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Central Drive to the Paretic Ankle Plantarflexors Affects the Relationship Between Propulsion and Walking Speed After Stroke.
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Impairment of endothelial progenitor cells function in patient with mustard gas intoxication.
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Anti-inflammatory and wound healing potential of a clove oil emulsion.
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Zika virus in southeastern Senegal: survival of the vectors and the virus during the dry season.
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Scrutinizing the molecular, biochemical, and cytogenetic attributes in subjects with Rett syndrome (RTT) and their mothers.
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Postoperative Atrial Fibrillation in Lung Cancer Lobectomy-Analysis of Risk Factors and Prognosis.
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体重,CYP2C19,P2Y12 受容体多型は,アスピリン不耐症の中国人虚血性脳卒中患者コホートにおけるクロピドグレル抵抗性と関連している.
Body weight, CYP2C19, and P2Y12 receptor polymorphisms relate to clopidogrel resistance in a cohort of Chinese ischemic stroke patients with aspirin intolerance.
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フォトクイズの答え 圧痛性紅斑性の顔面プラーク
Answer to Photoquiz A tender erythematous facial plaque.
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Hodkgin lymphoma concomitant of tuberculosis, a therapeutic challenge for multidisciplinary management.
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Human visual skills for brain-computer interface use: a tutorial.
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変形性骨腫に対するラジオ波焼灼術における3T MRIおよびCT所見と患者症状および治療成績との相関
Correlation of 3-T MRI and CT findings with patient symptoms and treatment outcome in radiofrequency ablation of osteoid osteoma.
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Clinical outcomes and ultrasonographic viability of GraftJacket® augmented rotator cuff repair: a prospective follow-up study with mean follow-up of forty-one months.
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Nanog mediates tobacco smoke-induced enhancement of renal cancer stem cell properties.
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Effect of Qiangxin Huoli decoction on rats with adriamycin-induced chronic heart failure.
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Are migration routes disease transmission routes? Understanding Hepatitis and HIV transmission amongst undocumented Pakistani migrants and asylum seekers in a Parisian suburb.
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Seasonal variation characteristics of hydroxyl radical pollution and its potential formation mechanism during the daytime in Lanzhou.
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Simulated performance of flexible sigmoidoscopy-based screening for advanced neoplasia detection in a Greek population.
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A novel, pathogenic dinucleotide deletion in the mitochondrial MT-TY gene causing myasthenia-like features.
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How community adaptation affects biodiversity-ecosystem functioning relationships.
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Molecular characterization of pulmonary defenses against bacterial invasion in allergic asthma: The role of Foxa2 in regulation of β-defensin 1.
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Antibiotic resistance gene transfer during anaerobic digestion with added copper: Important roles of mobile genetic elements.
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Tiotropium の投与を受けている症候性喘息の小児および青年における臨床的エンドポイントとしての強制呼気流量(FEF)。ポストホック分析
Forced Expiratory Flow (FEF) as a Clinical Endpoint in Children and Adolescents with Symptomatic Asthma Receiving Tiotropium: A Post Hoc Analysis.
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A review of epileptic seizure detection using machine learning classifiers.
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Understanding Quantitative Computed Tomography Coronary Artery Plaque Assessment Using Machine Learning.
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Development of a convenient detection method for Trichomonas vaginalis based on loop-mediated isothermal amplification targeting adhesion protein 65.
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Promoter methylation of tumor suppressor genes induced by human papillomavirus in cervical cancer.
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APEX: a phase II randomised clinical trial evaluating the safety and preliminary efficacy of oral X-82 to treat exudative age-related macular degeneration.
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Value of computed tomography evaluation in pathologic classification and prognosis prediction of gastric neuroendocrine tumors.
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TGF-β Signaling Plays a Pivotal Role During Developmental Biliary Atresia in Sea Lamprey ().
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Patient-Reported Outcome Measures and Health-Related Quality-of-Life Scores of Patients Undergoing Anatomic Total Shoulder Arthroplasty.
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Transposon Insertion Site Sequencing of Providencia stuartii: Essential Genes, Fitness Factors for Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infection, and the Impact of Polymicrobial Infection on Fitness Requirements.
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Heterogeneity of Preictal Dynamics in Human Epileptic Seizures.
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sp. nov.は洞窟から分離された菌であり,後に分離された
sp. nov., isolated from a cave, and is a later heterosynonym of .
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The hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated 4 channel as a potential anti-seizure drug target.
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Structure-based design and optimization of pyrimidine- and 1,2,4-triazolo[4,3-a]pyrimidine-based matrix metalloproteinase-10/13 inhibitors via Dimroth rearrangement towards targeted polypharmacology.
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Fat quantification of the rotator cuff musculature using dual-energy CT-A pilot study.
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Evaluation of cytotoxicity, apoptosis, and genotoxicity induced by indium chloride in macrophages through mitochondrial dysfunction and reactive oxygen species generation.
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スピロノラクトンの秘密。TOPCAT Americasからの継続的な洞察
Secrets of Spironolactone: Continuing Insights from TOPCAT Americas.
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Targeting the Endocannabinoid System in Borderline Personality Disorder.
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COVID-19 Fatigue: Not So Fast.
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Sequential Bilateral Vertebral Artery Dissections with Prompt Resolution of Initial Insult.
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Pharmacokinetic study of eight bioactive components following oral administration of Zhiqiao Gancao decoction and observation of its clinical efficacy.
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また、テトラピロール合成欠損バクテロイデスに保存されているウロポルフィリノーゲン-III合成酵素()とマグネシウムキレートアーゼクラスのAAA+ ATPase()遺伝子は、実験的な腹腔内感染や腸内植民地化におけるヘム同化と生存に関与していることが明らかになった
The uroporphyrinogen-III synthase () and the magnesium chelatase class of AAA+ ATPase () genes conserved among tetrapyrrole synthesizing-deficient Bacteroidales are involved in heme assimilation and survival in experimental intra-abdominal infection and intestinal colonization.
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