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Patient Educ Couns.2020 Jul;S0738-3991(20)30356-6. doi: 10.1016/j.pec.2020.07.005.Epub 2020-07-07.


Improving knowledge and decision readiness to participate in cancer clinical trials: Effects of a plain language decision aid for minority cancer survivors.

  • Aisha Langford
  • Jamie L Studts
  • Margaret M Byrne
PMID: 32660742 DOI: 10.1016/j.pec.2020.07.005.



少数派のがん生存者のがん臨床試験(CCT)に関する知識、臨床試験参加に関する意思決定の準備、および臨床試験への参加意欲に対するウェブベースの平易な言語による意思決定支援(CHOICES DA)の影響を評価すること。

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the impact of a web-based, plain language decision aid (CHOICES DA) on minority cancer survivors' knowledge of cancer clinical trials (CCTs), readiness for making decisions about clinical trial participation, and willingness to participate in a clinical trial.



METHODS: Participants were 64 Black and Hispanic cancer survivors from Miami, Florida. In a single arm intervention study, participants completed self-report assessments of CCT knowledge, decision readiness regarding clinical trial participation, and willingness to participate at three time points.



RESULTS: Black and Hispanic participants did not differ on demographic characteristics. Post-test and follow-up measures of CCT knowledge and decision readiness were significantly greater than pre-test measures for the sample overall, and for Black and Hispanic participants separately. Few significant differences were observed between Black and Hispanic participant outcomes at each survey time point, and willingness to participate did not change overall and for either group independently.


CHOICES DAをレビューすることで、CCTへの参加に関する知識と意思決定の準備が直ちに、そして2週間後のフォローアップ時に有意に改善された。

CONCLUSIONS: Reviewing the CHOICES DA was associated with significantly improved knowledge and decision readiness to participate in a CCT immediately and at 2-week follow-up.


これらの所見は、がん研究に参加していない少数派のがん患者に対して、急性期でありながら臨床的に関連性のある時間内に、CHOICES DAがCCTへの参加に関する情報に基づいた意思決定を支援する可能性を示唆している。

PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: These findings suggest that CHOICES DA may support informed decision making about CCT participation within an acute, yet clinically relevant window of time for minority cancer patients who are substantially under-represented in cancer research.

Copyright © 2020. Published by Elsevier B.V.