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Neural mechanisms underlying heterogeneous expression of threat-related attention in social anxiety.
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Comparison Of Efficacy Of Two Different Doses Of Famciclovir In The Prevention And Treatment Of Postherpetic Neuralgia.
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L. as a Multipurpose Crop for Plant Secondary Metabolites Production in Marginal Stressed Lands.
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16S rRNA配列決定の現代における血液培養陰性心内膜炎
Blood culture negative endocarditis in the modern era of 16S rRNA sequencing.
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Using a Do-It-Yourself Artificial Pancreas: Perspectives from Patients and Diabetes Providers.
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Extracellular vesicles from adipose-derived stem cells ameliorate ultraviolet B-induced skin photoaging by attenuating reactive oxygen species production and inflammation.
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Macrocyclization of a ligand targeting a toxic RNA dramatically improves potency.
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A false promise of COVID-19 'big' health data? Health data integrity and the ethics and realities of Australia's health information management practice.
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Multidisciplinary approaches to the management of malignant pleural effusions: a guide for the clinician.
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Effect of brimonidine tartrate on basophil activation in glaucoma patients.
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生後 6 週間以内の細菌コロニー化と早産児 <1000 g
Bacterial Colonization within the First Six Weeks of Life and Pulmonary Outcome in Preterm Infants <1000 g.
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口腔および咽頭のがんの発生率の傾向 - 米国2007-2016年
Trends in Incidence of Cancers of the Oral Cavity and Pharynx - United States 2007-2016.
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Alginate-pectin co-encapsulation of dextransucrase and dextranase for oligosaccharide production from sucrose feedstocks.
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Telehealth Utilization in Response to the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic in Orthopaedic Surgery.
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Role of nitric oxide donor in methotrexate-induced testicular injury via modulation of pro-inflammatory mediators, eNOS and P-glycoprotein.
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Insights into the Effects of Pore Size Distribution on the Flowing Behavior of Carbonate Rocks: Linking a Nano-Based Enhanced Oil Recovery Method to Rock Typing.
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Knowing Your Team: Rapid Assessment of Residents and Fellows for Effective Horizontal Care Delivery in Emergency Events.
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Interaction between early environment and genetic predisposition instigates the metabolically obese, normal weight phenotype in children: findings from the BCAMS study.
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Optoelectric patterning: Effect of electrode material and thickness on laser-induced AC electrothermal flow.
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Gamma oryzanol impairs alcohol-induced anxiety-like behavior in mice via upregulation of central monoamines associated with Bdnf and Il-1β signaling.
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老化した BALB/cByJ マウスにおける皮膚創傷治癒老化の定量化と線維芽細胞成長因子-1 による治療介入の可能性
Fine-Sampled Photographic Quantitation of Dermal Wound Healing Senescence in Aged BALB/cByJ Mice and Therapeutic Intervention with Fibroblast Growth Factor-1.
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Surgical Approach to Orbital Floor Fractures: Comparing Complication Rates Between Subciliary and Subconjunctival Approaches.
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Short-Term Response of Cytosolic to Inorganic Carbon Increase in Leaf Cells.
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Accelerated Approval of 17α-Hydroxyprogesterone Caproate: A Cautionary Tale.
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Rubicon in pancreatic beta cells plays a limited role in maintaining glucose homeostasis following increased insulin resistance.
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Progress in Local Treatment of Breast Cancer: A Narrative Review.
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Postmortem Findings in a Young Man With Congenital Generalized Lipodystrophy, Type 4 Due to CAVIN1 Mutations.
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酸化ストレス応答における細胞保護機構としての E2F1 スモイル化
E2F1 sumoylation as a protective cellular mechanism in oxidative stress response.
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A case of combined 21-hydroxylase deficiency and CHARGE syndrome featuring micropenis and cryptorchidism.
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Binder-Free Electrode based on Electrospun-Fiber for Li Ion Batteries via a Simple Rolling Formation.
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A single Proteus mirabilis lineage from human and animal sources: a hidden reservoir of OXA-23 or OXA-58 carbapenemases in Enterobacterales.
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Managing Lymphedema in Fracture Care: Current Concepts and Treatment Principles.
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Genetic fabrication of functional silk mats with improved cell proliferation activity for medical applications.
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イヌと毛皮動物の感染症から分離されたStreptococcus halichoeriの比較:生化学的パターン、分子特性、遺伝的関連性
Comparison of Streptococcus halichoeri isolates from canine and fur animal infections: biochemical patterns, molecular characteristics and genetic relatedness.
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Interaction between Alcohol Consumption and Apolipoprotein E (ApoE) Genotype with Cognition in Middle-Aged Men.
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Development of a High-Density Piezoelectric Micromachined Ultrasonic Transducer Array Based on Patterned Aluminum Nitride Thin Film.
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A case of pemphigus with anti-desmoglein 3 and anti-desmocollin 2 and 3 autoantibodies, associated with follicular lymphoma and bronchiolitis obliterans.
