Using an adoption design to test genetically based differences in risk for child behavior problems in response to home environmental influences.
PMID: 32654671 DOI: 10.1017/S0954579420000450.
DST(Differential susceptibility theory)は、個人の発達の可塑性には個人差があるという仮説を立てている。この理論によれば、不利な環境下では精神病のリスクをもたらす「可塑性」遺伝子が、支持的な環境下では優れた機能を促進する可能性がある。我々は、早期成長発達研究から養子を迎えた生後54ヶ月の子供の遺伝的責任(出生親の精神病理学に基づく)、養子家庭の環境変数(例えば、夫婦の温かさ、子育てストレス、内在化症状)、子供の外在化問題(n = 337)と社会的能力(n = 330)の測定値の幅広い尺度を用いて、DSTを検証した。この養子縁組のデザインは、子どもが出生時またはその後すぐに遺伝的に関連のない養親と一緒に置かれるため、DSTの調査に有用であり、遺伝的影響と出生後の環境影響を自然に切り離すことができる。我々は、遺伝子と環境の相互作用項を含む一連の多変量回帰分析を行ったが、DSTの証拠はほとんど見られなかった;むしろ、相互作用は関心のある環境因子に応じて、有意性と形状の両方で変化していた。遺伝的責任や"感受性"に基づいて子供たちにスクリーニングや介入の推奨を仕立てる前に、DSTのさらなる調査が必要であることを示唆している。
Differential susceptibility theory (DST) posits that individuals differ in their developmental plasticity: some children are highly responsive to both environmental adversity and support, while others are less affected. According to this theory, "plasticity" genes that confer risk for psychopathology in adverse environments may promote superior functioning in supportive environments. We tested DST using a broad measure of child genetic liability (based on birth parent psychopathology), adoptive home environmental variables (e.g., marital warmth, parenting stress, and internalizing symptoms), and measures of child externalizing problems (n = 337) and social competence (n = 330) in 54-month-old adopted children from the Early Growth and Development Study. This adoption design is useful for examining DST because children are placed at birth or shortly thereafter with nongenetically related adoptive parents, naturally disentangling heritable and postnatal environmental effects. We conducted a series of multivariable regression analyses that included Gene × Environment interaction terms and found little evidence of DST; rather, interactions varied depending on the environmental factor of interest, in both significance and shape. Our mixed findings suggest further investigation of DST is warranted before tailoring screening and intervention recommendations to children based on their genetic liability or "sensitivity."