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Potentially toxic elements in the Middle East oldest oil refinery zone soils: source apportionment, speciation, bioaccessibility and human health risk assessment.
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An efficient broad spectrum-driven carbon and oxygen co-doped g-CN for the photodegradation of endocrine disrupting: Mechanism, degradation pathway, DFT calculation and toluene selective oxidation.
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[Clinical and laboratory associations of liver fibrosis indexes in patients with decompensated Chronic Heart Failure II-IV Functional Classes].
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Workplace violence against doctors: Characteristics, risk factors, and mitigation strategies.
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矯正歯科。第9回 アンカレッジコントロールと遠位移動
Orthodontics. Part 9: anchorage control and distal movement.
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Mouse Footpad Inoculation Model to Study Viral-Induced Neuroinflammatory Responses.
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Sudden death of a crossbred calf associated with a myocardial adenomatoid tumour.
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Ultrafine silicon dioxide nanoparticles cause lung epithelial cells apoptosis via oxidative stress-activated PI3K/Akt-mediated mitochondria- and endoplasmic reticulum stress-dependent signaling pathways.
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CD47 Promotes Age-Associated Deterioration in Angiogenesis, Blood Flow and Glucose Homeostasis.
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Primary hepatoid carcinoma of the ovary: A case report and review of the literature.
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Analysis of marine microbial communities colonizing various metallic materials and rust layers.
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Av3 一本鎖 DNA アプタマーが Ras-PI3K/MAPK 経路を介して血管平滑筋細胞の増殖と移行を抑制することを明らかにした
Av3 Single-Stranded DNA Aptamer Attenuates Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell Proliferation and Migration via Ras-PI3K/MAPK Pathway.
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渦鞭毛藻Oxyrrhis marinaのプロテオロドプシン:免疫蛍光軽顕微鏡および免疫電子顕微鏡による超微細構造と局在化
The proteorhodopsins of the dinoflagellate Oxyrrhis marina: ultrastructure and localization by immunofluorescence light microscopy and immunoelectron microscopy.
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Characterization of urea transport mechanisms in the intestinal tract of growing pigs.
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Prerenal acute kidney injury-still a relevant term in modern clinical practice?
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Do the psychosocial and behavioral changes that accompany motherhood influence the impact of pregnancy on long-term weight gain?
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Determination of Antimicrobial Prescribing Practices in an Integrated Health System Emergency Department.
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Epigenetic Restoration of Voltage-gated Potassium Channel Kv1.2 Alleviates Nerve Injury-induced Neuropathic Pain.
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Histone N-alpha terminal modifications: genome regulation at the tip of the tail.
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Sialic Acid Metabolic Engineering of Breast Cancer Cells Interferes with Adhesion and Migration.
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Prophylactic Flexible Bronchoscopy Immediately following Open Airway Reconstruction in Children.
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Association of Leukocyte Telomere Length and Genes Involved in its Regulation With Oral Carcinoma.
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Tβ4 suppresses lincRNA-p21-mediated hepatic apoptosis and fibrosis by inhibiting PI3K-AKT-NF-κB pathway.
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ナイジェリア、ザリアにあるAhmadu Bello University Teaching Hospitalの放射線治療・腫瘍学センターに通院している成人がん患者に見られる腫瘍学的緊急事態のパターン
Pattern of oncologic emergencies seen in adult cancer patients attending the Radiotherapy and Oncology Centre, Ahmadu Bello University Teaching Hospital, Zaria - Nigeria.
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Assessment of the Heavy Metal Accumulation of Various Green Vegetables Grown in Nevşehir and their Risks Human Health.
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Renin angiotensin system inhibition attenuates adipocyte-breast cancer cell interactions.
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Nucleotide sugar profiles throughout development in wildtype and galt knockout zebrafish.
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Dorsal hippocampus- and ACC-projecting medial septum neurons differentially contribute to the recollection of episodic-like memory.
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Fast Monte Carlo simulation for total body irradiation using a (60)Co teletherapy unit.
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Ta および T1 膀胱癌に対する膀胱内投与の Bacillus Calmette-Guérin 対 mitomycin C.コクランレビューの要約
Intravesical Bacillus Calmette-Guérin versus mitomycin C for Ta and T1 bladder cancer: Abridged summary of the Cochrane Review.
