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J Infect Public Health.2021 Oct;


Antimicrobial and anti-biofilm activities of polyphenols extracted from different Saudi Arabian date cultivars against human pathogens.

PMID: 34756515



微生物による病気は、世界的に見ても、またサウジアラビアにおいても、医療システムに対する深刻な脅威として浮上している。様々な病気は、死亡率の上昇や感染率の増加を伴う。これらの感染症と闘うために、体の免疫システムを向上させるためには、食物を摂取する必要があります。ナツメヤシの実(Phoenix dactylifera L)は、そのような機能性食品の1つですが、実際の可能性についてはあまり検討されていません。

BACKGROUND: Microbial diseases have emerged as a serious threat to the healthcare system globally and also in Saudi Arabia; various diseases are associated with higher mortality and increased spreading rates. Dietary sources are often entertained to improve the immune system of the body to fight against these infections. The date fruit (Phoenix dactylifera L) is one such functional food that is less explored for its actual potentials.


サウジアラビアのデーツの異なる品種(Ajwa, Safawi, Khalas, Sukkary)から単離したポリフェノールについて、その抗菌性、抗真菌性、抗バイオフィルム形成能を評価した。フェノール抽出物の抗ラジカル特性は、diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazylラジカル、過酸化水素ラジカル、ABTSラジカルの消去率で実施した。抗炎症作用については、リポキシゲナーゼ活性阻害の観点から分析した。

METHODS: The polyphenols isolated from the different cultivars of dates in Saudi Arabia (Ajwa, Safawi, Khalas, and Sukkary) was evaluated for their antibacterial, anti-fungal and anti-biofilm forming abilities. The anti-radical properties of the phenolic extract were conducted in terms of the scavenging of diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl radical, hydrogen peroxide radicals and ABTS radicals. The anti-inflammatory potential was analyzed in terms of lipoxygenase activity inhibition.


異なるデーツのフェノール化合物を分光光度計で推定したところ、AjwaやSukkaryなどの栽培品種が最も高いポリフェノール含有量を示した。また,これらのポリフェノールは,Staphylococcus aureus,Streptococcus pyogenes,Pseudomonas aeruginosaに対して強力な抗菌作用を示した(最小発育阻止濃度(MIC)または最小殺菌濃度(MBC)の最小値から推定)。さらに、これらのポリフェノールは、これらの病原菌のバイオフィルム形成を減少させたことから、デーツ由来のポリフェノールは、様々な病原菌に対して有望な抗菌剤となる可能性がある。また、サウジアラビア産のデーツから抽出したポリフェノールは、Candida albicansとAspergillus nigerの菌糸の成長を抑制することがわかった。また,これらのポリフェノール抽出物は,異なる反応性ラジカル系に対して有意な抗ラジカル特性を示した。

RESULTS: The phenolic compounds of different dates were spectrophotometrically estimated and cultivars such as Ajwa and Sukkary had the highest polyphenol content. It was also noteworthy that they exerted potent antibacterial activities against Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pyogenes, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa as estimated by the least minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) or minimal bactericidal concentration (MBC) values. Besides, these polyphenols reduced the biofilm formation by these bacterial pathogens; it is thus possible that the polyphenols from dates can be a promising antimicrobial agent against various pathogenic strains. Corroborating with these, the polyphenol extracts from different Saudi Arabian dates were found to inhibit the growth of mycelium in strains of Candida albicans and Aspergillus niger. Apart from these, the polyphenol isolates also exhibited significant anti-radical properties against different reactive radical systems.



CONCLUSION: Overall, the efficacy of phenolic compounds extracted from the dried date fruits are not only restricted to the functional food features; instead, these molecules are capable of preventing the growth of microbial pathogens of humans. Hence, it may emerge as potent antibacterial, anti-fungal and anti-biofilm forming candidates.