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Perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in tern eggs from St. Brandon's Atoll, Indian Ocean.
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Hair follicle immune privilege and its collapse in alopecia areata.
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Disseminated Leishmaniasis Due to Using Immunosuppression Drugs: A Case Report.
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Management of locally advanced oral cancers.
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Knowledge and misconceptions surrounding family planning among Young Maasai women in Kenya.
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Ultra-high sensitivity of multicolor Sm-doped LiSrVO phosphors for contactless optical thermometers.
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COVID-19: a catalyst for flexibility and creativity in neurology.
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Fast start-up of PN/A process in a single-stage packed bed and mechanism of nitrogen removal.
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[Design of Intravascular Ultrasound-enhanced Thrombolysis Excitation System Based on FPGA].
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Soil Sickness in Aged Tea Plantation Is Associated With a Shift in Microbial Communities as a Result of Plant Polyphenol Accumulation in the Tea Gardens.
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長い遺伝子間非プロテインコードRNA 01446は、ヒストンリジン特異的デメチラーゼLSD1と相互作用することにより、胃癌細胞の増殖と転移を促進する
Long intergenic non-protein-coding RNA 01446 facilitates the proliferation and metastasis of gastric cancer cells through interacting with the histone lysine-specific demethylase LSD1.
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Treatment Outcomes at Skeletal Maturity after Calcaneo-Cuboid-Cuneiform Osteotomy for Symptomatic Flatfoot Deformity in Children.
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[Improved Method of Closure of Chest Drain Wound by Barbed Suture].
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Comparison between isolated and associated with codeine acetaminophen in pain control of acute apical abscess: a randomized clinical trial.
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A novel method for measurement of the occipital-cervical distance via the occiput-C4 distance.
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Mechanical reinforcement of polymer colloidal crystals by supercritical fluids.
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circNFATC3 sponges miR-548I acts as a ceRNA to protect NFATC3 itself and suppressed hepatocellular carcinoma progression.
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ECG signal classification with binarized convolutional neural network.
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Emerging coronaviruses: first SARS, second MERS and third SARS-CoV-2: epidemiological updates of COVID-19.
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Common genetic susceptibility loci link PFAPA syndrome, Behçet's disease, and recurrent aphthous stomatitis.
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Etifoxine reverses weight gain and alters the colonic bacterial community in a mouse model of obesity.
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Early diagnosis of miliary tuberculosis in a hemodialysis patient by combining two interferon-γ-release assays: a case report.
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Endolymphatic hydrops mimicking obstructive Eustachian tube dysfunction: preliminary experience and literature review.
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Being a dentist in the pandemic.
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Caries preventive practices and dental caries among boys aged 6-15 in Saudi Arabia.
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Raman spectroscopic histology using machine learning for nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.
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Traumatic Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Resulting from Posterior Communicating Artery Rupture.
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Estimation of joint contact pressure in the index finger using a hybrid finite element musculoskeletal approach.
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Anti-inflammatory effects of α-MSH through p-CREB expression in sarcoidosis like granuloma model.
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Mortality and Recovery Associated with Kidney Failure due to Acute Kidney Injury.
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Peritoneal fibrosis and epigenetic modulation.
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The gain-of-function allele bypasses the essential requirement for BamD in β-barrel outer membrane protein assembly.
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血小板第4因子4は、Akt-PGC1α-TFAMシグナル伝達によるミトコンドリアの生合成を介してCD4 Tエフェクターメモリー細胞の応答を増強する
Platelet factor 4 enhances CD4 T effector memory cell responses via Akt-PGC1α-TFAM signaling-mediated mitochondrial biogenesis.
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ヒマラヤの様々な標高から採取されたCurcuma longaの根茎抽出物がAuNPsとAgNPsの抗菌・抗がん作用を明らかにした
Unveiling antimicrobial and anticancerous behavior of AuNPs and AgNPs moderated by rhizome extracts of Curcuma longa from diverse altitudes of Himalaya.
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Three-year clinical performance of a compomer in stress-bearing restorations in permanent posterior teeth.
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Remifentanil with or without Propofol as Anesthesia Agents for Trans-Vaginal Ultrasonography Oocyte Retrieval (TUGOR) on Pregnancy and Anesthesia Outcomes: A Randomized Controlled Trial.
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Chemosensory dysfunction, Oral disorders and Oral health-related quality of life in patients with primary Sjögren's syndrome: comparative cross-sectional study.
