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Dental Caries in Children Under Five Years of Age in Mongolia.
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HLA B27を合併した急性前房ぶどう膜炎で観察された重篤なフレア反応の1例
A case of severe flare reaction observed in HLA B27 associated acute anterior uveitis.
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Epidemiological study on radiographic dental health in Albania.
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Restorations after selective caries removal: 5-year randomized trial.
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Prediction of neuropathy, neuropathic pain and kinesiophobia in patients with type 2 diabetes and design of computerized clinical decision support systems by using artificial intelligence.
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Chronic Progressive Dyspnea in a 71-Year-Old Man: A Diagnostic Ithaca After 8 Years of Consultation.
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Influence of different clinical criteria on the decision to replace restorations in primary teeth.
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Identifying new piperazine-based PARP1 inhibitors using text mining and integrated molecular modeling approaches.
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免疫チェックポイントPD-1/PD-L1 CTLA-4/CD80はストークスおよびその活性化合物によってブロックされる
Immune Checkpoint PD-1/PD-L1 CTLA-4/CD80 are Blocked by Stokes and its Active Compounds.
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Negative Lymph Node Count Predicts Survival of Resected Non-small Cell Lung Cancer.
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Comparison of intravitreal dexamethasone implant and anti-VEGF drugs in the treatment of retinal vein occlusion-induced oedema: a meta-analysis and systematic review.
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A pilot study of therapeutic plasma exchange for serious SARS CoV-2 disease (COVID-19): A structured summary of a randomized controlled trial study protocol.
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Epidemiology of Cryptosporidium Infections among People Living with HIV/AIDS in Nigeria: Results of Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.
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Research of Herb-Partitioned Moxibustion for Primary Dysmenorrhea Patients Based on the LC-MS Metabonomics.
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Oral Antibiotics and Abscess Formation After Appendectomy for Perforated Appendicitis in Children.
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CRISPR-Guided DNAポリメラーゼIを用いたゲノムの標的化多様化
Targeted Diversification in the Genome with CRISPR-Guided DNA Polymerase I.
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Methodical Considerations and Resistance Evaluation against and Head Blight in Wheat. The Influence of Mixture of Isolates on Aggressiveness and Resistance Expression.
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Performance and self-reported functioning of people with Chronic Idiopathic Axonal Polyneuropathy (CIAP): a four year follow up study.
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Pathogenesis of immune thrombocytopenia in common variable immunodeficiency.
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Clinical and microbiological characteristics of hypervirulent Klebsiella pneumoniae (hvKp) in a hospital from North China.
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Longitudinal Study of Subsp. Antibody Kinetics in Dairy Cattle Using Sera and Milk Throughout the Lactation Period.
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A novel egg shell-based bio formulation for remediation of RDX (hexahydro-1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-triazine) contaminated soil.
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Total extraperitoneal laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair with adductor tenotomy: a 10-year experience in the treatment of athletic pubalgia.
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Pb(II) adsorption from aqueous solution by nutshells, green adsorbent: Adsorption studies, regeneration studies, scale-up design, its effect on biological indicator and MLR modeling.
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Kinetics of Platelet Adhesion to Protein-Coated Surface in Whole Blood Samples at High Flow Rates.
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Investigation of local white matter abnormality in Parkinson's disease by using an automatic fiber tract parcellation.
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Effects of bushen qianggu method for primary osteoporosis: A protocol for systematic review and meta-analysis.
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The combined effect of regular alcohol consumption and smoking on blood pressure and on the achievement of blood pressure target values in treated hypertensive patients
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ファバ豆(Vicia faba)のビヒシンとコンビシンレベルの実用的な毒性バイオアッセイ
A practical toxicity bioassay for vicine and convicine levels in faba bean (Vicia faba).
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Characterizing the analgesic effects of real and imagined acupuncture using functional and structure MRI.
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Recent advances in improving metabolic robustness of microbial cell factories.
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Discovery of a potent SCAP degrader that ameliorates HFD-induced obesity, hyperlipidemia and insulin resistance via an autophagy-independent lysosomal pathway.
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Tim‑3 regulates the ability of macrophages to counter lipopolysaccharide‑induced pulmonary epithelial barrier dysfunction via the PI3K/Akt pathway in epithelial cells.
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Nanoformulated Single-Stranded RNA-Based Adjuvant with a Coordinative Amphiphile as an Effective Stabilizer: Inducing Humoral Immune Response by Activation of Antigen-Presenting Cells.
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An octogenarian patient with double thoracic saccular aortic aneurysms in conjunction with a Kommerell diverticulum treated with a staged hybrid repair.
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