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Autoantibodies to intracellular "rods and rings" structures in two patients with autoimmune hepatitis treated with azathioprine.
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Chondroid atypical spitzoid melanocytic tumor.
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Connections between the median and ulnar nerves evidenced by electromyography in Lima, Peru, 2016.
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Prediction formula for predicted diffusion capacity of lung for carbon monoxide in pulmonary surgery.
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The Role of Sex-Specific Risk Factors in the Risk Assessment of Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease for Primary Prevention in Women.
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Long-Term Retrospective Assessment of Clinical Efficacy of Radiofrequency Ablation of the Knee Using a Cooled Radiofrequency System.
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Inhaled nitric oxide treatment in spontaneously breathing COVID-19 patients.
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Plasmodium falciparum Hsp70-Hsp90 組織化タンパク質 (PfHop) の生物物理学的解析により、柔軟性のあるリンカーで連結された折り畳みセグメントが特徴のモノマーが明らかになりました
Biophysical analysis of Plasmodium falciparum Hsp70-Hsp90 organising protein (PfHop) reveals a monomer that is characterised by folded segments connected by flexible linkers.
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Incidence and correlates of pregnancy in HIV-positive Kenyan sex workers.
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Preserving Inhibition during Developmental Hearing Loss Rescues Auditory Learning and Perception.
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Improved detection of colorectal adenomas by high-quality colon cleansing.
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High prevalence of congenital generalized lipodystrophy in Piura, Peru.
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Aquatic hypoxia disturbs oriental river prawn (Macrobrachium nipponense) testicular development: A cross-generational study.
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Diagnosis of precocious puberty: clinical guideline for the diagnosis and treatment of precocious puberty.
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Distribution of neuronal nitric oxide synthase immunoreactivity in adult male Sprague-Dawley rat brain.
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Ablative Fractional Carbon Dioxide Laser Treatmentによる早期介入による肥大性瘢痕の改善
Hypertrophic Scar Improvement by Early Intervention With Ablative Fractional Carbon Dioxide Laser Treatment.
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Nerve growth factor from Indian Russell's viper venom (RVV-NGFa) shows high affinity binding to TrkA receptor expressed in breast cancer cells: Application of fluorescence labeled RVV-NGFa in the clinical diagnosis of breast cancer.
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Screening for low testosterone is needed for early identification and treatment of men at high risk of mortality from Covid-19.
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Electrochemical degradation of vanillin using lead dioxide electrode: influencing factors and reaction pathways.
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Microbial Status of White Asparagus Spears during Storage in Moist Packages.
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本薬は、IL-6/STAT3経路を介してDSSによる潰瘍性大腸炎をin vitroおよびin vivoで抑制することが示された
Modified Pulsatillae decoction inhibits DSS-induced ulcerative colitis in vitro and in vivo via IL-6/STAT3 pathway.
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CRISPR-Cas12a と oAd の組み合わせは、EGFR のゲノムリプログラミングと効率的な腫瘍退縮を誘導する
CRISPR-Cas12a with an oAd Induces Precise and Cancer-Specific Genomic Reprogramming of EGFR and Efficient Tumor Regression.
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Regulation of mammalian cone phototransduction by recoverin and rhodopsin kinase.
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Targeting the Dimerization of the Main Protease of Coronaviruses: A Potential Broad-Spectrum Therapeutic Strategy.
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Effects of the methanol root extract of Carpolobia lutea on sperm indices, acrosome reaction, and sperm DNA integrity in cadmium-induced reproductive toxicity in male Wistar rats.
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Dendritic Spikes Expand the Range of Well Tolerated Population Noise Structures.
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Caveolin-1 Ablation Imparts Partial Protection Against Inner Retinal Injury in Experimental Glaucoma and Reduces Apoptotic Activation.
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Molecular mechanisms for the antidepressant-like effects of a low-dose ketamine treatment in a DFP-based rat model for Gulf War Illness.
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New insights into the evolution of the fern family Dennstaedtiaceae from an expanded molecular phylogeny and morphological analysis.
