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DOTA-ZOL: A Promising Tool in Diagnosis and Palliative Therapy of Bone Metastasis-Challenges and Critical Points in Implementation into Clinical Routine.
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良性新生児てんかんまたは発達性・てんかん性脳症のいずれかを引き起こす KCNQ2 病原性変異体の特徴
Characteristics of KCNQ2 variants causing either benign neonatal epilepsy or developmental and epileptic encephalopathy.
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Selection of Mediterranean plants biomass for the composting of pig slurry solids based on the heat production during aerobic degradation.
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Behavioural and pharmacological profiles of zebrafish administrated pyrrolidinyl benzodioxanes and prolinol aryl ethers with high affinity for heteromeric nicotinic acetylcholine receptors.
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Clinical practice algorithm for Eaton's injury of the thumb.
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A Novel Phosphodiesterase 1 Inhibitor DSR-141562 Exhibits Efficacies in Animal Models for Positive, Negative, and Cognitive Symptoms Associated with Schizophrenia.
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Structure guided deformable image registration for treatment planning CT and post stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT) Primovist (Gd-EOB-DTPA) enhanced MRI.
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Four Curious Cases of Closed-Incision Negative Pressure Therapy (ciNPT).
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Endothelin receptor blockade ameliorates renal injury by inhibition of RhoA/Rho-kinase signalling in deoxycorticosterone acetate-salt hypertensive rats.
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Minocycline induces apoptosis of photoreceptor cells by regulating ER stress.
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COA6 は、ミトコンドリアのチトクロム c 酸化酵素に銅を供給する際に、チオール-ジスルフィド酸化還元酵素として機能するように構造的に調整されています
COA6 Is Structurally Tuned to Function as a Thiol-Disulfide Oxidoreductase in Copper Delivery to Mitochondrial Cytochrome c Oxidase.
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Inhibitory Interplay of SULT2B1b Sulfotransferase with AKR1C3 Aldo-keto Reductase in Prostate Cancer.
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Identification of the KRIT1 Protein by LexA-Based Yeast Two-Hybrid System.
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[Repurposing of chlorpromazine in COVID-19 treatment: the reCoVery study].
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Examining barbiturate scaffold for the synthesis of new agents with biological interest.
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Association between acrylamide exposure and sex hormones in males: NHANES, 2003-2004.
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Intracellular ion concentrations and cation-dependent remodelling of bacterial MreB assemblies.
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低酸素性虚血性脳症は、心停止後の脳解剖および神経プロトグノスチーショ ンにより評価された
Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy Evaluated by Brain Autopsy and Neuroprognostication After Cardiac Arrest.
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Absence of GP130 cytokine receptor signaling causes extended Stüve-Wiedemann syndrome.
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Alkaline Hydrolysis and Dyeing Characteristics of Sea-Island-Type Ultramicrofibers of PET Tricot Fabrics with Black Disperse Dye.
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Hyperbranched Poly(2-oxazoline)s and Poly(ethylene glycol): A Structure-Activity Comparison of Biodistribution.
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Growth/Differentiation Factor-15 (GDF-15): From Biomarker to Novel Targetable Immune Checkpoint.
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古細菌のRNA処理機械:β-CASPファミリーの5'-3'エキソリボヌクレアーゼaRNase Jは、ヘリカーゼASH-Ski2と3'-5'エキソリボヌクレアーゼRNAエキソソソーム機械に特異的に関与している
RNA processing machineries in Archaea: the 5'-3' exoribonuclease aRNase J of the β-CASP family is engaged specifically with the helicase ASH-Ski2 and the 3'-5' exoribonucleolytic RNA exosome machinery.
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The way we were (and how we got here): fifty years of technology changes in dental and maxillofacial radiology.
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The role of PDE5a in oocyte maturation of zebrafish.
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Heterogeneity of Stomatal Pore Area Is Suppressed by Ambient Aerosol in the Homobaric Species, .
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From engulfment to enrichment: associations between illness representations, self-concept and psychological adjustment in Mayer-Rokitansky-Küster-Hauser Syndrome.
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Impact of biochar on greenhouse gas emissions and soil carbon sequestration in corn grown under drip irrigation with mulching.
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Predictive value of Chartis measurement for lung function improvements in bronchoscopic lung volume reduction.
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Pharmacokinetics of lopinavir/ritonavir oral solution to treat COVID-19 in mechanically ventilated ICU patients.
