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Lunate loads following different osteotomies used to treat Kienböck's disease: A 3D finite element analysis.
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完全変異対立遺伝子のFMR1 mRNAは、脆弱性X症候群の男性におけるABC-Cスコアと関連している
FMR1 mRNA from full mutation alleles is associated with ABC-C scores in males with fragile X syndrome.
- Sci Rep.2020 Jul;10(1):11701. 10.1038/s41598-020-68465-6. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-68465-6.Epub 2020-07-16.
Sex and circadian modulatory effects on rat liver as assessed by transcriptome analyses.
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The Manipulation of RNA-Guided Nucleic Acid Cleavage with Ninhydrin Chemistry.
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Influence of Cleaning Methods on Resin Bonding to Contaminated Translucent 3Y-TZP ceramic.
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Etomidate is devoid of genotoxicty and mutagenicity in human lymphocytes and in the Salmonella typhimurium/microsomal activation test.
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Mesenchymal stem cells engineered by modified polyethylenimine polymer for targeted cancer gene therapy, in vitro and in vivo.
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The impact of two root canal treatment protocols on the oral health-related quality of life: A randomised controlled pragmatic clinical trial.
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Hyperbaric Oxygen and Focused Rehabilitation Program: A Feasibility Study in Improving Upper Limb Motor Function After Stroke.
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Evaluation of Disease Severity and Health-Related Quality of Life in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis Undergoing Total Knee Arthroplasty.
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The Importance of Human Emotions for Wildlife Conservation.
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The Protective Effect of Low Dose of Lipopolysaccharide Pretreatment on Endotoxin-Induced Uveitis in Rats Is Associated with Downregulation of CSF-1 and Upregulation of LRR-1.
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[Cloning and expression analysis of 5-phosphomevalonate kinase gene (CcPMK) in Cinnamomum camphora].
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フェントエート 50 EC 殺虫剤曝露による Cyprinus carpio の幼虫における生化学的パラメータと酵素機能の減衰の可能性
Potential attenuation of biochemical parameters and enzymatic functions in Cyprinus carpio fingerlings by Phenthoate 50 EC insecticide exposure.
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硫酸カルシウム誘発大豆蛋白質単離ゲルのゲル特性および相互作用に及ぼすSmilax china L.でんぷんの効果
Effect of Smilax china L. starch on the gel properties and interactions of calcium sulfate-induced soy protein isolate gel.
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Risk factors for lymph node metastasis of ovarian, fallopian tube and primary peritoneal cancer in hereditary breast and ovarian cancer syndrome.
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Adoptive T-Cell Transfer to Treat Lymphangioleiomyomatosis.
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Model of Stretch-Induced Lung Injury to Study Different Lung Ventilation Regimens and the Role of Sedatives.
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Nutritional Screening: Development and Implementation of a Protocol in Patients With Head and Neck Cancer.
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Rinsing Tea before Brewing Decreases Pesticide Residues in Tea Infusion.
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Multistage Hybrid Approach to Management of Significant Sagittal Malalignment: 2-Dimensional Operative Video.
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Distinct determinants of muscle wasting in non-obese heart failure patients with and without type 2 diabetes mellitus.
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Europium Doping Impact on the Properties of MBE Grown BiTe Thin Film.
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Modeling Approaches Reveal New Regulatory Networks in Metabolism.
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Type VI secretion system effector proteins: effective weapons for bacterial competitiveness.
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The Carpal and Tarsal Bones of the Human Body: Arabic mnemonics.
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Dataset of an in-use tertiary building collected from a detailed 3D mobile monitoring system and building automation system for indoor and outdoor air temperature analysis.
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細菌エンハンサー結合タンパク質をコードするtepRは、qsmRとVI型分泌系を介してBurkholderia glumaeの病原性と種間競争を制御している
tepR encoding a bacterial enhancer-binding protein orchestrates the virulence and interspecies competition of Burkholderia glumae through qsmR and a type VI secretion system.
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Quantifying the Contribution of Habitats and Pathways to a Spatially Structured Population Facing Environmental Change.
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Tagsteady: サンプルへの配列の誤った割り当てを回避するためのメタバーコーディングライブラリ作成プロトコル
Tagsteady: a metabarcoding library preparation protocol to avoid false assignment of sequences to samples.
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dsRNA を発現する遺伝子組換え作物のバイオセーフティ。データ要件と EU 規制上の考慮事項
Biosafety of GM Crop Plants Expressing dsRNA: Data Requirements and EU Regulatory Considerations.
