Sex Differences in Anatomic Features Linked to Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries During Skeletal Growth and Maturation.
PMID: 32667272 DOI: 10.1177/0363546520931831.
BACKGROUND: Several anatomic features of the knee have been shown to affect joint and anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) loading and the risk of subsequent injuries. While several studies have highlighted sex differences between these anatomic features, little is known on how these differences develop during skeletal growth and maturation.
HYPOTHESES: (A) Anatomic features linked to an ACL injury will significantly change during skeletal growth and maturation. (B) The age-related changes in anatomic features linked to an ACL injury are different between male and female patients.
横断的研究; 証拠レベル, 3.
STUDY DESIGN: Cross-sectional study; Level of evidence, 3.
機関審査委員会の承認を得た後、大腿切欠き幅、側方脛骨プラトーの後斜面(側方脛骨斜面)、内側脛骨深さ、脛骨棘高さ、および後側方月板骨角度を測定するために、外傷のない269個のユニークな膝(患者年齢3~18歳、女性51%)の磁気共鳴画像データを使用した。年齢と定量化された解剖学的指標との関連を検定するために線形回帰を用いた。患者を4つの年齢グループに分けた:就学前(3~6歳)、思春期前(7~10歳)、思春期初期(11~14歳)、思春期後期(15~18歳)。また、Holm-Sidak post hoc検定を用いた2元分散分析を用いて、各年齢群の男女間で形態を比較した。
METHODS: After institutional review board approval, magnetic resonance imaging data from 269 unique knees (patient age 3-18 years; 51% female), free from any injuries, were used to measure femoral notch width, posterior slope of the lateral tibial plateau (lateral tibial slope), medial tibial depth, tibial spine height, and posterior lateral meniscal bone angle. Linear regression was used to test the associations between age and quantified anatomic indices. Patients were then divided into 4 age groups: preschool (3-6 years), prepubertal (7-10 years), early adolescent (11-14 years), and late adolescent (15-18 years). Also, 2-way analysis of variance with the Holm-Sidak post hoc test was used to compare morphology between male and female patients in each age group.
大腿骨切欠き幅、内側脛骨深さ、脛骨棘高さは年齢とともに有意に増加した(<0.001)。側方脛骨傾斜は、男性患者でのみ年齢とともに減少した(< 0.001)。後側の側板骨角度を除いて、解剖学的に年齢に関連した変化は男性患者と女性患者で異なっていた(<0.05)。平均的に、思春期初期と後期の女性患者は、年齢を一致させた男性患者と比較して、大腿骨の切り欠きが小さく、脛骨の外側の傾斜が急で、脛骨の内側の台座が平坦で、脛骨棘が短くなっていました(< .01)。
RESULTS: The femoral notch width, medial tibial depth, and tibial spine height significantly increased with age ( < .001). The lateral tibial slope decreased with age only in male patients ( < .001). Except for the posterior lateral meniscal bone angle, the age-related changes in anatomy were different between male and female patients ( < .05). On average, early and late adolescent female patients had smaller femoral notches, steeper lateral tibial slopes, flatter medial tibial plateaus, and shorter tibial spines compared with age-matched male patients ( < .01).
CONCLUSION: Overall, the findings supported our hypotheses, showing sex-specific changes in anatomic features linked to an ACL injury during skeletal growth and maturation. These observations help to better explain the reported age and sex differences in the prevalence of ACL injuries. The fact that most of these anatomic features undergo substantial changes during skeletal growth and maturation introduces the hypothesis that prophylactic interventions (ie, activity modification) would have the potential to reshape a maturing knee in a manner that lowers the risk of noncontact ACL injuries.