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Community Dent Oral Epidemiol.2015 Oct;43(5):385-96.


Oral health promotion interventions during pregnancy: a systematic review.

PMID: 25959402




OBJECTIVES: Maternal oral disease during pregnancy is a significant public health issue due to its prevalence and lifecourse connections with adverse pregnancy/birth outcomes, early childhood caries, and chronic diseases. Although both medical and dental professional organizations have discipline-specific and co-endorsed guidelines, whether interventions exist that translate oral health evidence into practice remains unknown. Thus, we conducted a systematic review to examine the range, scope and impact of existing oral health promotion interventions during pregnancy.



METHODS: Search terms related to oral health, health promotion, and pregnancy produced 7754 articles published before March 2013 from five search engines.



INCLUSION CRITERIA: (i) intervention-based; (ii) quasi-experimental, experimental, or pretest/post-test design; (iii) pregnant women participants; (iv) outcomes including oral health knowledge, attitudes, and/or behaviors; (v) ≥5 participants; (vi) peer-review publication; and (vii) English language.


すべての介入(n = 7)は、出生前ケアの場で実施され、教育に焦点を当てた。モダリティは、個人およびグループ形式での口頭指導や視聴覚プレゼンテーションの使用などさまざまであったが、内容は乳児の口腔衛生に向けられていた。出生前の口腔衛生ガイドラインを特に取り上げた研究はほとんどなかった。測定された主要アウトカムは、知識、信念、態度、自己効力感、口腔衛生、および健康追求行動などであった。1件を除くすべての研究で、介入後にこれらの成果の1つに有意な改善がみられた。

RESULTS: All interventions (n = 7) were delivered in prenatal care settings and focused on education. Modalities varied, including the use of oral instruction and audiovisual presentations, in both individual and group formats; however, content was directed toward infant oral health. Few studies specifically addressed prenatal oral health guidelines. Primary outcomes measured included knowledge, beliefs, attitudes, self-efficacy and oral hygiene, and health-seeking behaviors. All but one study showed significant improvement in one of these outcomes postintervention.



CONCLUSIONS: Few oral health interventions among pregnant women addressed oral-related symptoms, hygiene behaviors, and potential oral-systemic implications specific to mothers. Subsequently, more theory- and evidence-based interventions addressing current prenatal oral health guidelines using rigorous designs are needed to improve oral and systemic health for both women and their offspring.