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アブサイシン酸の葉面散布はカドミウムストレスを緩和し、カドミウム感受性レタス( L.)の遺伝子型の栄養品質と食品安全性を向上させることがわかった
Foliar application of abscisic acid mitigates cadmium stress and increases food safety of cadmium-sensitive lettuce ( L.) genotype.
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Comparing the preventive behavior of medical students and physicians in the era of COVID-19: Novel medical problems demand novel curricular interventions.
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Enhanced heat tolerance of viral-infected aphids leads to niche expansion and reduced interspecific competition.
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Organic contaminants sorbed to microplastics affect marine medaka fish early life stages development.
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Alfalfa leaf curl virus is transmitted by Aphis craccivora in a highly specific circulative manner.
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From Inflammation to Cutaneous Repair: Topical Application of Lupeol Improves Skin Wound Healing in Rats by Modulating the Cytokine Levels, NF-κB, Ki-67, Growth Factor Expression, and Distribution of Collagen Fibers.
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Prognostic Implications of 18-FDG Positron Emission Tomography/Computed Tomography in Resectable Pancreatic Cancer.
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Evaluation of hypopigmentation in embryonic zebrafish induced by emerging disinfection byproduct, 3, 5-di-I-tyrosylalanine.
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Retroperitoneal schwannoma mimicking an adnexal mass in pregnancy.
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Complete genome sequence of almond luteovirus 1, a novel luteovirus infecting almond.
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Integrin α5β1 inhibition by ATN-161 reduces neuroinflammation and is neuroprotective in ischemic stroke.
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Molecular profile of ultrastructure changes of the ligamentum flavum related to lumbar spinal canal stenosis.
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Inhibition of Respiration of Candida albicans by Small Molecules Increases Phagocytosis Efficacy by Macrophages.
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Ceftobiprole: a potential empirical post-operative monotherapy in prosthetic joint infections.
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Patient-reported outcome instruments used in immune-checkpoint inhibitor clinical trials in oncology: a systematic review.
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Aurora-B は NPM1/ERK/NF-κβ/MMPs 軸の活性化を介して骨肉腫細胞の増殖と転移を促進する
Aurora-B Promotes Osteosarcoma Cell Growth and Metastasis Through Activation of the NPM1/ERK/NF-κβ/MMPs Axis.
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ベーリング海東部におけるタフトパフィン(Fratercula cirrhata)の異常死亡率
Unusual mortality of Tufted puffins (Fratercula cirrhata) in the eastern Bering Sea.
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[Structure and function of the visual pathway].
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upregulates TRPC6 via Wnt/β-catenin signaling to promote gastric cancer migration and invasion.
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Enhanced Oral Bioavailability of Felodipine from Solid Lipid Nanoparticles Prepared Through Effervescent Dispersion Technique.
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バベシア症サーベイランス - 米国、2011-2015年
Babesiosis Surveillance - United States, 2011-2015.
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Whole organ and islet of Langerhans dosimetry for calculation of absorbed doses resulting from imaging with radiolabeled exendin.
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Genomic footprints of repeated evolution of CAM photosynthesis in a Neotropical species radiation.
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The Relationship between Side of Onset and Cerebral Regional Homogeneity in Parkinson's Disease: A Resting-State fMRI Study.
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Use of hydraulic traits for modeling genotype-specific acclimation in cotton under drought.
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Low-dose metformin reprograms the tumor immune microenvironment in human esophageal cancer: Results of a phase II clinical trial.
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Coagulation Abnormalities and Thrombosis in Patients Infected With SARS-CoV-2 and Other Pandemic Viruses.
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Ecogeographic variation across morphofunctional units of the human nose.
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Effects of physical activity and melatonin on brain-derived neurotrophic factor and cytokine expression in the cerebellum of high-fat diet-fed rats.
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MEArec: A Fast and Customizable Testbench Simulator for Ground-truth Extracellular Spiking Activity.
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The Characteristics of Patients With Possible Transient Ischemic Attack and Minor Stroke in the Hunter and Manning Valley Regions, Australia (the INSIST Study).
