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Oral Dis.2022 Mar;


Evaluation of the periodontal viruses in cardiovascular patients associated with periodontitis.

PMID: 35229412



本研究では、歯周炎および冠動脈疾患(CAD)患者におけるEpstein-barr virus(EBV)、Cytomegalovirus(CMV)、Herpes simplex virus(HSV)の有病率を健常対照者と比較検討し、その意義を検証することを目的とする。

OBJECTIVES: The current study aims in evaluating the prevalence of Epstein-barr virus (EBV), Cytomegalovirus (CMV) and Herpes simplex virus (HSV) in periodontitis and/or Coronary artery disease (CAD) patients to compare with their healthy controls and insist their significance in the same.


240名の患者を4群に分けた。非歯周炎+非心臓病患者(NP+NC)=60名,歯周炎+非心臓病患者(P+NC)=60名,非歯周炎+心臓病患者(NP+C)=60名,歯周炎+心臓病(P+C)=60名であった.人口統計学的変数,心臓および歯周病パラメータが記録された.歯肉縁下プラークサンプル中のEBV,CMV,HSVをRT-PCR(Real time polymerase chain reaction)により評価し,群間比較を行った.結果は、Students t test、Pearson's chi square、Turkey post hoc analysis、Multiple logistic regression analysisを用いて統計的に分析された。

METHODOLOGY: Two hundred and forty patients were divided into 4 groups. Non-periodontitis+non-cardiac (NP+NC) =60 patients, periodontitis+non-cardiac patients (P+NC)=60 patients, non-periodontitis+cardiac patients (NP+C)=60 patients and periodontitis+cardiac (P+C)=60 patients. Demographic variables, cardiac and periodontal parameters were recorded. EBV, CMV and HSV were evaluated in the sub- gingival plaque samples using RT-PCR (Real time polymerase chain reaction) and compared between the groups. The results were statistically analysed using Students t test, Pearson's chi square, Turkey post hoc analysis and multiple logistic regression analysis.


人口統計学的変数は、年齢を除いて、群間で有意な差はなかった。収縮期血圧、拡張期血圧、低密度リポ蛋白、ランダム血糖はNP+CとP+Cで有意に高かった(p≦0.05)。Plaque Index,Probing Pocket Depth,Clinical Attachment Lossは,P+NCとP+Cで有意に高かった(p≦0.05).EBVとCMVはP+NCとP+Cの2つの歯周炎グループで有意に高かった(p値=0.000).HSVは心尖部2群(NP+C,P+C)で有意に高率であった(p≦0.05).多重ロジスティック回帰分析により,EBVとCALの間に有意な関連が認められた(p≦0.05).

RESULTS: The demographic variables did not differ significantly between the groups, except for age. Systolic blood pressure, Diastolic blood pressure, Low density lipoprotein, Random blood sugar were significantly higher in NP+C and P+C (p≤0.05). The Plaque Index, Probing Pocket Depth and Clinical Attachment Loss (p≤0.05) were significantly higher in P+NC and P+C. EBV and CMV was significantly higher in the two periodontitis groups P+NC and P+C (p-value=0.000). HSV was significantly higher in the two cardiac groups (NP+C and P+C) (p≤0.05). Multiple logistic regression analysis revealed a significant association between EBV and CAL (p≤0.05).



CONCLUSION: The study concluded that higher prevalence of EBV and CMV were found in groups with periodontitis patients. This indicates the significant role of the viruses in periodontitis as confirmed by association of EBV and CAL. The viruses were said to be highest in periodontitis patients with CAD. This could pave a new link in the risk of CAD in periodontitis patients.