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Occurrence, genetic diversity, and recombination of maize lethal necrosis disease-causing viruses in Kenya.
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アジアのイネ(Oryza sativa)の家畜化における構造変異の進化的ゲノミクス
Evolutionary genomics of structural variation in Asian rice (Oryza sativa) domestication.
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nanoDSF: ピコルナウイルスのコーティング解除と粒子の安定性に影響を与える化合物を監視するためのラベルフリー手法
nanoDSF: Label-Free Method to Monitor Picornavirus Uncoating and Test Compounds Affecting Particle Stability.
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Influence of Ageing on Vascular Reactivity and Receptor Expression in Rabbit Aorta: A Complement to Elastocalcinosis and Smooth Muscle Mechanisms.
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Molecular Mapping and Candidate Gene Analysis for GA Responsive Short Internode in Watermelon ().
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Pigment epithelium-derived factor, a novel decidual natural killer cells-derived factor, protects decidual stromal cells via anti-inflammation and anti-apoptosis in early pregnancy.
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Human and animal Trypanosomes in Côte d'Ivoire form a single breeding population.
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Elevated EPSTI1 promote B cell hyperactivation through NF-κB signalling in patients with primary Sjögren's syndrome.
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Zr-oxine を使用したリポソーム グルココルチコイドの PET イメージング:炎症性関節炎の治療法のアプリケーション
PET Imaging of Liposomal Glucocorticoids using Zr-oxine: Theranostic Applications in Inflammatory Arthritis.
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Direct activation of tRNA methyltransferase-like 1 (Mettl1) gene by thyroid hormone receptor implicates a role in adult intestinal stem cell development and proliferation during metamorphosis.
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Caspase-11 promotes allergic airway inflammation.
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Treatment and esthetic management of traumatized maxillary central incisors with endodontic therapy and the inside/outside bleaching technique: A clinical report.
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Cardiovascular risk factors indirectly affect acute post-stroke cognition through stroke severity and prior cognitive impairment: a moderated mediation analysis.
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Google Trendsとアルゼンチンのインフルエンザデータを用いた2週間後と30週間後の韓国の季節的なインフルエンザ様疾患の予測
Forecasting seasonal influenza-like illness in South Korea after 2 and 30 weeks using Google Trends and influenza data from Argentina.
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Microbubble detection following hyperbaric chamber dives using dual-frequency ultrasound.
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式:text参照、黒人参由来の希少なプロトパナキサトリオール型ジンセノサイド画分、Suppresses Inflammatory Gene iNOS via the Iinhibition of p-STAT-1 and NF-Formula:textB
[Formula: see text], a Rare Protopanaxatriol-Type Ginsenoside Fraction from Black Ginseng, Suppresses Inflammatory Gene iNOS via the Iinhibition of p-STAT-1 and NF-[Formula: see text]B.
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Training of hepatology providers improves the screening and resultant interventions for alcohol use disorder.
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First look by the Yutu-2 rover at the deep subsurface structure at the lunar farside.
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Muscarinic acetylcholine receptor signaling generates OFF selectivity in a simple visual circuit.
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Pseudorheumatoid nodule: a variant of granuloma annulare?
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D-Dimer and Fibrin Degradation Products Impair Platelet Signaling: Plasma D-Dimer Is a Predictor and Mediator of Platelet Dysfunction During Trauma.
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Immune-related Adverse Events of Pembrolizumab in a Large Real-world Cohort of Patients With NSCLC With a PD-L1 Expression ≥ 50% and Their Relationship With Clinical Outcomes.
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Association of Major Food Sources of Fructose-Containing Sugars With Incident Metabolic Syndrome: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.
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DNA Damage: From Threat to Treatment.
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Nitric oxide/cGMP signaling pathway and potassium channels contribute to hypotensive effects of nothofagin.
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Vigabatrin prevents seizure in swine subjected to hyperbaric hyperoxia.
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Phase 1b Study of IGF-Methotrexate Conjugate in the Treatment of High-grade Myelodysplastic Syndromes.
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Assessment of the dicentric chromosome assay as a biodosimetry tool for more personalized medicine in a case of a high risk neuroblastoma I-mIBG treatment.