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肺癌の軟部組織転移のF-FDG PET/CT検出の画像特徴と予後予測値:レトロスペクティブ研究
Imaging features and prognostic value of F-FDG PET/CT detection of soft-tissue metastasis from lung cancer: a retrospective study.
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ゼブラフィッシュ(Danio rerio)の長期摂取における異なるサイズのマイクロプラスチック粒子の潜在的な影響の組織学的、酵素学的、化学的分析
Histological, enzymatic and chemical analyses of the potential effects of differently sized microplastic particles upon long-term ingestion in zebrafish (Danio rerio).
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Niche-partitioning of edaphic microbial communities in the Namib Desert gravel plain Fairy Circles.
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Cancer risk in road transportation workers: a national representative cohort study with 600,000 person-years of follow-up.
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Contrasting the ecological effects of decreasing ice cover versus accelerated glacial melt on the High Arctic's largest lake.
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Eleven novel mutations and clinical characteristics in seven Chinese patients with thiamine metabolism dysfunction syndrome.
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Impact of a High-fat Diet on the Development of Chronic Inflammation in Heart of Wistar rats.
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オクトコアのゲノム配列 - 地中海における気候変動の影響を研究するための重要な資料
The Genome Sequence of the Octocoral - A Key Resource To Study the Impact of Climate Change in the Mediterranean.
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-254C>G SNP in the Gene Promoter Influences Its Expression via Interaction with the NF-B Subunit RELA in Steroid-Resistant Nephrotic Syndrome Children.
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A case of human infection with a novel Babesia species in China.
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Efficacy and infection morbidity of frontline immuno-chemotherapy in follicular lymphoma.
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Destruction in maternal-fetal interface of URSA patients via the increase of the HMGB1-RAGE/TLR2/TLR4-NF-κB signaling pathway.
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Replacing Heavily Damaged Teeth by Third Molar Autotransplantation With the Use of Cone-Beam Computed Tomography and Rapid Prototyping.
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Plasticity of cardiovascular chemoreflexes after prolonged unilateral carotid body denervation: implications for its therapeutic use.
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Evaluation of [¹¹¹In]-labeled zinc-dipicolylamine tracers for SPECT imaging of bacterial infection.
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Development of lipid-like materials for RNA delivery based on intracellular environment-responsive membrane destabilization and spontaneous collapse.
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Aphid transmission of nanoviruses.
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Analysis of primary oral and oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma in inhabitants of Beijing, China-a 10-year continuous single-center study.
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CDK46 inhibitor palbociclib overcomes acquired resistance to third-generation EGFR inhibitor osimertinib in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC).
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BYASE: 遺伝子レベルとアイソフォームレベルの対立遺伝子特異的発現を推定するためのPythonライブラリ
BYASE: A Python library for estimating gene and isoform level allele-specific expression.
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A response to the letter to the editor by Driscoll et al.
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Cancer Immune Therapy for Philadelphia Chromosome-Negative Chronic Myeloproliferative Neoplasms.
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Using old antibiotics to treat ancient bacterium-β-lactams for Bacillus anthracis meningitis.
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Enhanced DNA adduct formation by benzo[a]pyrene in human liver cells lacking cytochrome P450 oxidoreductase.
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Melatonin inhibits Benzo(a)pyrene-Induced apoptosis through activation of the Mir-34a/Sirt1/autophagy pathway in mouse liver.
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三次元細胞培養におけるバイオミメティック足場の作製技術.A review
Fabrication techniques of biomimetic scaffolds in three-dimensional cell culture: A review.
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排除は血小板内殺傷とCD4 T細胞に依存している
Elimination of Is Dependent on Intraerythrocytic Killing and CD4 T Cells.
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The Antihistamine Deptropine Induces Hepatoma Cell Death through Blocking Autophagosome-Lysosome Fusion.
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Multiple links between 5-methylcytosine content of mRNA and translation.
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慢性リンパ性白血病とc-ANCA陽性のWegener's granulomatosisを合併したまれな症例報告
A rare association of chronic lymphocytic leukemia with c-ANCA-positive Wegener's granulomatosis: a case report.
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Meeting Report of the 35th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Surgical Research: Summary of Presentations, Labs, and Workshops, Focusing on Experimental Surgery, Clearwater Beach, FL, 25-27 September 2019.
