A cross-omics integrative study of metabolic signatures of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
PMID: 32677943 DOI: 10.1186/s12890-020-01222-7.
BACKGROUND: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a common lung disorder characterized by persistent and progressive airflow limitation as well as systemic changes. Metabolic changes in blood may help detect COPD in an earlier stage and predict prognosis.
我々は、プロトン核磁気共鳴スペクトロスコピーを用いて測定した循環代謝物を COPD および肺機能と関連させて包括的な研究を行った。発見サンプルは、オランダの 2 つの大規模な集団ベースの研究、Rotterdam Study と Erasmus Rucphen Family Study の 5557 人から構成されています。Lifelines-DEEP試験、FINRISK試験、Prospective Investigation of the Vasculature in Uppsala Seniors(PIVUS)試験の12,205人で有意な所見が再現されました。複製された代謝物については、メンデル無作為化アプローチで遺伝学を利用して因果関係をさらに調査した。
METHODS: We conducted a comprehensive study of circulating metabolites, measured by proton Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy, in relation with COPD and lung function. The discovery sample consisted of 5557 individuals from two large population-based studies in the Netherlands, the Rotterdam Study and the Erasmus Rucphen Family study. Significant findings were replicated in 12,205 individuals from the Lifelines-DEEP study, FINRISK and the Prospective Investigation of the Vasculature in Uppsala Seniors (PIVUS) studies. For replicated metabolites further investigation of causality was performed, utilizing genetics in the Mendelian randomization approach.
発見メタアナリシスでは、COPD の症例 602 例と対照 4955 例が使用されました。ロジスティック回帰の結果、血漿中 Glycoprotein acetyls(GlycA)の高レベルは COPD と有意に関連していることが示された(発見サンプルでは OR=1.16、P=5.6×10、複製サンプルでは OR=1.30、P=1.8×10)。双方向性2標本メンデル無作為化分析により、循環血中GlycAはCOPDと因果関係はないが、COPDは因果的にGlycAレベルを上昇させることが示唆された。同じサンプルのRotterdam StudyのCox回帰のプロスペクティブデータを用いて、循環血中GlycAレベルはCOPD発症の予測バイオマーカー(GlycAの最高四分位と最低四分位の人を比較して、HR=1.99、95%CI 1.52-2.60)であるが、COPD患者の死亡率とは有意に関連していない(HR=1.07、95%CI 0.94-1.20)ことを示している。
RESULTS: There were 602 cases of COPD and 4955 controls used in the discovery meta-analysis. Our logistic regression results showed that higher levels of plasma Glycoprotein acetyls (GlycA) are significantly associated with COPD (OR = 1.16, P = 5.6 × 10 in the discovery and OR = 1.30, P = 1.8 × 10 in the replication sample). A bi-directional two-sample Mendelian randomization analysis suggested that circulating blood GlycA is not causally related to COPD, but that COPD causally increases GlycA levels. Using the prospective data of the same sample of Rotterdam Study in Cox-regression, we show that the circulating GlycA level is a predictive biomarker of COPD incidence (HR = 1.99, 95%CI 1.52-2.60, comparing those in the highest and lowest quartile of GlycA) but is not significantly associated with mortality in COPD patients (HR = 1.07, 95%CI 0.94-1.20).
CONCLUSIONS: Our study shows that circulating blood GlycA is a biomarker of early COPD pathology.