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Observations on the effects of scaling and polishing methods on enamel.
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Nine prophylactic polishing pastes: impact on discoloration, gloss, and surface properties of a CAD/CAM resin composite.
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Strategic use of a new dental magnet system to retain partial and complete overdentures.
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Corrosion of dental magnet attachments for removable prostheses on teeth and implants.
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A Comparison and Calibration of a Wrist-Worn Blood Pressure Monitor for Patient Management: Assessing the Reliability of Innovative Blood Pressure Devices.
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Comparison of a tonometric with an oscillometric blood pressure monitoring device over 24 hours of ambulatory use.
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Does tooth brushing influence the development and progression of non-inflammatory gingival recession? A systematic review.
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A small community blood bank frozen blood program. Twelve month report.
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The effects of oscillating-rotating electric toothbrushes on plaque and gingival health: A meta-analysis.
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Accidental Oral Injuries by Electric Toothbrush: A Report of Three Cases.
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Surgical Time and Outcomes of Stemmed versus Stemless Total Shoulder Arthroplasty.
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Non-submerged reconstructive approach for peri-implantitis osseous defect, with removal of implant crowns: 1-year outcomes of a prospective case series study.
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A Narrative Review on Oral and Periodontal Bacteria Microbiota Photobiomodulation, through Visible and Near-Infrared Light:原点から最新の治療法まで
A Narrative Review on Oral and Periodontal Bacteria Microbiota Photobiomodulation, through Visible and Near-Infrared Light: From the Origins to Modern Therapies.
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DNA isolation methods for Nanopore sequencing of the genome.
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プロバイオティクスであるLactobacillus curvatus BSF206およびPediococcus pentosaceus AC1-2のStreptococcus mutansに対する抗菌・抗バイオフィルム活性
Antibacterial and anti-biofilm activities of probiotic Lactobacillus curvatus BSF206 and Pediococcus pentosaceus AC1-2 against Streptococcus mutans.
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Equisetum arvense L.の降圧効果:有効性および安全性に関する二重盲検無作為化臨床試験
Antihypertensive effect of Equisetum arvense L.: a double-blind, randomized efficacy and safety clinical trial.
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Antibacterial Surgical Silk Sutures Using a High-Performance Slow-Release Carrier Coating System.
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Differences in the structure and osteogenesis capacity of the periosteum from different parts of minipig mandibles.
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Dental fast track: prenatal enamel growth, incisor eruption, and weaning in human infants.
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Influence of soft tissue grafting, orofacial implant position, and angulation on facial hard and soft tissue thickness at immediately inserted and provisionalized implants in the anterior maxilla.
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10 Keys for Successful Esthetic-Zone Single Implants: Importance of Biotype Conversion for Lasting Success.
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One Abutment One Time: A Multicenter, Prospective, Controlled, Randomized Study
One Abutment One Time: A Multicenter, Prospective, Controlled, Randomized Study.
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Association between buccal mucosa ridging and oral or occlusal status among older people.
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Effect of undersized drilling on the stability of immediate tapered implants in the anterior maxillary sector. A randomized clinical trial.
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Immediate Implant Placement with Buccal Bone Augmentation in the Anterior Maxilla with Thin Buccal Plate: A One-Year Follow-Up Case Series.
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A pharmacokinetic model for the concentration of 10B in blood after boronophenylalanine-fructose administration in humans.
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Clinical effects of root instrumentation using conventional steel or non-tooth substance removing plastic curettes during supportive periodontal therapy (SPT).
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Robotic Locomotor Training Leads to Cardiovascular Changes in Individuals With Incomplete Spinal Cord Injury Over a 24-Week Rehabilitation Period: A Randomized Controlled Pilot Study.
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Analysis of the relationship between the surface topography of prepared tooth surfaces and data quality of digital impressions from an intraoral scanner.
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Evaluation of intraoral optical scanning accuracy for fine structure reconstruction and occlusal records of inlay/onlay preparations.
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Nyvad Criteria for Caries Lesion Activity and Severity Assessment:A Validated Approach for Clinical Management and Research
Nyvad Criteria for Caries Lesion Activity and Severity Assessment: A Validated Approach for Clinical Management and Research.
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A retrospective long-term comparison of early RME-facemask versus late Hybrid-Hyrax, alt-RAMEC and miniscrew-supported intraoral elastics in growing Class III patients.
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Enhancing Periodontal Regenerative Outcomes With Simultaneous Orthodontic Tooth Movement.
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症例報告。T-Scan Novusを用いた咬合のデジタル分析による、ブラキシズム患者の咬合スプリント治療
Case Report: Digital analysis of occlusion with T-Scan Novus in occlusal splint treatment for a patient with bruxism.
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One-Abutment at One-TimeコンセプトとSLA、Platform SwitchおよびConical Abutmentインプラント周囲の限界骨量との関連性について
The Association of the One-Abutment at One-Time Concept with Marginal Bone Loss around the SLA and Platform Switch and Conical Abutment Implants.
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Comparison of clinical outcomes of immediate versus delayed placement of dental implants: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
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エナメルマトリックス誘導体は血栓を安定させ、フラップレス歯周病治療後の深いポケットの臨床的治癒を改善する。A Randomized Clinical Trial
Enamel matrix derivative stabilizes blood clot and improves clinical healing in deep pockets after flapless periodontal therapy: A Randomized Clinical Trial.
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チェアサイドでのComputer Assisted Design/Computer Assisted Machiningによるナノセラミック修復の臨床評価。5年後の状況
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Management of Localized Anterior Tooth Wear Using a Modified Sandwich Technique and the Dahl Concept: A Case Report.
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dltオペロンはStreptococcus mutansのクロルヘキシジンに対する耐性に寄与している
The dlt operon contributes to the resistance to chlorhexidine in Streptococcus mutans.
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Oral health status for primary dentition - A pilot study.
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To study problematic eating behavior and its association with early childhood caries among 36-71-month-old children using children eating behavior questionnaire.
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A bibliometric analysis of the top 100 most-cited case reports and case series in Endodontic journals.
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