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J Periodontol.2006 Apr;77(4):714-21.


Clinical and anatomical factors limiting treatment outcomes of gingival recession: a new method to predetermine the line of root coverage.

PMID: 16584355


近心付着や骨の欠損がない歯肉退縮であっても,完全な歯根被覆は必ずしも達成されない.セメント・エナメルジャンクションは,根面被覆の結果を評価するために最も広く用いられている参照パラメータである.本研究の目的は,Miller Class I および II の歯肉退縮において,不完全な歯根被覆を引き起こす可能性のある最も頻度の高い診断上の誤りを説明し,非臼歯における歯根被覆のレベル/ラインを事前に決定する方法を提案することである.退縮欠損を有する歯の歯間乳頭の理想的な垂直寸法を計算することにより,根面被覆線(根面被覆術の治癒過程後に軟組織縁が位置するレベル/ライン)を予め決定した.この方法を,過去5年間に根面被覆術を受けた80名の若年健康者の非臼歯に生じた120の退縮型欠損に適用した.すべての退行はMiller Class IまたはIIであり,以下の特徴のうち少なくとも1つを伴っていた.1) 歯間乳頭の外傷性喪失,2) 歯の回転,3) 咬合面摩耗を伴うまたは伴わない歯の突出,4) セメント・エナメル接合部を認めない歯頸部摩耗欠損.歯根被覆線は、臨床的に後退した歯にセメント・エナメル接合部が認められない場合、または完全な歯根被覆を得るための理想的な条件が完全に表現されない場合に、解剖学的セメント・エナメル接合部の代わりになるため、臨床的セメント・エナメル接合部とみなすことがある。

Complete root coverage is not always achievable, even in gingival recession with no loss of interproximal attachment and bone. The cemento-enamel junction is the most widely used referring parameter to evaluate root coverage results. The aim of the present study was to describe the most frequent diagnostic mistakes that may lead to incomplete root coverage in Miller Class I and II gingival recessions and to suggest a method to predetermine the level/line of root coverage in non-molar teeth. The line of root coverage (i.e., the level/line to which the soft tissue margin will be positioned after the healing process of a root coverage surgical technique) was predetermined by calculating the ideal vertical dimension of the interdental papilla of the tooth with the recession defect. This method was applied to 120 recession-type defects affecting non-molar teeth of 80 young healthy subjects that were treated with root coverage surgical procedures over the last 5 years. All recessions were Miller Class I or II and were associated with at least one of the following characteristics: 1) traumatic loss of the tip of the interdental papilla(e); 2) tooth rotation; 3) tooth extrusion with or without occlusal abrasion; and 4) a cervical abrasion defect with no evidence of the cemento-enamel junction. The line of root coverage may be considered the clinical cemento-enamel junction because it may substitute the anatomic cemento-enamel junction when this is no longer clinically visible on the tooth with recession or when the ideal conditions to obtain complete root coverage are not fully represented.