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New modified version of the Risk Adjustment for Congenital Heart Surgery category and mortality in premature infants with critical congenital heart disease.
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FlICk (fluorescent isoindole crosslinking) for peptide stapling.
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Bisphenol A and Male Fertility: Myths and Realities.
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S1PR4アブレーションは、CD8+ T細胞の増殖を介して腫瘍の増殖を抑制し、化学療法を改善する
S1PR4 ablation reduces tumor growth and improves chemotherapy via CD8+ T cell expansion.
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Unusual Reactivity of 4-Vinyl Isoxazoles in the Copper-Mediated Synthesis of Pyridines, Employing DMSO as a One-Carbon Surrogate.
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A Leaderless Two-Peptide Bacteriocin, Enterocin DD14, Is Involved in Its Own Self-Immunity: Evidence and Insights.
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Implant Retention or Removal for Management of Surgical Site Infection After Spinal Surgery.
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アマゾン川流域(ペルー)に生息する6ツ葉のアマゾンウミガメPodocnemis sextuberculata(Pleurodira: Podocnemididae)に感染するカメブラッドフリューク(Platyhelminthes: Digenea: Schistosomatoidea)の新属と種について報告する
New Genus and Species of Turtle Blood Fluke (Platyhelminthes: Digenea: Schistosomatoidea) Infecting Six-Tubercled Amazon River Turtles, Podocnemis sextuberculata (Pleurodira: Podocnemididae) from the Amazon River Basin (Peru).
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Non-Fusion Muscle-Sparing Technique to Treat Long-Segment Thoracolumbar Extradural Arachnoid Cyst in a Child: A Case Report and Review of the Literature.
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Adapting Neurosurgery Practice During The Covid-19 Pandemic In The Indian Subcontinent
Adapting Neurosurgery Practice During The Covid-19 Pandemic In The Indian Subcontinent.
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Robotic Transanal Excision of a Large Rectal Polyp.
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Negative cognitive and psychological correlates of mandatory quarantine during the initial COVID-19 outbreak in China.
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Lichenoid inflammation of DSAP lesions following treatment with durvalumab, olaparib and paclitaxel: A potential diagnostic pitfall mimicking lichenoid drug eruptions associated with PDL-1 inhibitors.
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Evaluation of Microflora (Viral and Bacterial) in Subgingival and Placental Samples of Pregnant Women with Preeclampsia with and without Periodontal Disease: A Cross-Sectional Study.
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Optimization and Characterization of Microwave-Assisted Hydro-Distillation Extraction of Essential Oils from Leaf and Recovery of Polyphenols from Extract Fluid.
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"リンゴは木から遠くに落ちていない" - 家族性高コレステロール血症を持つ子供の不顕性アテローム性動脈硬化症
"Apple does not fall far from the tree" - subclinical atherosclerosis in children with familial hypercholesterolemia.
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Molecular identification of diminazene aceturate-resistant strains of Trypanosoma congolense in naturally infected domestic animals of Yoko in the centre region of Cameroon.
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Does policy change to allow pharmacist provision of influenza vaccination increase population uptake? A systematic review.
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Peptide Folding and Binding Probed by Systematic Non-canonical Mutagenesis.
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Type IX secretion system is pivotal for expression of gingipain-associated virulence of Porphyromonas gingivalis.
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Management of facial burns.
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Laser induced fluorescence with 2-D Hilbert transform edge detection algorithm and 3D fluorescence images for white spot early recognition.
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Aurantiochytrium sp. L3Wの食品加工廃水処理への応用と魚類養殖用多価不飽和脂肪酸生産との組み合わせ
Application of Aurantiochytrium sp. L3W for food-processing wastewater treatment in combination with polyunsaturated fatty acids production for fish aquaculture.
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Coinfections and their molecular consequences in the porcine respiratory tract.
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法医学的に有用な成虫Necrodes littoralis L. (Silphidae)の形質に基づく出現時年齢の推定.
Estimation of physiological age at emergence based on traits of the forensically useful adult carrion beetle Necrodes littoralis L. (Silphidae).
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P. vivax に感染したヒト血漿および寄生虫分離株の包括的なプロテオミクス調査
Comprehensive proteomics investigation of P. vivax-infected human plasma and parasite isolates.
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Bifilm Defects in Ti-Inoculated Chromium White Cast Iron.
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Nabiximols discontinuation rate in a large population of patients with multiple sclerosis: a 18-month multicentre study.
