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Prev Vet Med.2015 Jul;120(3-4):291-7.


Associations of peripartum markers of stress and inflammation with milk yield and reproductive performance in Holstein dairy cows.

PMID: 25957974


目的は、糞便中のコルチゾール代謝物(11,17-dioxoandrostane; 11,17-DOA)、血漿中のコルチゾールおよびハプトグロビン(Hp)、ならびに負のエネルギーバランスの2つのマーカーである非エステル化脂肪酸(NEFA)および分娩後のβ-ヒドロキシ酪酸(BHBA)の分娩前後の濃度と、乳量および繁殖成績との関連を評価することである。412頭のホルスタイン種の乳牛を対象に、分娩後3週目から1週目まで毎週、血液と糞便を採取した。第 3 回 Dairy Herd Improvement(DHI)試験日を基準にして、泌乳日数 150 日(DIM)までの妊娠率と 305 日成熟換算乳量(305ME)を測定した(平均±SD; 102±17 DIM)。多変量線形回帰モデルを用いて、代謝物と305ME乳量の関連性を説明した。セミパラメトリック比例ハザードモデルを用いて、同じ代謝物と150 DIMまでの受胎リスクとの関連を説明した。出産前のHpは、出産から2週目、1週目、1週目に乳量と負の相関が見られた(estimate±SE:推定±SE:Hp濃度が1g/L増加するごとに乳量が490±251、564±259、464±136kg減少)、およびwk-2のNEFA濃度との間に負の相関が認められた(推定±SE:NEFA濃度が1mEq/L増加するごとに乳量が1465±541kg減少)。分娩後のNEFAと乳量との関連は分娩回数に依存し,初産牛でのみNEFAは乳量の増加と関連していた(推定±SE:NEFA濃度が1mEq/L増加すると1548±510kg増加)。出産前の第1週に血漿コルチゾール濃度が1μg/dL増加すると、乳量が増加した(推定±SE:580±176kg)。分娩前の11,17-DOAは、分娩前の3つのサンプリング週すべてにおいて、受胎のハザード比(HR)の低下と関連していた(分娩前の第3週、第2週、第1週の糞便乾燥物(DM)濃度がそれぞれ1mg/g増加するごとに、HR [95% CI]:0.81 [0.67-0.97]、0.85 [0.72-0.99]、0.85 [0.75-0.97])。分娩後3週目および1週目のコルチゾール濃度の上昇は,初産牛に限っては受胎率の低下と関連していた(HR [95% CI]:それぞれ0.54 [0.32-0.92],0.59 [0.35-0.99]).分娩後の代謝産物であるHpとBHBAの増加は、妊娠の危険性と負の相関があった(HR [95% CI]: 0.81 [0.70-0.97]、0.74 [0.56-0.98]、それぞれ)。分娩時の炎症やストレスのバイオマーカーは、乳量や繁殖の改善の機会を評価するのに有用であると考えられる。

The objective was to evaluate the association of peripartum concentrations of fecal cortisol metabolites (11,17-dioxoandrostane; 11,17-DOA), plasma cortisol and haptoglobin (Hp), as well as two markers of negative energy balance, non-esterified fatty acid (NEFA) and postpartum β-hydroxybutyrate (BHBA), with milk yield and reproductive performance. Blood and fecal samples were collected weekly from 412 Holstein dairy cows from wk -3 through wk +1 relative to calving. Pregnancies by 150 days in milk (DIM) and projected 305-d mature equivalent (305ME) milk yield based on the 3rd Dairy Herd Improvement (DHI) test day (mean±SD; 102±17 DIM) were measured. Multivariable linear regression models were used to describe the associations of metabolites with 305ME milk yield. Semiparametric proportional hazards models were used to describe associations of the same metabolites with risk of conception by 150 DIM. Negative associations with milk yield were found for prepartum Hp in wk -2, -1, and +1 relative to calving (estimate±SE: 490±251, 564±259, and 464±136kg lower yield for every increase in Hp concentration by 1g/L, respectively) as well as with NEFA concentration in wk -2 (estimate±SE: 1465±541kg lower milk yield for an increase in NEFA concentration by 1mEq/L). Postpartum associations of NEFA with milk yield depended on parity; NEFA was associated with an increase in milk yield in primiparous animals only (estimate±SE: 1548±510kg increase for an increase in NEFA concentration by 1mEq/L). An increase in plasma cortisol concentration by 1μg/dL in wk +1 relative to calving was associated with an increase in milk yield (estimate±SE: 580±176kg). Prepartum 11,17-DOA was associated in all three prepartum sampling weeks with a reduced hazard ratio (HR) of conception (HR [95% CI]: 0.81 [0.67-0.97], 0.85 [0.72-0.99], and 0.85 [0.75-0.97] for every increase in concentration by 1mg/g fecal dry matter (DM) in wk -3, -2, and -1 relative to calving, respectively). Increased cortisol concentrations in wk -3 and -1 relative to calving were associated with decreased hazard of conception in primiparous animals only (HR [95% CI]: 0.54 [0.32-0.92] and 0.59 [0.35-0.99], respectively. Increases in postpartum metabolites Hp and BHBA had a negative association with hazard of conception (HR [95% CI]: 0.81 [0.70-0.97], 0.74 [0.56-0.98], respectively). Biomarkers of inflammation and stress around calving may be useful to assess opportunities for improved milk yield and reproduction.