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Good Visual Outcome Following Corticosteroid Treatment for Compressive Optic Neuropathy Secondary to Sinonasal Carcinoma.
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Efforts to Undermine the Affordable Care Act Would Disproportionately Harm Black Americans.
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Hand-held Device to Remove a Single-rod Subdermal Contraceptive Implant: Results of Early Trials in Sweden.
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Improvement of Psoriasis by Alteration of the Gut Environment by Oral Administration of Fucoidan from .
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What is the long-term outlook for young people following liver transplant? A single-centre retrospective analysis of physical and psychosocial outcomes.
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Neural correlates of top-down guidance of attention to food: an fMRI study.
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Kocher-Langenbeck Approach for Posterior Wall Acetabular Fractures.
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Simple Synthesis of 17-β--hemisuccinate of Stanozolol for Immunoanalytical Methods.
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Fluorescence detection of dopamine based on the polyphenol oxidase-mimicking enzyme.
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Long-Term Chemical-Only Fertilization Induces a Diversity Decline and Deep Selection on the Soil Bacteria.
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Poor treatment outcome and its predictors among drug-resistant tuberculosis patients in Ethiopia: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.
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Rapid detection of Escherichia coli using bacteriophage-induced lysis and image analysis.
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血管芽細胞腫とvon Hippel-Lindau病:遺伝的背景、疾患のスペクトル、脳外科的治療
Hemangioblastoma and von Hippel-Lindau disease: genetic background, spectrum of disease, and neurosurgical treatment.
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Occurrence of antibiotics and antibiotic resistant bacteria in subtropical urban rivers in Brazil.
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Updates on Receptors Targeted by Heterocyclic Scaffolds: New Horizon in Anticancer Drug Development.
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Cold plasma treated phlorotannin/Momordica charantia polysaccharide nanofiber for active food packaging.
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Synthesis and Performance of a Novel High-Efficiency Coal Dust Suppressant Based on Self-Healing Gel.
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Comprehensive Analysis of ERK1/2 Substrates for Potential Combination Immunotherapies.
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Nucleus extraction in sutureless surgery: getting hooked!
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The protective role of estrogen and its receptors in gentamicin-induced acute kidney injury in rats.
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Acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans by Borrelia afzelii in an unusual geographical zone.
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Deep Physiological Model for Blood Glucose Prediction in T1DM Patients.
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Improvement of Remyelination in Demyelinated Corpus Callosum Using Human Adipose-Derived Stem Cells (hADSCs) and Pregnenolone in the Cuprizone Rat Model of Multiple Sclerosis.
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Procedure-Specific Hardware Removal After Evans Osteotomy.
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Biosimilars in psoriasis: What should your positioning be?
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Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) and Your Radiology Practice: Case Triage, Staffing Strategies, and Addressing Revenue Concerns.
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Image Registration of Cone-Beam Computer Tomography and Preprocedural Computer Tomography Aids in Localization of Adrenal Veins and Decreasing Radiation Dose in Adrenal Vein Sampling.
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Off-pump coronary artery bypass grafting via median sternotomy in a patient with a history of esophagectomy with substernal gastric tube reconstruction: report of a case.
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Heideggerian phenomenological hermeneutics: Working with the data.
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Novel c-Myc-Targeting Compound , -Bis (5-Ethyl-2-Hydroxybenzyl) Methylamine for Mediated c-Myc Ubiquitin-Proteasomal Degradation in Lung Cancer Cells.
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The effect of Medicaid expansion among adults from low-income communities on stage at diagnosis in those with screening-amenable cancers.
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Unraveling the RNA Binding Properties of the Iron-Sulfur Zinc Finger Protein CPSF30.
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Moving to Action on Place-Based Health.
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Introducing Point Mutations into Human Pluripotent Stem Cells using Seamless Genome Editing.
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編集者への手紙への返信。肥大性瘢痕およびケロイドに対するintralesional verapamil hydrochlorideとtriamcinolone acetonideの比較効果」へのコメント
Response to Letter to the Editor: Comments on "Comparative efficacy of intralesional verapamil hydrochloride and triamcinolone acetonide in hypertrophic scars and keloids".
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Intramatricial methotrexate for treatment of resistant acrodermatitis continua of Hallopeau: An alternative in COVID-19.
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Visual system: An understudied target of aquatic toxicology.
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Stepwise versus single-step mandibular advancement with functional appliance in treating class II patients : A meta-analysis.
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A transcriptional regulatory network of Rsv3-mediated extreme resistance against Soybean mosaic virus.
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Porphyromonas gingivalisからのIX型分泌系の構成要素であるPorMの異なる構築物の結晶化シャペロンとして使用されたカメロイドナノボディ
Camelid nanobodies used as crystallization chaperones for different constructs of PorM, a component of the type IX secretion system from Porphyromonas gingivalis.
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Potential digenic inheritance of familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy identified by whole-exome sequencing.
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Disruption of Striatal-Enriched Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase Signaling Might Contribute to Memory Impairment in a Mouse Model of Sepsis-Associated Encephalopathy.
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HLA-A2に強い親和性を持つ合成腫瘍特異的抗原性ペプチドは、CD8 T細胞を活性化することで抗乳がん免疫応答を誘導します
Synthetic tumor-specific antigenic peptides with a strong affinity to HLA-A2 elicit anti-breast cancer immune response through activating CD8 T cells.
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Preparation of Strong Antioxidative, Therapeutic Nanoparticles Based on Amino Acid-Induced Ultrafast Assembly of Tea Polyphenols.
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鼓膜内注射後のクリック架橋ヒドロゲルデポのin vivoイメージング
In Vivo Imaging of Click-Crosslinked Hydrogel Depots Following Intratympanic Injection.
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A chromosome-level genome assembly of the parasitoid wasp Pteromalus puparum.
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Rapid Assessment of Functional Avidity of Tumor-Specific T Cell Receptors Using an Antigen-Presenting Tumor Cell Line Electroporated with Full-Length Tumor Antigen mRNA.
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Differences between the root and horn cells of the human medial meniscus from the osteoarthritic knee in cellular characteristics and responses to mechanical stress.
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The dance of cystic fibrosis: Experiences of living with cystic fibrosis as an adult.
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Activated L-Type Calcium Channels Inhibit Chemosensitized Nematocyst Discharge from Sea Anemone Tentacles.
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