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Teamwork, psychological safety, and patient safety competency among emergency nurses.
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Searching for magnetic compass mechanism in pigeon retinal photoreceptors.
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Exploration of icariin analog structure space reveals key features driving potent inhibition of human phosphodiesterase-5.
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Characterization of the expression of dystrophins and dystrophin-associated proteins during embryonic neural stem/progenitor cell differentiation.
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Eucalyptus saligna Leaf Litter エッセンシャルオイルのバイオ除草剤としての可能性
Bioherbicide Potential of Eucalyptus saligna Leaf Litter Essential Oil.
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The potential underlying mechanism of the leukemia caused by MLL-fusion and potential treatments.
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Apolipoprotein E Effects on Mammalian Ovarian Steroidogenesis and Human Fertility.
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Increased expression and retention of the secretory chaperone proSAAS following cell stress.
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Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Prisoners: Increased Substance Use Disorder Severity and Psychiatric Comorbidity.
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Allergic Inflammation Is Associated With Coronary Instability and a Worse Clinical Outcome After Acute Myocardial Infarction.
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DXA Measured Visceral Adipose Tissue, Total Fat, Anthropometric Indices and its Association With Cardiometabolic Risk Factors in Mother-Daughter Pairs From India.
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Climate shaped how Neolithic farmers and European hunter-gatherers interacted after a major slowdown from 6,100 BCE to 4,500 BCE.
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Pregnancy and Calving Rates of Cloned Dromedary Camels Produced by Conventional and Handmade Cloning Techniques and In Vitro and In Vivo Matured Oocytes.
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The phenotypic spectrum of SCN2A-related epilepsy.
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Autophagy as an emerging target for COVID-19: lessons from an old friend, chloroquine.
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25C-NBF, a new psychoactive substance, has addictive and neurotoxic potential in rodents.
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ヒト肝細胞のP450酵素に対する単球化学吸引性プロテイン-1、マクロファージ炎症性プロテイン-1α、インターフェロン-α2aのin vitroでの効果
Effects of monocyte chemoattractant protein-1, macrophage inflammatory protein-1α, and interferon-α2a on P450 enzymes in human hepatocytes in vitro.
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矯正施設および拘置施設の投獄者および拘禁者における SARS-CoV-2 感染のための連続検査 - ルイジアナ州、2020 年 4 月~5 月
Serial Laboratory Testing for SARS-CoV-2 Infection Among Incarcerated and Detained Persons in a Correctional and Detention Facility - Louisiana, April-May 2020.
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Predictive Blood-Based Biomarkers in Patients with Epithelial Ovarian Cancer Treated with Carboplatin and Paclitaxel with or without Bevacizumab: Results from GOG-0218.
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ハイスループットシークエンシングによる de novo ASXL3 変異体による Bainbridge-Ropers 症候群の診断
[Diagnosis of Bainbridge-Ropers syndrome due to de novo ASXL3 variant by high throughput sequencing].
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The Iberian legacy into a young genetic xeroderma pigmentosum cluster in central Brazil.
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Immersive Surgical Anatomy of the Craniometric Points.
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HbA測定中のMALDI-TOF質量分析による新しいヘモグロビンバリアントHb Liuzhou :C.182A→Gの同定
Identification of a new hemoglobin variant Hb Liuzhou [:C.182A→G] by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry during HbA measurement.
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Periostin: Immunomodulatory Effects on Oral Diseases.
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Substitution of mineral fertilizers with biogas digestate plus biochar increases physically stabilized soil carbon but not crop biomass in a field trial.
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Bacterial vaginosis: standard treatments and alternative strategies.
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編集者へのレター。Use of Pre-genomic HBV RNA and HBcrAg to Predict Cure of Hepatitis B Virus Infection
Letter to the Editor: Use of Pre-genomic HBV RNA and HBcrAg to Predict Cure of Hepatitis B Virus Infection.
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Choosing trash instead of nature: Sea urchin covering behavior.
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Development of insulin resistance preceded major changes in iron homeostasis in mice fed a high-fat diet.
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Response assessment in paediatric low-grade glioma: recommendations from the Response Assessment in Pediatric Neuro-Oncology (RAPNO) working group.
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Biomarkers of liver fibrosis: prospective comparison of multimodal magnetic resonance, serum algorithms and transient elastography.