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ヨーロッパブドウ科の蛾Lobesia botrana (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae)の発生段階での性同定のための効率的なデュプレックスPCR法
An Efficient Duplex PCR Method for Sex Identification of the European Grapevine Moth Lobesia botrana (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) at Any Developmental Stage.
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ステント支援コイル塞栓術時のNeuroform Atlasステントを用いた最適なステント可視化のためのヨード造影剤注入の最適濃度。実験に基づく症例検討
Optimum concentration of iodine contrast agent injection for best stent visualization using Neuroform Atlas stent during stent-assisted coil embolization: Case reviews based on experiments.
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Proales similis と Brachionus itericus に対するヒ素の急性および慢性毒性に及ぼす塩分と温度の影響
Effect of salinity and temperature on the acute and chronic toxicity of arsenic to the marine rotifers Proales similis and Brachionus ibericus.
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Anti-Inflammatory Activity of the Compositae Family and Its Therapeutic Potential.
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Drug-related talaromycosis: A case report.
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iDrug: Integration of drug repositioning and drug-target prediction via cross-network embedding.
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Multifocal CD4+ Primary Cutaneous Small/Medium Lymphoproliferative Disorder Successfully Treated With Low-Dose Oral Methotrexate: A Case Report.
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6-Thioguanine blocks SARS-CoV-2 replication by inhibition of PLpro protease activities.
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Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease Type 1Cの珍しい症例
A Rare Case of Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease Type 1C With an Unusual Presentation.
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The Importance of Allelopathic Picocyanobacterium sp. on the Abundance, Biomass Formation, and Structure of Phytoplankton Assemblages in Three Freshwater Lakes.
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カンパラ、ウガンダのホスピタリティ会場での100%禁煙法に関連した知識、意見、コンプライアンス: カンパラからの横断的な結果
Knowledge, opinions and compliance related to the 100% smoke-free law in hospitality venues in Kampala, Uganda: cross-sectional results from the .
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A cross-omics integrative study of metabolic signatures of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
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Spinal Ewing's Sarcoma Presenting as an Epidural Collection: A Rare Presentation of a Rare Entity.
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Molecular Survey of spp., spp., spp., spp., and spp. in Fleas and Lice in Ethiopia.
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Temporal heterogeneity of microbial communities and metabolic activities during a natural algal bloom.
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How do you feel about orthodontic retainers in general practice?
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Physical Activity Assessments in Children with Congenital Heart Disease: A Systematic Review.
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Bacteriologic status of non-cavitated proximal enamel caries lesions. A histologic and histobacteriologic study.
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ブルガリアのミュールアヒルにおけるインフルエンザA H5N8感染アウトブレイクの病理学的評価
Pathologic Evaluation of Influenza A H5N8 Infection Outbreaks in Mule Ducks in Bulgaria.
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Protective Effects of an Oxovanadium(IV) Complex with NO Chelating Thiosemicarbazone on Small Intestine Injury of STZ-Diabetic Rats.
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Novel SARS-CoV-2 specific antibody and neutralization assays reveal wide range of humoral immune response during COVID-19.
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Challenges of Engineering Biomimetic Dental and Paradental Tissues.
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Immunoglobulin M (IgM) multiple myeloma versus Waldenström macroglobulinemia: diagnostic challenges and therapeutic options: two case reports.
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A new classification criterion for the biofilm formation index: A study of the biofilm dynamics of pathogenic Vibrio species isolated from seafood and food contact surfaces.
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Extensive survey of the ycf4 plastid gene throughout the IRLC legumes: Robust evidence of its locus and lineage specific accelerated rate of evolution, pseudogenization and gene loss in the tribe Fabeae.
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SufR, a [4Fe-4S] cluster-containing transcription factor, represses the operon in the iron-sulfur cluster assembly in .
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Ciprofloxacin conjugated to diphenyltin(iv): a novel formulation with enhanced antimicrobial activity.
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Network-principled deep generative models for designing drug combinations as graph sets.
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マルチパラメトリック3D SSFPイメージングとパラレル伝送ユニバーサルパルスを用いて、7Tでの脳のプロトン密度、T、T、フリップ角の同時マッピングを行います
Simultaneous proton density, T , T , and flip-angle mapping of the brain at 7 T using multiparametric 3D SSFP imaging and parallel-transmission universal pulses.
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Lateral resolution of electrostatic force microscopy for mapping of dielectric interfaces in ambient conditions.
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