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Biological mechanisms underlying inter-individual variation in factor VIII clearance in haemophilia.
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アゾール耐性カンジダ株に対して活性な大環状アミジノウレアであるBM1のin vitro特性評価、ADME解析、組織学的・毒性評価を行った
In vitro characterization, ADME analysis, and histological and toxicological evaluation of BM1, a macrocyclic amidinourea active against azole-resistant Candida strains.
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Antagonistic activities of CDC14B and CDK1 on USP9X regulate WT1-dependent mitotic transcription and survival.
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反復誤差補正ベースアプローチを用いたRGBW CFA画像の効果的な3段デモザイク処理手法
Effective Three-Stage Demosaicking Method for RGBW CFA Images Using The Iterative Error-Compensation Based Approach.
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Plexiform Schwannoma of the Oral Cavity: Report of Eight Cases and a Review of the Literature.
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Phosphorylation of α-dystrobrevin is essential for αkap accumulation and acetylcholine receptor stability.
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Community-Based Participatory Research at Jacksonville Florida Superfund Ash Site: Toxicology Training to Improve the Knowledge of the Lay Community.
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Differential Ventilation Using Flow Control Valves as a Potential Bridge to Full Ventilatory Support during the COVID-19 Crisis: From Bench to Bedside.
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Protective effect of COMP-angiopoietin-1 on peritoneal vascular permeability and peritoneal transport function in uremic peritoneal dialysis rats.
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Pathophysiology of Hyperkalemia Presenting as Brugada Pattern on Electrocardiogram (ECG).
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[Analysis of PDHA1 gene variant in a patient with pyruvate dehydrogenase E1alpha deficiency and pyramidal tract involvement].
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Lack of Syndecan-1 produces significant alterations in whole-body composition, metabolism and glucose homeostasis in mice.
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Simulations of future cardiometabolic disease and life expectancy under counterfactual obesity reduction scenarios.
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The Iron Deficiency Response of Corynebacterium glutamicum and a Link to Thiamine Biosynthesis.
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Gastrointestinal bleeding in patients admitted to cardiology: risk factors and a new risk score.
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Research Progress in Flavonoids as Potential Anticancer Drug Including Synergy with Other Approaches
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Surgical Prophylaxis of Crohn Disease Recurrence: "Light at the End of The Tunnel".
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フッ化物の毒性:疫学研究、動物実験およびin vitro分析におけるヒト発達神経毒性の証拠の批判的評価
Toxicity of fluoride: critical evaluation of evidence for human developmental neurotoxicity in epidemiological studies, animal experiments and in vitro analyses.
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Probe into a multi-protein prokaryotic organelle using thermal scanning assay reveals distinct properties of the core and the shell.
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FOLFOXIRI Versus Doublet Regimens in Right-Sided Metastatic Colorectal Cancer: Focus on Subsequent Therapies and Impact on Overall Survival.
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The use of physical restraints- knowledge and attitude of nurses of a tertiary care institute, Uttarakhand, India.
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Production and antiproliferative effect of violacein, a purple pigment produced by an Antarctic bacterial isolate.
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褐色マダニRhipicephalus sanguineus (s.l.)のサイアロトランスクリプトームとサイアロプロテオームの統合的解析。血液摂食時の遺伝子発現の解明
Integrated analysis of sialotranscriptome and sialoproteome of the brown dog tick Rhipicephalus sanguineus (s.l.): Insights into gene expression during blood feeding.
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SARS-CoV-2に対する単剤および併用リパーサブル薬の抗ウイルス活性のin vitro評価
In vitro evaluation of antiviral activity of single and combined repurposable drugs against SARS-CoV-2.
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Clinical Manifestations and Outcomes of Critically Ill Children and Adolescents with COVID-19 in New York City.
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Activation studies of the β-carbonic anhydrases from with amino acids and amines.
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λ=808 nm GaAlAsダイオードレーザー照射によるチタン表面への熱影響
Thermal effects of λ = 808 nm GaAlAs diode laser irradiation on different titanium surfaces.
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三重陰性乳癌における長鎖遺伝子間ノンコーディングRNA 299遺伝子のDNAメチル化:前向き研究からの結果
DNA methylation of the long intergenic noncoding RNA 299 gene in triple-negative breast cancer: results from a prospective study.
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On optimal coupling of the "electronic photoreceptors" into the degenerate retina.
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Comparative assessment of purified saponins as permeabilization agents during respirometry.
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Parkin ubiquitinates phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase to suppress serine synthesis and tumor progression.
