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Support Care Cancer.2021 Sep;


A retrospective study on the incidence of medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaws (MRONJ) associated with different preventive dental care modalities.

PMID: 34580783




PURPOSE: To assess the efficacy of different preventive dental visits and treatments in reducing the risk of medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaws (MRONJ).


このレトロスペクティブ研究では、MRONJと診断された患者を、入手可能なデータに基づいて5つのグループに分けた。すなわち、予防的歯科訪問を行わない群(0群)、大学病院の歯科診療所(1群)または顎顔面外科病棟(2群)、あるいは個人の歯科医院(3群)での歯科訪問と推奨される治療の遵守、上記のいずれかでの歯科訪問と提案された治療の非遵守(4群)、パノラマX線写真で腫瘍医が適格と判断した患者(5群)である。患者は、イタリアのSIPMO/SICMF 2.0病期分類システムに従ってMRONJの重症度を分類した。結果については、記述的分析を行った。フィッシャーの正確検定を適用した(p<0.05)。

METHODS: In this retrospective study, patients diagnosed with MRONJ were divided into 5 groups based on available data: no preventive dental visits (group 0); dental visits and compliance with recommended treatments, at the university hospital's dental clinic (group 1) or maxillofacial surgery unit (group 2), or at a private dentist's (group 3); dental visits at one of the above and noncompliance with proposed treatments (group 4); patients judged eligible by the oncologist on panoramic radiography (group 5). Patients were classified on severity of MRONJ according to the Italian SIPMO/SICMF 2.0 staging system. A descriptive analysis was performed on the results. Fisher's exact test was applied (p < 0.05).



RESULTS: Ninety-three patients diagnosed with MRONJ were considered for the study, but 22 were excluded due to a lack of data, leaving a sample of 71 cases. MRONJ staging was only 0 for some patients (26.92%) in group 0. In all groups, the majority of patients had stage 2 MRONJ. The proportions of cases in stage 3 were 7.69% in group 0, 18.18% in group 3, and 43.48% in group 5. Groups 0 and 3 were somewhat similar as regard MRONJ staging. Most patients in group 5 had MRONJ stage 2 or 3. No statistically significant differences emerged between the groups.



CONCLUSIONS: Preventive dental care can reduce the risk of MRONJ providing patients comply with the specialist's recommendations.