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Computerized tomography before the final treatment cycle of neoadjuvant chemotherapy or induction chemotherapy in muscle-invasive urinary bladder cancer, cannot predict pathoanatomical outcomes and does not reflect prognosis-results of a single centre retrospective prognostic study.
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Fabrication of Blood-Derived Elastogenic Vascular Grafts Using Electrospun Fibrinogen and Polycaprolactone Composite Scaffolds for Pediatric Applications.
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123 心不全の予後と心臓再同期療法の有効性の評価におけるI-MIBGシンチグラフィ
[123 I-MIBG scintigraphy in the assessment of heart failure prognosis and effectiveness of cardiac resynchronization therapy].
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副甲状腺4D CT:外科医が知りたいこと
Parathyroid 4D CT: What the Surgeon Wants to Know.
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A Novel Combination of γ-Tocopherol-Rich Mixture of Tocopherols and Ascorbic Acid Restores Fertility in Cases of Tyrosine Nitration-Associated Male Infertility in Mice.
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Should Lung-Sparing Surgery Be the Standard Procedure for Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma?
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A comparative study of the trends in epidemiological aspects of Lyme disease infections in Korea and Japan, 2011-2016.
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Post-mortem 7 Tesla MRI detection of white matter hyperintensities: A multidisciplinary voxel-wise comparison of imaging and histological correlates.
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Triggers of Primary Headaches: Issues and Pathways Forward.
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A case of ROS1-rearranged lung adenocarcinoma with osteoblastic bone metastasis.
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Hematopoietic vs. enterocyte-derived dipeptidyl peptidase-4 differentially regulates triglyceride excursion in mice.
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Low-dose biochar added to sediment improves water quality and promotes the growth of submerged macrophytes.
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Multi-layered proteomic analyses decode compositional and functional effects of cancer mutations on kinase complexes.
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The characterization of two novel neotropical primate papillomaviruses supports the ancient within-species diversity model.
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Barriers to maternal retention in HIV care in Ghana: key differences during pregnancy and the postpartum period.
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Yeast-Based Aβ1-15 Vaccine Elicits Strong Immunogenicity and Attenuates Neuropathology and Cognitive Deficits in Alzheimer's Disease Transgenic Mice.
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Field Study on the Immunological Response and Protective Effect of a Licensed Autogenous Vaccine to Control Infections in Post-Weaned Piglets.
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Ventricular tachycardia: beginning and ending fate of a benign invasive cardiac lipoma.
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Impact of somatic mutations on response to lenalidomide in lower-risk non-del(5q) myelodysplastic syndromes patients.
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Clinical analysis and literature review of a case with the myelodysplastic syndrome/myeloproliferative neoplasm with ring sideroblasts and thrombocytosis.
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Evidence-based clinical advice for nutrition and dietary weight loss strategies for the management of NAFLD and NASH.
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Nudix hydrolase遺伝子ファミリーにおける機能の多様化が、Rosa x wichuranaのセスキテルペン生合成を促進している
Functional diversification in the Nudix hydrolase gene family drives sesquiterpene biosynthesis in Rosa x wichurana.
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Contextual complexity of chemical signals in callitrichids.
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Sumatriptan Reduces Severity of Status Epilepticus Induced by Lithium-Pilocarpine Through Nitrergic Transmission and 5-HT Receptors in Rats: A Pharmacological-Based Evidence.
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Varicella Vaccine Meningitis as a Complication of Herpes Zoster in Twice-Immunized Immunocompetent Adolescents.
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Impact of an intervention for reducing waste through educational strategy: A Mexican case study, what works, and why?
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Androgen receptor and immune cell PD-L1 expression in bladder tumors predicts disease recurrence and survival.
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Safety and Efficacy of (+)-Epicatechin in Subjects with Friedreich's Ataxia: A Phase II, Open-Label, Prospective Study.
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A Deep Learning Approach for Magnetization Transfer Contrast MR Fingerprinting and Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer Imaging
A Deep Learning Approach for Magnetization Transfer Contrast MR Fingerprinting and Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer Imaging.
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Visual snow syndrome: is it normal or a disorder - and what to do with patients?
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Connections between Friendship Quality, Peer Competence, and Obesity in Early Childhood through Adolescence.
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Humic acid-modified bentonite composite material enhances urea-nitrogen use efficiency.
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Sperm velocity in a promiscuous bird across experimental media of different viscosities.
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Expression of Hsp60 and its cell location in Paracoccidioides brasiliensis.
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The North American Neuroendocrine Tumor Society Consensus Guidelines for Surveillance and Medical Management of Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors.
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Setting the sagittal condylar inclination on a virtual articulator by using a facial and intraoral scan of the protrusive interocclusal position: A dental technique.
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Biomechanical assessment of two back-support exoskeletons in symmetric and asymmetric repetitive lifting with moderate postural demands.
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Exploring the wound healing, anti-inflammatory, anti-pathogenic and proteomic effects of lactic acid bacteria on keratinocytes.
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GP coding behaviour for non-specific clinical presentations: a pilot study.
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Using the full PICO model as a search tool for systematic reviews resulted in lower recall for some PICO elements.
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セルトリ細胞の UXT は血液-精巣バリアの完全性に必要である
UXT in Sertoli Cells is Required for Blood-Testis Barrier Integrity.
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The effect of diabetes on the cognitive trajectory of older adults in Mexico and the U.S.
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Intranasal Butorphanol Rescue Therapy for the Treatment of Intractable Pruritus: A Case Series from the Johns Hopkins Itch Clinic.
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Primary signet ring cell carcinoma with tubular adenoma of the rectum: A case report and a review of the literature.
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A segmental defect adaptation of the mouse closed femur fracture model for the analysis of severely impaired bone healing.
