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JMIR Mhealth Uhealth.2020 Jun;doi: 10.2196/16696.Epub 2020-06-16.


The effects of a novel contextual just-in-time mobile application intervention on sodium intake in adults with hypertension: Results from the LowSalt4Life pilot study.

  • Michael P Dorsch
  • Maria L Cornellier
  • Armella D Poggi
  • Feriha Bilgen
  • Peiyu Chen
  • Cindy Wu
  • Lawrence C An
  • Scott L Hummel
PMID: 32663139 DOI: 10.2196/16696.




BACKGROUND: High dietary sodium intake is a significant public health problem in the U.S. The average sodium intake for Americans is approximately 3,460 mg per day, but current federal guidelines advocate a daily sodium intake of less than 2,300 mg. Higher sodium consumption is associated with increase blood pressure and greater risk of cardiovascular disease.


ジャストインタイムの適応型モバイルアプリケーション介入である LowSalt4Life のナトリウム摂取量削減効果を評価すること。

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effect of a just-in-time adaptive mobile application intervention, LowSalt4Life, on reducing sodium intake.



METHODS: In a single center prospective open label randomized controlled trial, 50 patients aged ≥18 years with treated hypertension were randomized (1:1, stratified by gender) to the mobile application (LowSalt4Life) or usual care (No App) for 8 weeks. The primary endpoint was the change in 24-hour urinary sodium excretion estimated from spot urine by the Kawasaki equation, analyzed using unpaired t-testing. Secondary outcomes include the change in sodium intake measured by FFQ and 24-hour urinary sodium excretion, as well as self-reported confidence in following a low sodium diet, and blood pressure (BP).


ベースラインから8週目までの間に、スポット尿から算出した川崎推定24時間尿中ナトリウム排泄量は、アプリ群ではアプリなし群と比較して減少した(-462±1220mg vs. 381±1460mg、p=0.03)。24時間尿中ナトリウム排泄量の変化は、アプリ群が-637±1524mgであったのに対し、アプリ群は-322±1485mgであった(p=0.47)。また、24時間食事想起法による推定ナトリウム摂取量の変化は、アプリ群では-1537±2693 mg vs. -233±2150 mg(p=0.07)、食品頻度質問票(FFQ)による推定ナトリウム摂取量の変化は、アプリ群では-1553±1764 mg vs. -515±1081 mg(p=0.01)であり、アプリ群では、アプリなし群と比較して有意な変化は認められなかった。ベースラインから8週目までの収縮期血圧の変化は、App群で-7.5mmHg、No App群で-0.7mmHg(p=0.12)であったが、低ナトリウム食を続けることへの自信は両群間で変化しなかった。

RESULTS: From baseline to week 8, there was a reduction in the Kawasaki estimated 24-hour urinary sodium excretion calculated from spot urine in the App compared to the No App group (-462±1220 mg vs. 381±1460 mg, p=0.03). The change in 24-hour urinary sodium excretion was -637±1524 mg in the App compared to -322±1485mg in the No App group (p=0.47). The change in estimated sodium intake by 24-hour dietary recall was -1537±2693 vs. -233±2150 mg (p=0.07) and by Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) was -1553±1764 vs. -515±1081 mg (p=0.01) in the App group compared to No App group. The systolic BP change from baseline to week 8 in the App was -7.5 and No App group was -0.7 mmHg (p=0.12), but self-confidence in following a low sodium diet did not change between the groups.



CONCLUSIONS: In a randomized controlled pilot study in adults with hypertension, a contextual just-in-time mobile application intervention demonstrated a greater reduction in dietary sodium intake measured by estimated 24-hour urinary sodium excretion from a spot urine and FFQ compared to control over 8 weeks. There was not a statistically significant difference in self-confidence following a low sodium diet, 24-hour urinary sodium excretion or dietary intake of sodium measured by 24-hour dietary recall compared to control over 8 weeks. A larger clinical trial is warranted to further elucidate the effects of the LowSalt4Life intervention on sodium intake and blood pressure.


ClinicalTrials.gov NCT03099343 (https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT03099343)。

CLINICALTRIAL: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT03099343 (https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT03099343).

