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[Hygienic aspects of dental caries and its prevention].
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[Etiology, diagnosis, prevention and treatment of dental fluorosis].
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う蝕および歯周病管理のためのグラフェンの生体内研究。A Concise Review
In Vitro Studies of Graphene for Management of Dental Caries and Periodontal Disease: A Concise Review.
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二酸化塩素の日常的な使用は口臭を効果的に治療する。無作為化比較試験のメタアナリシス(meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials)
Daily use of chlorine dioxide effectively treats halitosis: A meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials.
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Periodontal regeneration with 0.3% basic fibroblast growth factor (FGF-2) for a patient with aggressive periodontitis: a case report.
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Biodegradable gelatin/beta-tricalcium phosphate sponges incorporating recombinant human fibroblast growth factor-2 for treatment of recession-type defects: A split-mouth study in dogs.
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Towards Induction of Angiogenesis in Dental Pulp Stem Cells Using Chitosan-Based Hydrogels Releasing Basic Fibroblast Growth Factor.
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A study of a pre-brushing mouthrinse as an adjunct to oral hygiene.
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Bond strengths of various resin cements to different ceramics.
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Shear bond strengths of various resin cements between three types of adherends and bovine teeth with and without thermocycling.
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Current Protocols for Resin-Bonded Dental Ceramics.
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Influence of Fit-checking Material and Cleaning Protocols on the Bond Strength of Lithium Disilicate Glass-ceramics.
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インレー修復物の合着に用いる接着性レジンセメントの内部およびマージンへの適合性.In Vitro Micro-CT Study
Internal and Marginal Adaptation of Adhesive Resin Cements Used for Luting Inlay Restorations: An In Vitro Micro-CT Study.
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Settling the controversy of salt substitutes and stroke: sodium reduction or potassium increase?
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Stakeholder perspectives on Nigeria's national sodium reduction program: Lessons for implementation and scale-up.
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Altered dietary salt intake for preventing diabetic kidney disease and its progression.
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Use of three-dimensional-printed tooth replica for autogenous tooth transplantation at an anatomically challenging site.
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The neurophysiological basis of bruxism.
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[Parafunctions: a better understanding for a better treatment].
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Esthetic, occlusal, and periodontal rehabilitation of anterior teeth with minimum thickness porcelain laminate veneers.
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Effect of Water Storage and Bleaching on Light Transmission Properties and Translucency of Nanofilled Flowable Composite.
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Does the thickness of universal-shade composites affect the ability to reflect the color of background dentin?
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Restoration of Severely Damaged Endodontically Treated Premolars: Influence of the Ferrule Effect on Marginal Integrity and Fracture Load of Resin Nano-ceramic CAD-CAM Endocrowns.
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Plaque accumulation on crowns made of various materials.
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The Effect of Periodontal Phenotype Characteristics on Post-Extraction Dimensional Changes of The Alveolar Ridge: A Prospective Case Series.
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Clinical results of Cerec inlays in a dental practice over a period of 18 years.
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Bur Choice When Removing Zirconia Restorations.
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Accuracy of four recent intraoral scanners with respect to two different ceramic surfaces.
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Bibliometric assessment in implant-retained overdenture articles: Mapping citation and journal impact factor trends.
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下顎インプラントオーバーデンチャー補強のためのフルデジタルワークフロー -新規手法の提案
Fully digital workflow for reinforced mandibular implant overdenture - A novel method.
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Comparing the functional efficiency of tooth-supported overdentures and implant-supported overdentures in patients requiring oral rehabilitation: A systematic review.
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Tooth autotransplantation: an overview and case study.
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自生親知らずの移植。6-9 ヶ月の経過観察を行ったケースシリーズ
Autogenous wisdom tooth transplantation: A case series with 6-9 months follow-up.
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Autotransplantation: An Alternative to Dental Implants- Case Report With 4-Year Follow-Up.
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Autotransplantation of teeth as an alternative to dental implantation.
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Autotransplantation of a mature mandibular third molar as alternative to dental implant placement: Case report.
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Professional Mechanical Tooth Cleaning Method for Dental Implant Surface by Agar Particle Blasting.
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A review on clinical use of CAD/CAM and 3D printed dentures.
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Factors affecting flexural strength of 3D-printed resins: A systematic review.
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An On-Orbit Dynamic Calibration Method for an MHD Micro-Angular Vibration Sensor Using a Laser Interferometer.
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Effects of Flap Design on the Periodontal Health of Second Lower Molars after Impacted Third Molar Extraction.
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[Surgical treatment tactics in patients with third molars located close to mandibular canal].
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A six-month study of two self-applied tooth whitening products containing carbamide peroxide.
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Evaluation of 30% carbamide peroxide at-home bleaching gels with and without potassium nitrate--a pilot study.
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Post-prophylaxis gingivitis prevention with two-step stannous fluoride dentifrice plus whitening gel sequence or chlorhexidine gluconate mouthrinse.
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Tooth as graft material: Histologic study.
