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Sex Med.2020 Jun;S2050-1161(20)30077-5. doi: 10.1016/j.esxm.2020.06.001.Epub 2020-06-16.


Olfactory Exposure to β-Caryophyllene Increases Testosterone Levels in Women's Saliva.

  • Wataru Tarumi
  • Kazuyuki Shinohara
PMID: 32561330 DOI: 10.1016/j.esxm.2020.06.001.




INTRODUCTION: From previous studies, we hypothesized that olfactory exposure to β-caryophyllene stimulates women's libido. However, Japan's sex culture is so closed that it is difficult to test this possibility without accumulating scientific evidence. Therefore, it is necessary to measure the concentration of sex-related hormones in saliva, an experimental technique that is relatively easy to obtain research permission, and to obtain a scientific basis to convince ethics committee reviewers.



AIM: The aim of this study is to investigate whether β-caryophyllene increases salivary testosterone concentrations associated with libido and vaginal sensation during intercourse in women.



METHODS: 19 women in the follicular phase of the menstrual cycle participated in the study. The subjects then sat in front of the odor exposure device we had created. Each subject was exposed to dipropylene glycol for 20 minutes, followed by 3% β-caryophyllene for 20 minutes. Saliva was collected 4 times: before and after control exposure, and before and after β-caryophyllene exposure.


唾液中のテストステロンおよびエストロゲン濃度を競技用 ELISA を用いて測定した。

MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: Salivary testosterone and estrogen concentrations were measured with a competition ELISA.


β-カリオフィレンは、テストステロンの唾液濃度を有意に増加させた(対照 vs β-カリオフィレン;0.97±0.05 vs 1.13±0.03、P=.00、対照の95%信頼区間:0.84-1.09、β-カリオフィレンの95%信頼区間:1.04-1.20)が、エストロゲンは増加させなかった(対照 vs β-カリオフィレン;1.05 vs 1.07±0.04)。04-1.20)ではなく、エストロゲン(対照とβ-カリオフィレン;1.05±0.03 vs 1.07±0.04、P=.69、対照の95%信頼区間:0.96-1.12、β-カリオフィレンの95%信頼区間:0.98-1.15)であった。

RESULTS: β-caryophyllene significantly increased the salivary concentration of testosterone (control vs β-caryophyllene; 0.97 ± 0.05 vs 1.13 ± 0.03, P = .00, 95% confidence interval of control: 0.84-1.09, 95% confidence interval of β-caryophyllene: 1.04-1.20) but not estrogen (control vs β-caryophyllene; 1.05 ± 0.03 vs 1.07 ± 0.04, P = .69, 95% confidence interval of control: 0.96-1.12, 95% confidence interval of β-caryophyllene: 0.98-1.15).


STRENGTHS & LIMITATIONS: The personal preferences of the subjects and the order of exposure may have affected the results.


β-カリオフィレンは性欲減退した女性のための副作用の少ないレメディかもしれません。我々は、β-カリオフィレンが性欲減退した女性のための治療薬である可能性があると考えている。しかし、この仮説を検証するためには、さらなる臨床試験が必要である。垂水 渉, 篠原和幸.β-カリオフィレンの嗅覚曝露は女性の唾液中のテストステロンレベルを上昇させる.J Sex Med 2020;XX:XXX-XXX.

CONCLUSION: β-caryophyllene may be a remedy with fewer side effects for women with decreased libido. We believe that β-caryophyllene may be a remedy for women with decreased libido. However, this hypothesis must be tested by further clinical studies. Wataru Tarumi, Kazuyuki Shinohara. Olfactory Exposure to β-Caryophyllene Increases Testosterone Levels in Women's Saliva. J Sex Med 2020;XX:XXX-XXX.

Copyright © 2020. Published by Elsevier Inc.