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Control of proliferative enteropathy in growing/fattening pigs using growth promoters.
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Diffusion Tensor Imaging Studies on Recovery of Injured Optic Radiation: A Minireview.
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Unraveling FATP1, regulated by ER-β, as a targeted breast cancer innovative therapy.
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Differential Chloride Secretory Capacity in Transepithelial Ion Transport Properties in Chronic Rhinosinusitis.
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C. elegans Males Integrate Food Signals and Biological Sex to Modulate State-Dependent Chemosensation and Behavioral Prioritization.
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Functional analysis of a novel fusion protein PAX5-KIDINS220 identified in a pediatric Ph-like ALL patient.
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Pathophysiological effects of sulfur mustard on skin and its current treatments: possible application of phytochemicals.
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ヨーロッパアナグマ(Meles meles)の生殖と体細胞の老衰。生涯性ステロイドプロファイルからの証拠
Reproductive and Somatic Senescence in the European Badger (Meles meles): Evidence from Lifetime Sex-Steroid Profiles.
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Comparison of the Six-Minute Propulsion and Arm Crank Ergometer Tests to Assess Aerobic Fitness in Manual Wheelchair Users with a Spinal Cord Injury.
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Multiple Osteomas of Eustachian Tube Causing Ipsilateral Otitis Media.
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A infection with osteolytic lesions in an HIV-negative patient at non-endemic areas: A case report.
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Pair housing, but not using a controlled reinforcer frequency procedure, attenuates the modulatory effect of probability presentation order on amphetamine-induced changes in risky choice.
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Micropulse Transscleral Cyclophotocoagulation: A Look at Long-Term Effectiveness and Outcomes.
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Polymerized Selenium Nanoparticles for Folate-Receptor-Targeted Delivery of Anti-Luc-siRNA: Potential for Gene Silencing.
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A Research Strategy to Analyze the Major Chemical Constituents in Kudiezi Injection based on Mass Spectrometry and Chromatographic Techniques.
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Antibiotic-Driven Gut Microbiome Disorder Alters the Effects of Sinomenine on Morphine-Dependent Zebrafish.
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Establishing a Comprehensive Pediatric Cardiac Fitness and Rehabilitation Program for Congenital Heart Disease.
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爪真菌症の管理のためのイトラコナゾールのex vivo経尿道送達に対するモノテルペンの効果
Effect of monoterpenes on ex vivo transungual delivery of itraconazole for the management of onychomycosis.
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Acyclic retinoid and angiotensin-II receptor blocker exert a combined protective effect against diethylnitrosamine-induced hepatocarcinogenesis in diabetic OLETF rats.
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Single Cell Metabolomics: A Future Tool to Unmask Cellular Heterogeneity and Virus-Host Interaction in Context of Emerging Viral Diseases.
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抗ヒスタミン薬を用いた CSU の臨床的管理により、NSAID 増悪性皮膚疾患の耐性が可能になる
Clinical Control of CSU with Antihistamines Allows for Tolerance of NSAID-Exacerbated Cutaneous Disease.
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Exposure of children to light rare earth elements through ingestion of various size fractions of road dust in REEs mining areas.
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Using operando techniques to understand and design high performance and stable alkaline membrane fuel cells.
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d-serine regulation of the timing and architecture of the inspiratory burst in neonatal mice.
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Amzeeq (Minocycline Topical Foam): A New Drug for the Treatment of Acne.
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Low penetrance of hearing loss in two Chinese families carrying the mitochondrial tRNASer(UCN) mutations.
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Ion transport mechanisms for smoke inhalation-injured airway epithelial barrier.
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コクシディアの負担が大きい家のフィンチは、実験的にMycoplasma gallisepticumの感染症をより重症化した
House finches with high coccidia burdens experience more severe experimental Mycoplasma gallisepticum infections.
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Risk Stratification for Gastric Cancer after Helicobacter pylori Eradication: A Population-based Study on Matsu Islands.
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The comparative assessment of awareness, perspective, and basic practice skills about the Saudi pharmacovigilance system among students of different health-care professionals of a Saudi Female University.
