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Photoinduced Specific Acylation of Phenolic Hydroxy Groups with Aldehydes.
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Isolated Extramedullary Relapse in Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia: What Can We Do Before and After Transplant?
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The tenets of intrathoracic packing during damage control thoracic surgery for trauma patients: a systematic review.
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Comparative Evaluation of Casein Phosphopeptide-Amorphous Calcium Phosphate-Fluoride Paste and Sodium Fluoride Mouthwash in the Prevention of Dental Erosion: An Study.
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Optical Trajectory Manipulations Using the Self-Written Waveguide Technique.
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Building global development strategies for cf therapeutics during a transitional cftr modulator era.
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The potential impact of trigonelline loaded micelles on Nrf2 suppression to overcome oxaliplatin resistance in colon cancer cells.
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A targeted reactivation of latent HIV-1 using an activator vector in patient samples from acute infection.
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Hypereosinophilic Syndrome, Multiorgan Involvement and Response to Imatinib.
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エンベロープとRNA依存性RNAポリメラーゼ(RdRp)のコード領域を標的とした世界保健機関(WHO)承認の2つのアッセイを組み合わせたSARS-CoV-2 RT-qPCRアッセイの開発と評価(英文
Development and Evaluation of a duo SARS-CoV-2 RT-qPCR Assay Combining Two Assays Approved by the World Health Organization Targeting the Envelope and the RNA-Dependant RNA Polymerase (RdRp) Coding Regions.
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Genetic comorbidity between major depression and cardio-metabolic traits, stratified by age at onset of major depression.
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The effect of digital diagnostic setups on orthodontic treatment planning.
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比較景観遺伝学は、タスマニアデビル(Sarcophilus harrisii)の宿主と病原体の遺伝構造に及ぼす環境の影響の違いを明らかにした
Comparative landscape genetics reveals differential effects of environment on host and pathogen genetic structure in Tasmanian devils (Sarcophilus harrisii) and their transmissible tumor.
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Clinical course of gastroesophageal reflux disease and impact of treatment in symptomatic young patients.
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Are we fully exploiting type I Interferons in today's fight against COVID-19 pandemic?
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Associations between aging and second molar diseases in patients having adjacent impacted third molar extraction.
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Experimental evolution for niche breadth in bacteriophage T4 highlights the importance of structural genes.
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Mosaic Small Supernumerary Marker Chromosome Derived from Five Discontinuous Regions of Chromosome 8 in a Patient with Neutropenia and Oral Aphthous Ulcer.
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C. elegansにおけるシンナムアルデヒドの殺虫活性とそのメカニズム
Insecticidal activity and mechanism of cinnamaldehyde in C. elegans.
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Dual-Color Metal-Induced Energy Transfer (MIET) Imaging for Three-Dimensional Reconstruction of Nuclear Envelope Architecture.
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Adaptive shape control of wavefront-preserving X-ray mirrors with active cooling and heating.
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In Vitro Characterization of Indigenous Probiotic Strains Isolated from Colombian Creole Pigs.
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Degradation of thiocyanate by electrochemical oxidation process in coke oven wastewater: Role of operative parameters and mechanistic study.
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MicroRNA-30c attenuates contrast-induced acute kidney injury by suppressing NLRP3 inflammasome.
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A comprehensive review on the framework to valorise lignocellulosic biomass as biorefinery feedstocks.
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Human dietary exposure to chemicals in sub-Saharan Africa: safety assessment through a total diet study.
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TRM7/FTSJ1タンパク質によるtRNA 2'-O-メチル化がショウジョウバエのスモールRNAサイレンシングを制御することを明らかにした
tRNA 2'-O-methylation by a duo of TRM7/FTSJ1 proteins modulates small RNA silencing in Drosophila.
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Forest harvest byproducts: Use of waste as energy.
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T17 cells require ongoing classic IL-6 receptor signaling to retain transcriptional and functional identity.
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癌細胞株のアポトーシスを誘導するために、P. djamor var
Bioactive Sterol Derivatives Isolated from the Pleurotus djamor var. Roseus Induced Apoptosis in Cancer Cell Lines.
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An audit of cytopathology in the oral and maxillofacial region: 18-year experience.
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Evidence for laser-induced homogeneous oriented ice nucleation revealed via pulsed x-ray diffraction.
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機能化ヒスチジン誘導体Au(I) bis-NHC錯体のバイオコンジュゲーションによる抗増殖活性
Antiproliferative Activity of Functionalized Histidine derived Au(I) bis-NHC Complexes for Bioconjugation.