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Resveratrol Treatment Is Associated with Lipid Regulation and Inhibition of Lipoprotein-Associated Phospholipase A2 (Lp-PLA2) in Rabbits Fed a High-Fat Diet.
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Sodium butyrate mitigates type 2 diabetes by inhibiting PERK-CHOP pathway of endoplasmic reticulum stress.
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DNA damage repair response in mesenchymal stromal cells: from cellular senescence and aging to apoptosis and differentiation ability.
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非カノニカルPRC1集合体と疾患におけるBCOR PUFDの構造と役割
Structure and Role of BCOR PUFD in Noncanonical PRC1 Assembly and Disease.
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Aberrant GlyRS-HDAC6 interaction linked to axonal transport deficits in Charcot-Marie-Tooth neuropathy.
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Drugs for osteoarthritis.
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Management of squamous cell carcinomas of the skull-base.
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海洋生物侵入を評価するためのオンラインアンケートの利用。地中海沿岸3カ国でのレクリエーション漁業者と大西洋アブラガニCallinectes sapidus (Rathbun, 1986)を対象とした実証実験
Using online questionnaires to assess marine bio-invasions: A demonstration with recreational fishers and the Atlantic blue crab Callinectes sapidus (Rathbun, 1986) along three Mediterranean countries.
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NAP1L4 inhibits porcine circovirus type 2 replication via IFN-β signaling pathway.
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Cushing's disease: the desmopressin test as a compelling predictive marker of long-term remission after transsphenoidal surgery.
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Learning from Covid.
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Early pregnancy dyslipidemia is associated with placental DNA methylation at loci relevant for cardiometabolic diseases.
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Integration of genotypic, hyperspectral, and phenotypic data to improve biomass yield prediction in hybrid rye.
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Interleukin-6 (IL-6) in synovial fluid and serum of patients with rheumatic diseases.
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Fluid-jet technique to polish the posterior capsule for phacoemulsification surgeries: efficacy and safety evaluation.
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The immune suppressive factors CD155 and PD-L1 show contrasting expression patterns and immune correlates in ovarian and other cancers.
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Single Center Experience in the Surgical Management of Primary Hyperparathyroidism.
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Antidepressant effects of ginsenoside Rf on behavioral change in the glial degeneration model of depression by reversing glial loss.
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Smell and taste dysfunction in patients with SARS-CoV-2 infection: A review of epidemiology, pathogenesis, prognosis, and treatment options.
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Adding a Fibular Strut Allograft to Intramedullary Nail and Cancellous Autograft During Stage II of the Masquelet Technique for Segmental Femur Defects: A Technique Tip.
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[Evaluation of the Reduction in PM Concentration During the National Traditional Games of Ethnic Minorities in Zhengzhou].
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インドネシアの土壌菌、Talaromyces pinophilusに由来するPlasmodium falciparum dihydroorotate dehydrogenaseに対して活性な微生物阻害剤 BioMCC-f.T.3979
Microbial inhibitors active against Plasmodium falciparum dihydroorotate dehydrogenase derived from an Indonesian soil fungus, Talaromyces pinophilus BioMCC-f.T.3979.
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動物を用いたプルトニウムの放射線毒性に関する研究。3R-Replace, Reduce, Refine
Research on the Radiotoxicology of Plutonium Using Animals: Consideration of the 3Rs-Replace, Reduce, Refine.
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ヒトフィブロネクチンのエキストラドメインAとHPV16/18 E7ウイルス抗原との融合タンパク質からなるHPV16/18遺伝子型に対する二価ワクチンの開発
Bivalent therapeutic vaccine against HPV16/18 genotypes consisting of a fusion protein between the extra domain A from human fibronectin and HPV16/18 E7 viral antigens.
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キトサンでコーティングされたボタンマッシュルーム(Agaricus bisporus)の低温保存中の色と食感の変化の速度論
Kinetics of colour and texture changes of button mushrooms (Agaricus bisporus) coated with chitosan during storage at low temperature.
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Cinnamic acid derivatives: inhibitory activity against -glucuronidase and structure-activity relationships.
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種間交配種(Bos taurus × Bison bonasus)の舌および舌乳頭のマクロおよび顕微鏡的研究
Macro- and microscopic study on the tongue and lingual papillae of Bison bonasus hybrid as an interspecific species (Bos taurus × Bison bonasus).
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放射線は、RAW 264.7細胞およびマウス骨髄由来マクロファージの細胞骨格および溶解酵素を制御することにより、破骨細胞形成を変化させる
Radiation alters osteoclastogenesis by regulating the cytoskeleton and lytic enzymes in RAW 264.7 cells and mouse bone marrow-derived macrophages.