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Feasibility of contrast-enhanced MRI derived textural features to predict overall survival in locally advanced breast cancer.
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AtRsgA from Arabidopsis thaliana is important for maturation of the small subunit of the chloroplast ribosome.
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抗菌ペプチドを発現させた単細胞緑藻Haematococcus pluvialisの葉緑体遺伝子工学的研究
Chloroplast Genetic Engineering of a Unicellular Green Alga Haematococcus pluvialis with Expression of an Antimicrobial Peptide.
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Musical sonification improves motor control in Parkinson's disease: a proof of concept with handwriting.
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Short term temperature elevation during IVM affects embryo yield and alters gene expression pattern in oocytes, cumulus cells and blastocysts in cattle.
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Ocular cicatricial pemphigoid.
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Auditory Selectivity for Spectral Contrast in Cortical Neurons and Behavior.
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Tandem CAR-T cells targeting CD70 and B7-H3 exhibit potent preclinical activity against multiple solid tumors.
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Spt5 リン酸化と Rtf1 Plus3 ドメインが異なるメカニズムで Rtf1 の機能を促進している
Spt5 Phosphorylation and the Rtf1 Plus3 Domain Promote Rtf1 Function through Distinct Mechanisms.
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The density and spatial tissue distribution of CD8 and CD163 immune cells predict response and outcome in melanoma patients receiving MAPK inhibitors.
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トラマドール曝露は、PC12細胞とラットの線条体において、アポトーシス、炎症、オートファジーを増加させた:in vitro-in vivoアプローチ
Tramadol exposure upregulated apoptosis, inflammation and autophagy in PC12 cells and rat's striatum: An in vitro- in vivo approach.
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3D printed testing aids for radiographic quality control.
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The Dysphagia in Multiple Sclerosis Questionnaire Correlates with Fiber-Optic Endoscopic Examination for Detecting Defits in MS
The Dysphagia in Multiple Sclerosis Questionnaire Correlates with Fiber-Optic Endoscopic Examination for Detecting Swallowing Deficits in MS.
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Trends in Opioids Prescribed at Discharge From Emergency Departments Among Adults: United States, 2006-2017.
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SKP2 and OTUD1 govern non-proteolytic ubiquitination of YAP that promotes YAP nuclear localization and activity.
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秦嶺(中国)の腐った木材からのバイオマス分解のためのセルロース分解菌のスクリーニングとBacillus methylotrophicusからのセルラーゼのクローニング
Screening of cellulolytic bacteria from rotten wood of Qinling (China) for biomass degradation and cloning of cellulases from Bacillus methylotrophicus.
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Altered structural connectivity and cytokine levels in Schizophrenia and Genetic high-risk individuals: Associations with disease states and vulnerability.
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Surgery Resident Perceptions of the Clicker Evaluation System: A Novel Approach to Collecting and Utilizing Clinical Faculty Performance Data.
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Prediction and identification of novel HLA-A*0201-restricted cytotoxic T lymphocyte epitopes from endocan.
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The Knowledge of Contextual Factors as Triggers of Placebo and Nocebo Effects in Patients With Musculoskeletal Pain: Findings From a National Survey.
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セコン県ラオスにおける高病原性鳥インフルエンザの検出 2018-風土病地域におけるサーベイランスと管理の改善の可能性
Detection of highly pathogenic avian influenza in Sekong Province Lao PDR 2018-Potential for improved surveillance and management in endemic regions.
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sp. nov.は、中国PRの水洗貯油池の生産水から分離されたものである
sp. nov., isolated from the production water of a water-flooded oil reservoir in PR China.
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Arkadia/RNF111 is a SUMO-targeted ubiquitin ligase with preference for substrates marked with SUMO1-capped SUMO2/3 chain.
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造血幹細胞老化と心筋修復 - RCT PERFECT Phase 3におけるCABG/CD133+骨髄造血幹細胞治療により誘発される心筋梗塞後の心筋再生反応の冠動脈疾患遺伝子型/フェノタイプ解析
Hematopoietic stem-cell senescence and myocardial repair - Coronary artery disease genotype/phenotype analysis of post-MI myocardial regeneration response induced by CABG/CD133+ bone marrow hematopoietic stem cell treatment in RCT PERFECT Phase 3.
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Effects of Aspirin on Postoperative Bruising and Bleeding Complications in Upper Eyelid Surgery.
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