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Pre-Treatment T2-WI Based Radiomics Features for Prediction of Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer Non-Response to Neoadjuvant Chemoradiotherapy: A Preliminary Study.
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Genome-wide association and multi-omic analyses reveal ACTN2 as a gene linked to heart failure.
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The peripheral immune response in hyperglycemic stroke.
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Protaetia brevitarsisの幼虫は、Auricularia auriculaやLentinula edodesの栽培から得られた使用済みキノコ基質を食べて変換することができる
Protaetia brevitarsis larvae can feed on and convert spent mushroom substrate from Auricularia auricula and Lentinula edodes cultivation.
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Is the buccal alveolar bone less affected by mini-implant assisted rapid palatal expansion than by conventional rapid palatal expansion?-A systematic review and meta-analysis.
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化学物質がレアミノーGobiocypris rarusの浅場選好性を弱める
Chemicals Weaken Shoal Preference in Rare Minnow Gobiocypris rarus.
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Clinical Characteristics and Outcome of Covid-19 Pneumonia in kidney Transplant Recipients in Razi hospital, Rasht, Iran.
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Regulatory T cells in tumor microenvironment: new mechanisms, potential therapeutic strategies and future prospects.
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AMPK, Mitochondrial Function, and Cardiovascular Disease.
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Chromophobe Renal Cell Carcinomaにおける4倍体化の検出:洞察と落とし穴
Detection Of Tetraploidization In Chromophobe Renal Cell Carcinoma: Insights And Pitfalls.
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顆粒腫性-リンパ球性間質性肺疾患を合併したHuman immunodeficiency virus-associated vacuolar encephalomyelopathyが抗レトロウイルス療法後に改善した症例報告
Human immunodeficiency virus-associated vacuolar encephalomyelopathy with granulomatous-lymphocytic interstitial lung disease improved after antiretroviral therapy: a case report.
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Oncology-inspired treatment options for COVID-19.
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高速液体クロマトグラフィーとエレクトロスプレーイオン化および四重極飛行時間型質量分析法によるDioscorea septemlobaのケミカルプロファイリング
Chemical profiling of Dioscorea septemloba by High Performance Liquid Chromatography Coupled to Electrospray Ionization and Quadrupole Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry.
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The benefit of complete revascularization after primary PCI for STEMI is attenuated by increasing age: Results from the DANAMI-3-PRIMULTI randomized study.
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Facilitated Subcutaneous Immunoglobulin Replacement Therapy in Clinical Practice: A Two Center, Long-Term Retrospective Observation in Adults With Primary Immunodeficiencies.
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SARS-CoV-2 T cell immunity: Specificity, function, durability, and role in protection.
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Copper-Catalyzed Selective Arylation of Nitriles with Cyclic Diaryl Iodonium Salts: Direct Access to Structurally Diversified Diarylmethane Amides with Potential Neuroprotective and Anticancer Activities.
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Pomegranate juice as a functional food: a comprehensive review of its polyphenols, therapeutic merits, and recent patents.
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The role of the anterior intraparietal sulcus and the lateral occipital cortex in fingertip force scaling and weight perception during object lifting.
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COVID-19 パンデミック時の産科超音波検査における SARS-CoV-2 の交差感染の最小化
Minimizing cross transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in obstetric ultrasound during COVID-19 pandemic.
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Malignant Brenner tumour of the ovary manifesting as distal intestinal obstruction and perforation.
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BSA-Seq Discovery and Functional Analysis of Candidate Hessian Fly () Genes.
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An unusual presentation of developmental anomalies of the cardiovascular system including tetralogy of fallot, double outlet right ventricle, patent foramen ovale and persistent right aortic arch in a Friesian calf.
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Cloning, sequencing, and expression analysis of 32 NAC transcription factors (MdNAC) in apple.
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The history of cryosurgery in Canada: A tale of two cities.
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メキシコの成人における砂糖甘味飲料への課税と清涼飲料消費との関連性:Health Workers Cohort Studyのオープンコホート縦断分析
Association between tax on sugar sweetened beverages and soft drink consumption in adults in Mexico: open cohort longitudinal analysis of Health Workers Cohort Study.
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エルサレム・アーティチョーク(L. )の葉タンパク質濃縮物に含まれる生理活性植物化学物質の同定
Identification of Bioactive Phytochemicals in Leaf Protein Concentrate of Jerusalem Artichoke ( L.).
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Laparoscopic Repair of Perforated Peptic Ulcer in the Elderly: An Interim Analysis of the FRAILESEL Italian Multicenter Prospective Cohort Study.
