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Immunotherapy in the Treatment of Metastatic Melanoma: Current Knowledge and Future Directions.
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Targeting Endogenous K-RAS for Degradation through the Affinity-Directed Protein Missile System.
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骨端の電気鍼治療は、モルヒネ耐性を持つ骨癌性疼痛ラットにおいて、ロカス・ケアルーレ座におけるGRK5、β-arrestin 2およびPKCαタンパク質の発現を調節することにより、痛みを和らげます
[Bone-edge electroacupuncture relieves pain by regulating expression of GRK5, β-arrestin 2 and PKCα proteins in locus coeruleus in bone cancer pain rats with morphine tolerance].
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Role of AMP-activated protein kinase during postovulatory aging of mouse oocytes†.
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One-Pot Multicomponent Synthesis and Bioevaluation of Tetrahydroquinoline Derivatives as Potential Antioxidants, α-Amylase Enzyme Inhibitors, Anti-Cancerous and Anti-Inflammatory Agents.
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Reconsidering the Trade-offs of Prostate Cancer Screening.
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Severe-malaria infection and its outcomes among pregnant women in Burkina Faso health-districts: Hierarchical Bayesian space-time models applied to routinely-collected data from 2013 to 2018.
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Comparative bioavailability of two zolpidem hemitartrate formulations in healthy human Brazilian volunteers using high-performance liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry.
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The TRPV3 channel of the bovine rumen: localization and functional characterization of a protein relevant for ruminal ammonia transport.
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Practical use of insulin degludec/insulin aspart (IDegAsp) in a multinational setting: beyond the guidelines.
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Prediction of lymph node metastasis by tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes in T1 breast cancer.
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マウス FHR-1 ホモログである FHR-E の欠損は、LPS 誘導性代替補体経路の活性化を介して敗血症および急性腎障害を促進する
Deficiency of Mouse FHR-1 Homolog, FHR-E, Accelerates Sepsis, and Acute Kidney Injury Through Enhancing the LPS-Induced Alternative Complement Pathway.
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GLI1 expression in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma correlates the clinical significance and prognosis: A meta-analysis.
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Plant-parasitic nematodes respond to root exudate signals with host-specific gene expression patterns.
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In vitro metabolism of 6-mercaptopurine by human liver cytosol.
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Secoeudesma sesquiterpenes lactone Aは、カルバペネム耐性肺炎球菌の重症感染症において炎症を緩和し、アジュバント保護を提供する
Secoeudesma sesquiterpenes lactone A alleviates inflammation and offers adjuvant protection in severe infection of carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae.
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Primary congenital glaucoma due to paternal uniparental isodisomy of chromosome 2 and CYP1B1 deletion.
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ロングノンコーディングRNA AWPPHは、LSD1とEZH2との相互作用を介してPTENをサイレンシングすることで、上咽頭癌の悪性表現型を増強する
Long non-coding RNA AWPPH enhances malignant phenotypes in nasopharyngeal carcinoma via silencing PTEN through interacting with LSD1 and EZH2.
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Tackling Intrinsic Antibiotic Resistance in Serratia Marcescens with A Combination of Ampicillin/Sulbactam and Phage SALSA.
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COVID-19 パンデミック時の第一線の臨床医のためのビデオ会議を介したサポートグループと個別のメンタルヘルスケア
Support Groups and Individual Mental Health Care via Video Conferencing for Frontline Clinicians During the COVID-19 Pandemic.
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Efficacy of repeated PSMA PET-directed radiotherapy for oligorecurrent prostate cancer after initial curative therapy.
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