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急性視神経炎(MOVING)の最初の片側エピソードの後の Fingolimod - 無作為化、評価者盲検、活性化対照、第2相試験の予備的な結果
Fingolimod after a first unilateral episode of acute optic neuritis (MOVING) - preliminary results from a randomized, rater-blind, active-controlled, phase 2 trial.
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Diode laser-assisted management of intraoral soft tissue overgrowth: a case series.
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Physical and immunological barrier of human primary nasal epithelial cells from non-allergic and allergic donors.
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肺焼灼術 - 私はどのようにそれを行うか
Lung Ablation - How I Do It.
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Peripheral Nerve Stimulation for Facial Pain Using Conventional Devices: Indications and Results.
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Nurse-Led Intervention Promoting Healthy Lifestyle Behaviors in a Yazidi Community.
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Activated prothrombin complex concentrates for direct oral anticoagulant-associated bleeding or urgent surgery: Hemostatic and thrombotic outcomes.
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口蓋アポニューロシスの解剖学的研究: 上顎総義歯の後口蓋シールへの応用
Anatomical study of the palatine aponeurosis: application to posterior palatal seal of the complete maxillary denture.
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Addressing serious illness conversations during COVID-19.
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Overall survival, locoregional recurrence, and distant metastasis of definitive concurrent chemoradiotherapy for cervical squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma: before and after propensity score matching analysis of a cohort study.
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Recovery of high-grade copper from metal-rich particles of waste printed circuit boards by ball milling and sieving.
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Phosphoproteomic Identification of Vasopressin/cAMP/PKA-Dependent Signaling in Kidney.
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The tolerability, safety and efficacy of safinamide in elderly Parkinson's disease patients: a retrospective study.
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COVID-19 Trends and Forecast in the Eastern Mediterranean Region With a Particular Focus on Pakistan.
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Plagues and Politics.
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Workplace Interactional Demands and Work-Family Enrichment: An Investigation From the Service Sector.
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Relationship between nutritional habits and school performance among primary school students in Asser Region.
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Combining measures of immune infiltration shows additive effect on survival prediction in high-grade serous ovarian carcinoma.
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シスプラチン誘導性miR-425-3pのExosomal Transferは、オートファジーの活性化を介してNSCLCにおけるシスプラチン抵抗性をもたらす
Exosomal Transfer Of Cisplatin-Induced miR-425-3p Confers Cisplatin Resistance In NSCLC Through Activating Autophagy.
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Murid herpesvirus 4 (MuHV-4, プロトタイプ株MHV-68)はヒト発がん性ガンマヘルペスウイルスの世界的な研究において重要なモデルとなっている
Murid herpesvirus 4 (MuHV-4, prototype strain MHV-68) as an important model in global research of human oncogenic gammaherpesviruses.
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COVID-19, liver transplant and immunosuppression: allies or foes?
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Highlighting the Biological Potential of the Brown Seaweed for Skin Applications.
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Pharmacological analysis of Cannabis sativa: A potent herbal plant.
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Prevotella species associated with RA-risk genes.
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Glucocorticoids Reverse Diluted Hyponatremia Through Inhibiting Arginine Vasopressin Pathway in Heart Failure Rats.
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Giant splenic artery aneurysm presenting with massive upper gastrointestinal bleeding: A case report and review of literature.
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Putative molecular determinants mediating sensitivity or resistance towards carnosic acid tumor cell responses.
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Recapitulating atherogenic flow disturbances and vascular inflammation in a perfusable 3D stenosis model.
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Preliminary Investigation of Association between Methylphenidate and Serum Growth Markers in Children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: A Cross-Sectional Case-Control Study.
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Uncommon Presentations of Multiple Myeloma.
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How autoinflammation may turn into autoimmune inflammation: Insights from monogenetic and complex IL-1 mediated auto-inflammatory diseases.
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Statement of the Independent Forensic Expert Group on Conversion Therapy.
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Synovial chondromatosis of ankle in a child: A rare presentation.
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Combination of Curcumin and Metformin Inhibits Cell Growth and Induces Apoptosis without Affecting the Cell Cycle in LNCaP Prostate Cancer Cell Line.
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ズッキーニ(Cucurbita pepo L.)のカボチャの微生物負荷低減に対する複合前処理の効果
Combined pre-treatments effects on zucchini (Cucurbita pepo L.) squash microbial load reduction.
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