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Biochemical Characterization of Lactose Binding Entadin Lectin from Seeds with Cytotoxic Activity against Cancer Cell Lines.
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RORα Phosphorylation by Casein Kinase 1α as Glucose Signal to Regulate Estrogen Sulfation in Human Liver Cells.
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Trade-off between local transmission and long-range dispersal drives infectious disease outbreak size in spatially structured populations.
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Nitrative DNA damage in lung epithelial cells exposed to indium nanoparticles and indium ions.
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謎に包まれたFluvioviridavis platyrhamphusの脚状体相とStrisoresの初期の多様化("Caprimulgiformes" + Apodiformes)
Podargiform affinities of the enigmatic Fluvioviridavis platyrhamphus and the early diversification of Strisores ("Caprimulgiformes" + Apodiformes).
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Age-Specific Retinal and Cerebral Immunodetection of Amyloid-β Plaques and Oligomers in a Rodent Model of Alzheimer's Disease.
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Optimisation of ultrasound-assisted enzymatic extraction conditions of umami compounds from fish by-products using the combination of fractional factorial design and central composite design.
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Occurrence of in raw goat, sheep, and camel milk in Upper Egypt.
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Can patients independently identify their urinary incontinence symptoms?
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Alcohol-derived DNA crosslinks are repaired by two distinct mechanisms.
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Chemosensory Cell-Derived Acetylcholine Drives Tracheal Mucociliary Clearance in Response to Virulence-Associated Formyl Peptides.
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Psychodynamizing and existentializing cognitive-behavioral interventions: The case of behavioral activation (BA).
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Perioperative management by WeChat under the haze of COVID-19.
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Increased expression of brain-derived neurotrophic factor is correlated with visceral hypersensitivity in patients with diarrhea-predominant irritable bowel syndrome.
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Variations in Ginsenosides of Raw Ginseng According to Heating Temperature and Time.
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Modeling and Risk Analysis of Chemical Terrorist Attacks: A Bayesian Network Method.
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The mTOR pathway is necessary for survival of mice with short telomeres.
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疾患別貧血患者の鑑別診断と治療モニタリングのためのDelta-He, Ret-Heと新しい診断プロットの検討
Delta-He, Ret-He and a New Diagnostic Plot for Differential Diagnosis and Therapy Monitoring of Patients Suffering from Various Disease-Specific Types of Anemia.
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AMPK-dependent phosphorylation of HDAC8 triggers PGM1 expression to promote lung cancer cell survival under glucose starvation.
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Use of a Free Vascularized Medial Femoral Condyle Flap for Revision Surgery in a Pediatric Patient with Congenital Pseudarthrosis of the Clavicle.
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Second primary malignancy among older adults with multiple myeloma receiving first-line lenalidomide-based therapy: A population-based analysis.
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Deletion of JEN1 and ADY2 reduces lactic acid yield from an engineered Saccharomyces cerevisiae, in xylose medium, expressing a heterologous lactate dehydrogenase.
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When to break the news and whose responsibility is it? A cross-sectional qualitative study of health professionals' views regarding disclosure of BRCA genetic cancer risk.
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Efficacy of immunotherapy targeting the neoantigen derived from epidermal growth factor receptor T790M/C797S mutation in non-small cell lung cancer.
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無数のvon Willebrand Factor Assaysをナビゲートする
Navigating the Myriad of von Willebrand Factor Assays.
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Severe Leukoaraiosis Is Associated with Poor Outcome after Successful Recanalization of M1 Middle Cerebral Artery Occlusion Strokes.
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The velic traverse: an independent oral articulator?
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Differentiating salmonid migratory ecotypes through stable isotope analysis of collagen: Archaeological and ecological applications.
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Long-term Renal Outcome of Biopsy-proven Acute Tubular Necrosis and Acute Interstitial Nephritis.
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Laparoscopic sphincter reconstruction after abdominoperineal resection: feasibility and technical aspects.
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Peptides in Blood, Urine and Dialysate: Towards Unravelling Renal Peptide Handling.
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Addressing environmental sustainability of plasma vitrification technology for stabilization of municipal solid waste incineration fly ash.
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側方アプローチを用いたGustilo Type-IおよびType-II開放型ピロン骨折の開放的縮小術と内固定術
Open reduction and internal fixation of Gustilo type-I and type-II open pilon fractures using a lateral approach.
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Managing appendicitis during the COVID-19 pandemic in the UK.
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Patient Experiences of Rehabilitation and the Potential for an mHealth System with Biofeedback After Breast Cancer Surgery: A Qualitative Study.
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Retinoids Augment Thiazolidinedione PPARγ Activation in Oral Cancer Cells.
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