin mitigates amyloidogenesis via TFEB activation and anti-oxidative Activity in human neuroblastoma cells.
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Value and Safety of High Flow Oxygenation in the Treatment of Inpatient Asthma: A Randomized, Double-blind, Pilot Study.
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Therapeutic effect of vasoactive intestinal peptide on form-deprived amblyopic kittens.
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Fabrication of the novel Ag-doped SnS@InVO composite with high adsorption-photocatalysis for the removal of uranium (VI).
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Effects of Hepatitis B Surface Antigen on Virus-specific and Global T Cells in Patients With Chronic HBV infection.
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患者ケアの向上のためにLUT基礎科学とLUT感覚の臨床測定を見直すべきか?ICI-RS 2019年版
Should we be revisiting LUT basic science and clinical measurement of LUT sensation to improve patient care? ICI-RS 2019.
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