A dosimetry study of post-mastectomy radiation therapy with AeroForm tissue expander.
PMID: 32614518 DOI: 10.1002/acm2.12962.
PURPOSE: To evaluate the dosimetric effects of the AeroForm (AirXanpders®, Palo Alto, CA) tissue expander in-situ for breast cancer patients receiving post-mastectomy radiation therapy.
2.6mmから66.2mmまでの5つの深さにEBT3フィルムを配置した固体水ファントム上にAeroFormの金属キャニスターを配置してフィルムファントム(P1)を構築した。胸部ファントム(P2)は、AeroFormを完全に展開した状態で3次元印刷された組織相当の乳房を胸部ファントム上に配置した。合計21個の光学発光線量計(OLSD)をAeroFormの前部皮膚-ガス界面および後部胸壁-金属界面に配置した。両ファントムは、整形外科用金属アーチファクト低減機能を備えた16ビットコンピュータ断層撮影装置で画像化された。P1には0°,90°,270°の角度で6MVおよび15MVの光子ビームを用いたオープンフィールド照射を行った.P2には、6MVの光子ビームを用いた体積変調アーク治療計画と15MVの光子ビームを用いた接線計画を用いて照射した。すべての線量は、AAAおよびAcurosXB(AXB)アルゴリズムを用いたEclipse(Varian, Palo Alto, CA)を用いて計算された。
METHODS AND MATERIALS: A film phantom (P1) was constructed by placing the metallic canister of the AeroForm on a solid water phantom with EBT3 films at five depths ranging from 2.6 mm to 66.2 mm. A breast phantom (P2), a three-dimensional printed tissue-equivalent breast with fully expanded AeroForm in-situ, was placed on a thorax phantom. A total of 21 optical luminescent dosimeters (OLSDs) were placed on the anterior skin-gas interface and the posterior chest wall-metal interface of the AeroForm. Both phantoms were imaged with a 16-bit computed tomography scanner with orthopedic metal artifact reduction. P1 was irradiated with an open field utilizing 6 MV and 15 MV photon beams at 0°, 90°, and 270°. P2 was irradiated using a volumetric modulated arc therapy plan with a 6 MV photon beam and a tangential plan with a 15 MV photon beam. All doses were calculated using Eclipse (Varian, Palo Alto, CA) with AAA and AcurosXB (AXB) algorithms.
RESULTS: The average dose differences between film measurements and AXB in the region adjacent to the canister in P1 were within 3.1% for 15 MV and 0.9% for 6 MV. Local dose differences over 10% were also observed. In the chest wall region of P2, the median dose of OLSDs in percentage of prescription dose were 108.4% (range 95.4%-113.0%) for the 15MV tangential plan and 110.4% (range 99.1%-113.8%) for the 6MV volumetric modulated arc therapy plan. In the skin-gas interface, the median dose of the OLSDs were 102.3% (range 92.7%-107.7%) for the 15 MV plan and 108.2% (range 97.8-113.5%) for the 6 MV plan. Measured doses were, in general, higher than calculated doses with AXB calculations. The AAA dose algorithms produced results with slightly larger discrepancies between measurements compared with AXB.
CONCLUSIONS: The AeroForm creates significant dose uncertainties in the chest wall-metal interface. The AcurosXB dose calculation algorithm is recommended for more accurate calculations. If possible, post-mastectomy radiation therapy should be delivered after the permanent implant is in place.
© 2020 The Authors. Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of American Association of Physicists in Medicine.