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Bone and Soft Tissue Modifications in Immediate Implants Versus Delayed Implants Inserted Following Alveolar Ridge Preservation: A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial. Part II: Radiographic Outcomes.
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Tooth transplantation and replantation: Biological insights towards therapeutic improvements.
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X-ray dark-field tomography reveals tooth cracks.
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An Analysis of Different Techniques Used to Seal Post-Extractive Sites-A Preliminary Report.
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Enhanced socket preparation during auto transplantation: A new treatment protocol.
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Survival and prognostic factors of managing cracked teeth with reversible pulpitis: A 1- to 4-year prospective cohort study.
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A modified scan technique for multiple abutment teeth using the trim and lock function.
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上顎無歯顎用口腔内スキャニングシステムの精度と速度に及ぼすスキャン技術の影響:in vitro試験による検討
Influence of scan technology on the accuracy and speed of intraoral scanning systems for the edentulous maxilla: An in vitro study.
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デジタル印象法と従来の印象法で作製したフルアーチ模型の真正性:in vivoでの検討
Trueness of full-arch dental models obtained by digital and conventional impression techniques: an in vivo study.
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Effects of core build-up resin composite translucency on IOS accuracy: an in-vitro study.
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デジタルスキャンと従来型印象で作製した5ユニットジルコニア固定式歯科補綴物のマージナルおよびインターナルフィット。In vitro による比較検討
Marginal and internal fit of five-unit zirconia fixed dental prostheses fabricated with digital scans and conventional impressions: A comparative in vitro study.
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Association of Chlorhexidine Use and Scaling and Root Planing With Birth Outcomes in Pregnant Individuals With Periodontitis: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.
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Effect Of Dental Proximal Restorations On Periodontal Health In Patients.
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Comparison of periodontal status and salivary IL-15 and -18 levels in cigarette-smokers and individuals using electronic nicotine delivery systems.
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Oral lesions and periodontal status in diabetics and non-diabetics: A hospital based study.
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Root submergence technique as a partial extraction therapy to preserve the alveolar ridge tissues: A systematic review and appraisal of the literature.
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Implications of hydrogen sulfide in colorectal cancer: Mechanistic insights and diagnostic and therapeutic strategies.
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Efficacy of recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2 for bone regeneration in alveolar defects: A protocol for systematic review and meta-analysis.
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Prevalence of periodontitis in dentate people between 2011 and 2020: a systematic review and meta-analysis of epidemiological studies.
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Growth hormone receptor gene is related to root length and tooth length in human teeth.
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Clinical efficacy of hyaluronic acid in the treatment of periodontal intrabony defect: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
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Flapless Decoronation: A Minimally Invasive Approach.
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A multifunctional chitosan-based hydrogel with self-healing, antibacterial, and immunomodulatory effects as wound dressing.
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The modified-free gingival graft technique for treatment of gingival recession defects at mandibular incisors: a randomized clinical trial.
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3 種類の荷重プロトコルがインプラントの安定性に及ぼす影響を比較した無作為化比較臨床試験
A randomized controlled clinical trial comparing the effects of three loading protocols on dental implant stability.
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A Theoretical Iteration for Predicting the Feasibility for Immediate Functional Dental Implant Loading.
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Clinical Effect of Free Gingival Grafts on the Increase in Keratinized Mucosa Width at the Buccal Aspect of Implants in Adjacent Mandibular Molars: A Retrospective Study.
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Intentional Replantation as a Starting Approach for a Multidisciplinary Treatment of a Mandibular Second Molar: A Case Report.
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The use of autogenous tooth bone graft powder in the treatment of osseous defects after impacted mandibular third molar extraction: a prospective split-mouth clinical pilot study.
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Alopecia areata and the gut-the link opens up for novel therapeutic interventions.
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円形脱毛症に対するtacrolimus 0.03%, calcipotriol 0.005%, betamethasone dipropionate混合外用薬とclobetasol 0.05%外用薬の有効性の比較検討。臨床的および三次元的な研究
Comparative evaluation of the efficacy of topical tacrolimus 0.03% and topical calcipotriol 0.005% mixed with betamethasone dipropionate versus topical clobetasol 0.05% in treatment of alopecia areata: A clinical and trichoscopic study.
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Evaluation of the serum C-reactive protein-albumin ratio and its relationship with disease severity IN alopecia areata: A prospective case-control study.
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BMP7 を導入した間葉系幹細胞のリガチャー誘発歯周炎における再生能
Regenerative potential of BMP7-engineered mesenchymal stem cells in ligature-induced periodontitis.
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Periodontal Tissue Regeneration Therapy Using Stem Cells.
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歯周病の非外科的治療におけるCo-enzyme Q10の外用および内服の有効性の比較検討
Comparative evaluation of efficacy of topical and intra-sulcular application of Co-enzyme Q10 in the non-surgical treatment of periodontal diseases.
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ドキシサイクリンを添加したコラーゲン膜はin vitroで骨芽細胞の増殖と分化を促進する
Doxycycline-doped collagen membranes accelerate in vitro osteoblast proliferation and differentiation.
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