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The scent of COVID-19: viral (semi-)volatiles as fast diagnostic biomarkers?
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The tipping times in an Arctic sea ice system under influence of extreme events.
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Retinoic acid synthesis and autoregulation mediate zonal patterning of vestibular organs and inner ear morphogenesis.
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Feeding Behavior and Virus-Transmission Ability of Insect Vectors Exposed to Systemic Insecticides.
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Key driver genes as potential therapeutic targets in renal allograft rejection.
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Reproductive Healthcare Needs of Sex Workers in Rural South Africa: A Community Assessment.
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MSstatsTMT: Statistical detection of differentially abundant proteins in experiments with isobaric labeling and multiple mixtures.
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Enantioselective Organocatalytic Construction of Spirochroman Derivatives.
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フローサイトメトリー解析のためのマウス腎臓レジデントCD8+ T細胞の単離
Isolation of Mouse Kidney-Resident CD8+ T cells for Flow Cytometry Analysis.
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Androgen dihydrotestosterone (DHT) promotes the bladder cancer nuclear AR-negative cell invasion via a newly identified membrane androgen receptor (mAR-SLC39A9)-mediated Gαi protein/MAPK/MMP9 intracellular signaling.
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Testosterone positively regulates functional responses and nitric oxide expression in the isolated human corpus cavernosum.
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Awareness and Utilization of Adolescent Reproductive Health Services among In-School Adolescents in Urban and Rural Communities in Oyo State.
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Determinants of Survival in Older Adults With Congenital Heart Disease Newly Hospitalized for Heart Failure.
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A single-arm confirmatory trial of pazopanib in patients with paclitaxel-pretreated primary cutaneous angiosarcoma: Japan Clinical Oncology Group study (JCOG1605, JCOG-PCAS protocol).
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Defects in ribosome function delay the initiation of chromosome replication in Escherichia coli.
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Gabapentinoids for treatment of alcohol use disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
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Small-Medium Extracellular Vesicles and Their miRNA Cargo in Retinal Health and Degeneration: Mediators of Homeostasis, and Vehicles for Targeted Gene Therapy.
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コロンビアの和平合意から 1 年後の訓練と社会復帰のための領土空間における保健サービスへの効果的なアクセスの知覚:横断的研究
Perception of effective access to health services in Territorial Spaces for Training and Reintegration, one year after the peace accords in Colombia: a cross-sectional study.
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New Algorithm for Accessory Pathway Localization Focused on Screening Septal Pathways in Pediatric Patients with Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome.
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Physical activity, sedentary, and dietary behaviors associated with indicators of mental health and suicide risk.
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Chemical characteristics and sources of water-soluble organic aerosol in southwest suburb of Beijing.
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太陽の下でのストレス。海産二枚貝のフィルターフィーダーであるマニラアサリのRuditapes philippinarumにおける低濃度UVフィルター4-メチルベンジリデンカンファー(4-MBC)への曝露の影響
Stress under the sun: Effects of exposure to low concentrations of UV-filter 4- methylbenzylidene camphor (4-MBC) in a marine bivalve filter feeder, the Manila clam Ruditapes philippinarum.
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Au nanoparticles modified CuO nanowireelectrode based non-enzymatic glucose detection with improved linearity.
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Beneficial effects of breastfeeding on the prevention of metabolic syndrome among postmenopausal women.
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A Memetic Algorithm Based on Probability Learning for Solving the Multidimensional Knapsack Problem.
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Somatic Mutation Profiling in Premalignant Lesions of Vulvar Squamous Cell Carcinoma.
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Acute vitamin B12 supplementation evokes antidepressant response and alters Ntrk-2.
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急性期医療患者における偶発的な腎臓病の独立したリスクマーカーとして,suPAR の上昇があることを明らかにした.
Elevated suPAR Is an Independent Risk Marker for Incident Kidney Disease in Acute Medical Patients.
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Citrullus colocynthis の果肉と種子のハイドロエタノール抽出物の in vitro および in vivo での抗糖尿病活性
In vitro and in vivo anti-diabetic activity of Citrullus colocynthis pulpy flesh with seeds hydro-ethanolic extract.
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