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パラジウム触媒を用いた1,3-ジエンとフェネチルアミドの5 + 2ヘテロアニーリングとドーパミン作動性の3-ベンザゼピンへの1,3-ジエン
Palladium-Catalyzed [5 + 2] Heteroannulation of Phenethylamides with 1,3-Dienes to Dopaminergic 3-Benzazepines.
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Hydroxyl radical scavenging activity of melatonin and its related indolamines.
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Expression levels of circulatory mir-185-5p, vascular endothelial growth factor, and platelet-derived growth factor target genes in endometriosis.
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Glycerolized Li Ion Conducting Chitosan-Based Polymer Electrolyte for Energy Storage EDLC Device Applications with Relatively High Energy Density.
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カスタムのPatient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS)身体機能短縮形および腱鞘巨大細胞腫瘍における最悪の硬直度数値評価スケールの心理測定特性
Psychometric properties of a custom Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS) physical function short form and worst stiffness numeric rating scale in tenosynovial giant cell tumors.
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Synthesis, computational studies and assessment of inhibitory activity of umbelliferon-based compounds against tumour-associated carbonic anhydrase isoforms IX and XII.
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Cortical Tonotopic Map Changes in Humans Are Larger in Hearing Loss Than in Additional Tinnitus.
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Deaminative carbonylative coupling of alkylamines with styrenes under transition-metal-free conditions.
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Ta-Coated Titanium Surface With Superior Bacteriostasis And Osseointegration.
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Identification the prognostic value of glutathione peroxidases expression levels in acute myeloid leukemia.
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Examining the Relationship and Prognostic Implication of Diabetic Status and Extracellular Matrix Expansion by Cardiac Magnetic Resonance.
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Swimming motility of a gut bacterial symbiont promotes resistance to intestinal expulsion and enhances inflammation.
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転移性神経内分泌腫瘍患者のサーベイランスGa-DOTATATATE PET/CTで検出された原発性乳癌
Incidental primary breast cancer detected on surveillance Ga-DOTATATE PET/CT in a patient with metastatic neuroendocrine carcinoma.
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Romania's Forgotten Children: Sensory Deprivation Revisited.
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Autophagy and Others Respiratory Diseases.
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Acute toxicity of inorganic nitrogen (ammonium, nitrate and nitrite) to tadpoles of five tropical amphibian species.
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Transport and metabolic profiling studies of amentoflavone in Caco-2 cells by UHPLC-ESI-MS/MS and UHPLC-ESI-Q-TOF-MS/MS.
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Transcriptional response of and challenged with amphotericin B or posaconazole.
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Innovative Techniques and Strategies for a Reliable High-Throughput Genotoxicity Assessment.
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Therapeutic effects of extracts from Radix Toddaliae Asiaticae on collagen-induced arthritis in Balb/c mice.
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Humidity-Mediated Anisotropic Proton Conductivity through the 1D Channels of Co-MOF-74.
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Comparative transcriptome analysis on four types of gonadal tissues of blotched snakehead (Channa maculata).
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On-line virtual patient learning: a pilot study of a new modality in antimicrobial stewardship education for pediatric residents.
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Bioprosthetic valve fracture during valve-in-valve transcatheter aortic valve replacement.
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Screening for Unhealthy Drug Use: Updated Evidence Report and Systematic Review for the US Preventive Services Task Force.
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デトネーションナノダイヤモンドを含むポリ電解質多層膜上の骨芽細胞のin vitro特性評価
In vitro characterization of osteoblast cells on polyelectrolyte multilayers containing detonation nanodiamonds.
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The Involvement of the McsB Arginine Kinase in Clp-Dependent Degradation of the MgsR Regulator in .
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Regulation of V-ATPase Activity and Organelle pH by Phosphatidylinositol Phosphate Lipids.
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大動脈弁置換術後の大動脈狭窄のフロー勾配パターンの転帰。PARTNER 2試験とレジストリの解析
Outcome of Flow-Gradient Patterns of Aortic Stenosis After Aortic Valve Replacement: An Analysis of the PARTNER 2 Trial and Registry.
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Taxonomic revision and multi-locus phylogeny of the North American clade of .
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Role of TRPV1/TRPV3 channels in olanzapine-induced metabolic alteration: Possible involvement in hypothalamic energy-sensing, appetite regulation, inflammation and mesolimbic pathway.
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Environmental gradients along the tropical coast drive plankton biomass and alter food web interactions.
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Automated treatment planning of postmastectomy radiotherapy.
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Cynomolgus Monkeysにおけるコンドリアーゼによる選択的化学核酸分解
Selective Chemonucleolysis With Condoliase in Cynomolgus Monkeys.
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Lymphedema microsurgery improved outcomes of pediatric primary extremity lymphedema.
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Novel adamantane-based hole transport materials for perovskite solar cells: a computational approach.
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The Hepatotoxicity of Alantolactone and Germacrone: Their Influence on Cholesterol and Lipid Metabolism in Differentiated HepaRG Cells.
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How Does a Delay Between Temperate Running Exercise and Hot-Water Immersion Alter the Acute Thermoregulatory Response and Heat-Load?
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