Evaluation of Nurses' and Patients' Overall Satisfaction with New and Previous Formulations of Octreotide Long-acting Release (Sandostatin LAR): A French Observational Study.
PMID: 32683667 DOI: 10.1007/s12325-020-01429-4.
オクトレオチドの最初の長時間作用型(LAR)製剤は1990年代後半にフランスで販売されました。サンドスタチン LAR(Novartis SAS)の注射用製剤に新しい希釈剤を加えたものが開発され,調製と投与を容易にし,臨床での使用を改善した.
INTRODUCTION: The first long-acting release (LAR) formulation of octreotide was marketed in France in the late 1990s. An injectable formulation of Sandostatin LAR (Novartis SAS) with a new diluent has been developed to facilitate its preparation and administration and to improve its use in practice.
我々はフランスで観察的、横断的、多施設共同研究を実施し、その主なアウトカムは、オクトレオチド LAR の以前の製剤と新しい製剤の両方の調剤と投与に対する看護師の満足度を比較することであった。副次的転帰として、患者の満足度(生活の質と注射時に感じた痛み)と製品耐性の評価が含まれています。データは2つの時点(第1製剤群と第2製剤群)で、医師、患者、看護師を対象に、0(満足していない)から10(非常に満足している)までの視覚的アナログスケール(VAS)を含む紙の質問紙を用いて収集されました。
METHODS: We conducted an observational, cross-sectional and multicenter study in France whose main outcome was to compare nurses' satisfaction with the preparation and administration of both previous and new formulations of octreotide LAR. Secondary outcomes included assessment of patient satisfaction (quality of life and pain felt during the injection) and product tolerance. Data were collected at two time points (one for the first formulation group and one for the second formulation group) through paper questionnaires administered to physicians, patients and nurses including a visual analog scale (VAS) from 0 (unsatisfied) to 10 (very satisfied).
その結果、看護師全体の満足度は、旧製剤では5.3(95%CI 4.9~5.8)であったが、新製剤では7.5(95%CI 7~7.9)に改善した(p<0.0001)。副次的アウトカムについては、注射の簡便性が向上し(旧製剤84%、新製剤94%)、パージ問題が消失した(旧製剤36%、新製剤4%)。
RESULTS: Results showed that overall nurse satisfaction improved from 5.3 (95% CI 4.9-5.8) with the previous formulation to 7.5 (95% CI 7-7.9) with the new formulation (p < 0.0001). Regarding secondary outcomes, the simplicity of the injection increased (84% for the previous formulation and 94% for the new formulation) and the purge problem disappeared (36% for the previous formulation and 4% for the new formulation).
CONCLUSION: The improvement due to the new formulation of Sandostatin LAR was reported in terms of handling, ease of use and overall nurse satisfaction. The new formulation greatly reduced treatment administration problems associated with the previous formulation, while maintaining low injection site pain and an equivalent safety profile in both indications.