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労働者の安全、健康、ウェルビーイングを改善するための商業建設下請け業者のための参加型総合労働者健康組織介入の設計。ARM for Subs」トライアル
Designing a Participatory Total Worker Health Organizational Intervention for Commercial Construction Subcontractors to Improve Worker Safety, Health, and Well-Being: The "ARM for Subs" Trial.
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Neonatal diet alters fecal microbiota and metabolome profiles at different ages in infants fed breast milk or formula.
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Prognostic Factors Five Years After Enucleation for Uveal Melanoma.
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Effect of pomegranate peel extract on the oxidative stability of pomegranate seed oil.
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MG53 suppresses interferon-β and inflammation via regulation of ryanodine receptor-mediated intracellular calcium signaling.
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Prion peptide-mediated calcium level alteration governs neuronal cell damage through AMPK-autophagy flux.
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M42 アミノペプチダーゼの触媒部位:厳密に保存されたアスパラギン酸残基の構造と機能的役割
M42 aminopeptidase catalytic site: the structural and functional role of a strictly conserved aspartate residue.
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Vertebra Plana in Children May Result from Etiologies Other Than Eosinophilic Granuloma.
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Endothelium-targeted deletion of the miR-15a/16-1 cluster ameliorates blood-brain barrier dysfunction in ischemic stroke.
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Myofiber organization in the failing systemic right ventricle.
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Missing Microbes in Bees: How Systematic Depletion of Key Symbionts Erodes Immunity.
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新規溶解性マイオウイルス科バクテリオファージΦVP-1 のゲノム特性化は、MDR-バイオフィルム形成性腸炎ビブリオに対する適用可能性を高めます
Genome characterization of novel lytic Myoviridae bacteriophage ϕVP-1 enhances its applicability against MDR-biofilm-forming Vibrio parahaemolyticus.
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Cluster-randomised controlled trial of an occupational therapy intervention for children aged 11-13 years, designed to increase participation to prevent symptoms of mental illness.
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The Vacuolating Autotransporter Toxin (Vat) of Causes Cell Cytoskeleton Changes and Produces Non-lysosomal Vacuole Formation in Bladder Epithelial Cells.
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Histopathological distinction of non-invasive and invasive bladder cancers using machine learning approaches.
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Parathyroid allotransplantation to treat post-thyroidectomy hypoparathyroidism: A review of case studies.
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Resident macrophages acquire innate immune memory in staphylococcal skin infection.
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Area-Based Socioeconomic Inequalities in Colorectal Cancer Survival in Germany: Investigation Based on Population-Based Clinical Cancer Registration.
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Foot and Ankle Surgery for Chronic Nonhealing Wounds.
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Sustainable solid waste management Measures in Tanzania: an exploratory descriptive case study among vendors at Majengo market in Dodoma City.
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Fossil-driven secondary inorganic PM enhancement in the North China Plain: Evidence from carbon and nitrogen isotopes.
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Corrigendum to "Uric acid is associated with long-term adverse cardiovascular outcomes in patients with acute coronary syndrome undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention" Atherosclerosis 270 (2018) 173-179
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Is a Prophylactic Central Compartment Neck Dissection Required in Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma Patients with Clinically Involved Lateral Compartment Lymph Nodes?
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Abrupt darkening under high dynamic range (HDR) luminance invokes facilitation for high-contrast targets and grouping by luminance similarity.
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Interactions between Oroxylin A with the solute carrier transporters and ATP-binding cassette transporters: Drug transporters profile for this flavonoid.
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症候性膵液回収に対するルーメンアポージングカバード自己拡張金属ステント:CT および MRI を用いた転帰と合併症の評価
Lumen-apposing covered self-expanding metallic stent for symptomatic pancreatic fluid collections: assessment of outcomes and complications with CT and MRI.
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腫瘍は免疫を回避するためにT細胞でde novoステロイド生合成を誘導します
Tumors induce de novo steroid biosynthesis in T cells to evade immunity.
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The effects of green coffee extract supplementation on glycemic indices and lipid profile in adults: a systematic review and dose-response meta-analysis of clinical trials.
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不完全な光学的結腸内視鏡検査後の当日 CT コロノグラフィーの質
Quality of same-day CT colonography following incomplete optical colonoscopy.
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Molecular analysis of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus isolates from four teaching hospitals in Iran: the emergence of novel MRSA clones.
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Knockdown of Nuclear lncRNAs by Locked Nucleic Acid (LNA) Gapmers in Nephron Progenitor Cells.
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Genomic characterization of MICA gene using multiple next generation sequencing platforms: A validation study.
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