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A Potential Checkmate to Lead: Bismuth in Organometal Halide Perovskites, Structure, Properties, and Applications.
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Comparison of patulous Eustachian tube patients with and without a concave defect in the anterolateral wall of the tubal valve.
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Edaravone alleviates cell apoptosis and mitochondrial injury in ischemia-reperfusion-induced kidney injury via the JAK/STAT pathway.
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Osteoblast-Osteoclast Coculture Amplifies Inhibitory Effects of FG-4592 on Human Osteoclastogenesis and Reduces Bone Resorption.
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Efficient production of saffron crocins and picrocrocin in Nicotiana benthamiana using a virus-driven system.
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A digital approach to the evaluation of mandibular position by using a virtual articulator.
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Clinical Conditions of Hospitalized Older Adult Patients and Their Outcomes in a Regional Referral Hospital in Southwestern Uganda.
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Continuous glucose monitoring reduces pubertal hyperglycemia of type 1 diabetes.
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Assessment of Undercuts Relative to Abutment Teeth and Edentulous Area: A Retrospective Cross-sectional Study.
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Radioiodine therapy and Graves' disease - Myths and reality.
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MicroRNA-381 inhibits metastasis and epithelial-mesenchymal transition of glioblastoma cells through targeting LEF1.
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Alcohol and IL-6 Alter Expression of Synaptic Proteins in Cerebellum of Transgenic Mice with Increased Astrocyte Expression of IL-6.
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Healthcare workers' perspectives on healthcare-associated infections and infection control practices: a video-reflexive ethnography study in the Asir region of Saudi Arabia.
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Psychosocial Vulnerabilities to Upper Respiratory Infectious Illness: Implications for Susceptibility to Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19).
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A case of Wong-type dermatomyositis treated with rituximab and IVIG.
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Re-integrating Older Adults Who Have Recovered from the Novel Coronavirus into Society in the Context of Stigmatization: Lessons for Health and Social Actors in Ghana.
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FDA承認薬 神経障害のためのToll-Like Receptor4(TLR4)候補の再利用
FDA Approved Drugs Repurposing of Toll-Like Receptor4 (TLR4) Candidate for Neuropathy.
- Iran J Pharm Res.2019;18(3):1639-1647. doi: 10.22037/ijpr.2019.2394.
賢明な選択 - 視点:重要な質問とは?
[Choosing wisely - perspectives: what are the key questions?]
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Predictive Validity of Body Mass Index Cut-off Values Used in the GLIM Criteria for discriminating Severe and Moderate Malnutrition Based on In-Patients With Pneumonia in Asian Populations.
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Biogeography of ocean acidification: Differential field performance of transplanted mussels to upwelling-driven variation in carbonate chemistry.
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Recent advances and future perspectives in vector-omics.
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サザンエスティオピアのハッサッサ大学総合専門病院(Hawassa, サザンエスティオピア)でのHIV感染者の成人における細菌性尿路感染症、危険因子、薬剤感受性プロファイル
Bacterial associated urinary tract infection, risk factors, and drug susceptibility profile among adult people living with HIV at Haswassa University Comprehensive Specialized Hospital, Hawassa, Southern Esthiopia.
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Clinical Application of Thiopurine Pharmacogenomics in Pediatrics.
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CoO nanoparticles/graphitic carbon nitride heterojunction for photoelectrochemical aptasensor of oxytetracycline.
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Architecture of a catalytically active homotrimeric plant cellulose synthase complex.
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Plasmodium vivaxにおける早期転写膜タンパク質ファミリーに対する抗体応答の評価
Evaluation of antibody responses to the early transcribed membrane protein family in Plasmodium vivax.
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Brodie's abscess of the calcaneus in an adult patient.
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Tmub1 Suppresses Hepatocellular Carcinoma by Promoting the Ubiquitination of ΔNp63 Isoforms.
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Is There a Governing Role of Osteocytes in Bone Tissue Regeneration?
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Atypical osteochondroma of the hamate that presented clinically as carpal tunnel syndrome: report of an extremely rare case and literature review.
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Animal biosynthesis of complex polyketides in a photosynthetic partnership.
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Endothelial damage and dysfunction in acute graft-versus-host disease.
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Clinical, Hematologic, Biologic and Molecular Characteristics of Patients with Myeloproliferative Neoplasms and a Chronic Myelomonocytic Leukemia-Like Phenotype.
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Effects of extraction conditions on acrylamide/furan content, antioxidant activity, and sensory properties of cold brew coffee.
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The endangered Hastings River mouse () as a disperser of ectomycorrhizal fungi in eastern Australia.