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PKD2/polycystin-2 induces autophagy by forming a complex with BECN1.
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Waveform changes with the evolution of beta bursts in the human subthalamic nucleus.
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Exploratory genome-wide interaction analysis of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and predicted gene expression on colorectal cancer risk.
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Leo Szilard's Bladder Cancer: Survival in the Nuclear Era.
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Temporal information loss in the macaque early visual system.
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The Impact of Estrogen Supplementation to Autonomic and Sleep Modulations in Free-Moving Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats.
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Differential roles of pyramidal and fast-spiking, GABAergic neurons in the control of glioma cell proliferation.
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Robotic-assisted laparoscopic pyeloplasty as management for recurrent ureteropelvic junction obstruction: a comparison study with primary pyeloplasty.
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Attenuation of Lipopolysaccharide-Induced Acute Lung Injury by Hispolon in Mice, Through Regulating the TLR4/PI3K/Akt/mTOR and Keap1/Nrf2/HO-1 Pathways, and Suppressing Oxidative Stress-Mediated ER Stress-Induced Apoptosis and Autophagy.
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がん転帰は解剖学的に切除可能な膵管腺癌における術前CA 19-9とは独立している:レトロスペクティブコホート解析
Cancer outcomes are independent of preoperative CA 19-9 in anatomically resectable pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma: A retrospective cohort analysis.
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Novel mutations in the SMPD1 gene in Jordanian children with Acid sphingomyelinase deficiency (Niemann-Pick types A and B).
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Investigation of Oxidative Stress-Related Candidate Genes as Risk Factors for Drug-Induced Liver Injury due to Co-Amoxiclav.
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Independent, external validation of clinical prediction rules for the identification of extended-spectrum β-lactamase-producing Enterobacterales, University Hospital Basel, Switzerland, January 2010 to December 2016.
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One-Pot Covalent Grafting of Gelatin on Poly(Vinyl Alcohol) Hydrogel to Enhance Endothelialization and Hemocompatibility for Synthetic Vascular Graft Applications.
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Altered plasma proteins released from platelets and endothelial cells are associated with human patent ductus arteriosus.
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Taste sensitivity throughout age and the relationship with the sleep quality.
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Hsp90 inhibition and co-incubation with pertuzumab induce internalization and degradation of trastuzumab: Implications for use of T-DM1.
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オランダのマダニ咬傷とErythema Migransを持つヒトにおけるマダニ媒介病原体の分子検出
Molecular Detection of Tick-Borne Pathogens in Humans with Tick Bites and Erythema Migrans, in the Netherlands.
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The mitochondrial peroxiredoxin displays distinct roles in different developmental stages of African trypanosomes.
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Combination of LMT-28 and Metformin Improves Beneficial Anti-Inflammatory Effect in Collagen-Induced Arthritis.
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Targeting anti-cancer agents to bone using bisphosphonates.
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Effect of photobiomodulation and exercise on early remodeling of the Achilles tendon in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats.
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Hydrosoluble collagen based biodegradable hybrid hydrogel for biomedical scaffold.
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Roe deer on ice: Selection despite limited effective population size through the Pleistocene.
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Electrochemical quantification of piperine in black pepper.
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トランスクリプトーム解析により、Cucumis sativus L.のFusarium oxysporum f. sp. cucumerinum感染に対するエチレンを媒介とした防御反応が明らかになった
Transcriptome analysis reveals ethylene-mediated defense responses to Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cucumerinum infection in Cucumis sativus L.
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Periodontal risk markers in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
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Crystal structure of 4-chloro-2-nitro-benzoic acid with 4-hy-droxy-quinoline: a disordered structure over two states of 4-chloro-2-nitro-benzoic acid-quinolin-4(1)-one (1/1) and 4-hy-droxy-quinolinium 4-chloro-2-nitro-benzoate.
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Periodontal risk markers in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
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アリゾナ州とニューメキシコ州におけるAmblyomma maculatum sensu lato(アカリ:イクソ科)とRickettsia parkeri(リケッチアレス:リケッチアセア科)の分布と発生状況、2017-2019年
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