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The Effect of Soil on the Biochemical Plasticity of Berry Skin in Two Italian Grapevine ( L.) Cultivars.
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Sexual satisfaction in nasopharyngeal carcinoma survivors: Rates and determinants.
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The limits of lead (Pb) phytoextraction and possibilities of phytostabilization in contaminated soil: a critical review.
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A New Phantom for Individual Verification of the Dose Distribution in Precision Radiotherapy for Head-and-Neck Cancer.
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Systematic or Test-Guided Treatment for Tuberculosis in HIV-Infected Adults.
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Unveiling a novel function of CD9 in surface compartmentalization of oocytes.
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Treatment efficiency of activator and skeletal anchored Forsus Fatigue Resistant Device appliances.
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Impact of lockdown in COVID 19 on glycemic control in patients with type 1 Diabetes Mellitus.
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Our Next Pandemic Ethics Challenge? Allocating "Normal" Health Care Services.
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Quercetin for myocardial ischemia reperfusion injury: A protocol for systematic review and meta-analysis.
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A Retrospective Comparison of Dental Treatment under General Anesthesia Provided for Uncooperative Healthy Patients and Patients with Special Health Care Needs.
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A Pathological Clarification of Sepsis-Associated Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation Based on Comprehensive Coagulation and Fibrinolysis Function.
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A novel cell-free single-molecule unique primer extension resequencing (cf-SUPER) technology for bladder cancer non-invasive detection in urine.
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An apoferritin-haemagglutinin conjugate vaccine with encapsulated nucleoprotein antigen peptide from influenza virus confers enhanced cross protection.
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Influenza A virus NS1 optimises virus infectivity by enhancing genome packaging in a dsRNA-binding dependent manner.
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Case 17-2020: A 68-Year-Old Man with Covid-19 and Acute Kidney Injury.
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Copper Tolerance Mediated by and in .
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Impact of the extent of axillary surgery in patients with N2-3 disease in the de-escalation era: a propensity score-matched study.
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Optimization and mechanism of postponing aging of polysaccharides from Chinese herbal medicine formula.
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Determinants of changes in arterial stiffness following thoracic endovascular aortic repair.
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Effectiveness of golimumab in rheumatoid arthritis patients with inadequate response to first-line biologic therapy: Results from a Japanese post-marketing surveillance study.
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What Are the Minimal Detectable Changes in SDMT and Verbal Fluency Tests for Assessing Changes in Cognitive Performance in Persons with Multiple Sclerosis and Non-Multiple Sclerosis Controls?
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Discovery of 5-(4-methylpiperazin-1-yl)-2-nitroaniline derivatives as a new class of SIRT6 inhibitors.
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リベラルは本当に汚いのか?Helzer and Pizarro (2011)の研究1をメタ分析で再現した2つの失敗
Are liberals really dirty? Two failures to replicate Helzer and Pizarro's (2011) study 1, with meta-analysis.
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Where on the Differential Is Eisenmenger Syndrome in a Patient Without Prior Cardiopulmonary Disease?
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Current trends in the management of acute type A aortic intramural hematoma.
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Observation of an extracted premolar 2.5 years after mineral trioxide aggregate apexification using micro-computed tomography.
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Harm Reduction: Assessing the Educational Needs of Family Medicine Residents in Care of Persons Who Inject Drugs.
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Analysis of fitness costs associated with metronidazole and amoxicillin resistance in Helicobacter pylori.
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Coronavirus 2019 Disease (COVID-19), Systemic Inflammation, and Cardiovascular Disease.
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Does the Etiology of Pulp Necrosis Affect Regenerative Endodontic Treatment Outcomes? A Systematic Review and Meta-analyses.
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Silver Nanoparticles at Biocompatible Dosage Synergistically Increases Bacterial Susceptibility to Antibiotics.
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Thoracoscopic Repair of Esophageal Atresia With Distal Tracheoesophageal Fistula (Type C): Systematic Review.
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Iodine-125 interstitial brachytherapy for malignant lacrimal sac tumours: an innovative technique.
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Forensic Identification Through Tooth Discoloration And Alignment.
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In situ reductive dissolution to remove Iodine-129 from aquifer sediments.
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Combination of NDRG2 overexpression, X-ray radiation and docetaxel enhances apoptosis and inhibits invasiveness properties of LNCaP cells.
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Application of PET Tracers in Molecular Imaging for Breast Cancer.
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Burden of Illness Among People with Migraine and ≥ 4 Monthly Headache Days While Using Acute and/or Preventive Prescription Medications for Migraine.
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Repurposing of auranofin against bacterial infections: An In silico and In vitro study.
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Mitochondria targeted redox GFP reveals time and dose dependent onset and progression of mitochondrial oxidation with diverging cell death decisions during photodynamic therapy.
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Clinical spectrum and genotype-phenotype correlations in PRRT2 Italian patients.
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200 million years of anuran body size evolution in relation to geography, ecology, and life history.
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On the Bioactivity and Mechanical Properties of Gehlenite Nanobioceramic: A Comparative Study.
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The purinergic P2X7 receptor as a potential drug target to combat neuroinflammation in neurodegenerative diseases.
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Effect of Dentin Bonding Agent on Intrapulpal Temperature during Fabrication of Provisional Restorations by a Direct Method: An Study.
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mTOR 経路を持続的に活性化した新規ヒト骨肉腫細胞株 COS-33 の開発と特性評価
Development and characterization of the novel human osteosarcoma cell line COS-33 with sustained activation of the mTOR pathway.
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Vibrational properties of 1D- and 3D polynuclear spin crossover Fe(II) urea-triazoles polymer chains and quantification of intrachain cooperativity.
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Optimization of sperm RNA processing for developmental research.
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