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Identifying critical exposure windows for ambient air pollution and semen quality in Chinese men.
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Administration of umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells in patients with severe COVID-19 pneumonia.
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Development and validation of a method using ultra performance liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry for determination of zoledronic acid concentration in human bone.
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Exercise, nutrition, and medication considerations in the light of the COVID pandemic, with specific focus on geriatric population: A literature review.
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Marine mites (Acari: Hydrachnidia) of the Mediterranean Sea: Descriptions of two new species, key for identification and future prospects.
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Efficiency and cell viability implications using tip type electroporation in zebrafish sperm cells.
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Carbamazepine conquers spinal GAP43 deficiency and sciatic Nav1.5 upregulation in diabetic mice: novel mechanisms in alleviating allodynia and hyperalgesia.
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STING promotes NLRP3 localization in ER and facilitates NLRP3 deubiquitination to activate the inflammasome upon HSV-1 infection.
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Conveying trunk orientation information through a wearable tactile interface.
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Exposure to organic solvents and hepatotoxicity.
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Effect of the usage of Er,Cr:YSGG laser with and without different remineralization agents on the enamel erosion of primary teeth.
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Bone metastasis and skeletal-related events in patients with solid cancer: A Korean nationwide health insurance database study.
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Association of home and ambulatory blood pressure variability with left ventricular mass index in chronic kidney disease patients.
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Sensory Profiling and Consumer Acceptance of Pasta, Bread, and Granola Bar Fortified with Dried Olive Pomace (Pâté): A Byproduct from Virgin Olive Oil Production.
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警察と刑務所の廃止のための看護師/Infirmières pour l' abolition de la police et des prison/Enfermeras para la abolición de la policía y las prisiones
Nurses for police and prison abolition/Infirmières pour l'abolition de la police et des prisons/Enfermeras para la abolición de la policía y las prisiones.
- Public Health Nurs.2020 Jul;37(4):471-474. doi: 10.1111/phn.12766.
Changes in bench press performance and throwing velocity after strength-oriented and ballistic resistance training programs.
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Circadian Typology and Personality Dimensions of Croatian Students of Health-Related University Majors.
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第 Xa 因子阻害薬関連頭蓋内出血患者におけるアンデキサネットアルファの実使用に関する 18 ヶ月間の単施設観察研究
An 18-month single-center observational study of real-world use of andexanet alfa in patients with factor Xa inhibitor associated intracranial hemorrhage.
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グラフェンおよびグラフェン機能化生体材料の抗菌機構とその効果.A Scope Review
Antimicrobial Mechanisms and Effectiveness of Graphene and Graphene-Functionalized Biomaterials. A Scope Review.
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Poor oral hygiene, oral microorganisms and aspiration pneumonia risk in older people in residential aged care: a systematic review.
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Plasmodium knowlesiに対するPlasmodium vivax血液段階抗原に対する抗体の種を超えた反応性
Cross-species reactivity of antibodies against Plasmodium vivax blood-stage antigens to Plasmodium knowlesi.
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分泌性散在性褐色細胞腫における18F-FDOPA PETと123I-Metaiodobenzylguanidineシンチグラフィーおよび18F-FDG PETの比較
18F-FDOPA PET Compared With 123I-Metaiodobenzylguanidine Scintigraphy and 18F-FDG PET in Secreting Sporadic Pheochromocytoma.
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Surgical Management of Degenerative Lumbar Scoliosis Associated With Spinal Stenosis: Does the PI-LL Matter?
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Outcomes of microdebrider-assisted versus radiofrequency-assisted inferior turbinate reduction surgery: a systematic review and meta-analysis of interventional randomised studies.
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Cosyntropin Attenuates Neuroinflammation in a Mouse Model of Traumatic Brain Injury.
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A Rare Case of Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia with Giant Adrenal Myelolipoma.
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On the understanding of zinc-oxide eugenol cement use prior to etch-rinse bonding strategies.
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Experiences of front-line nurses combating coronavirus disease-2019 in China: A qualitative analysis.
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Traumatic cervical vertebral artery dissection: A case with cerebral infarct due to newly formed thrombus in the cerebral arteries.
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Leveraging existing GWAS summary data of genetically correlated and uncorrelated traits to improve power for a new GWAS.
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Immunological detection of pregnancy: Evidence for systemic immune modulation during early pregnancy in ruminants.
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Para-articular osteochondroma of the infrapatellar fat pad: A report of three cases.
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Influence on Uranium(VI) migration in soil by iron and manganese salts of humic acid: Mechanism and behavior.
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