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J Indian Soc Periodontol.2022 Jan-Feb;26(1):37-43.


Evaluation of the reactive oxygen metabolite levels in plasma, gingival crevicular fluid, and saliva in generalized chronic periodontitis patients before and after nonsurgical periodontal therapy: A case-control and interventional study.

PMID: 35136315



歯周炎で産生される活性酸素代謝物(ROM)は、過剰な組織ダメージの一因となる可能性がある。したがって、慢性歯周炎の治療は、ROMレベルを低下させる可能性がある。本研究の目的は,汎発性慢性歯周炎(GCP)患者の血漿,唾液および歯肉溝液(GCF)中の ROM レベルを,非外科的歯周治療前後に評価することである.

Background: Reactive oxygen metabolites (ROMs) produced in periodontitis could contribute to excessive tissue damage. Thus, treatment of chronic periodontitis may decrease the ROM levels. The aim of this study is to evaluate the ROM levels in plasma, saliva, and gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) in generalized chronic periodontitis (GCP) patients before and after nonsurgical periodontal treatment.


この研究では、2つのグループが含まれています。グループIは30人の健常対照者(C)からなり、グループIIは30人のGCPを持つ被験者から構成された。プラーク指数(PI)、乳頭出血指数、プロービングデプス(PD)、および臨床的付着レベルを記録した。両群からGCF、唾液、血漿のサンプルを採取した。ROMレベルを評価した。両群間でベースラインの比較が行われた。グループ II の被験者には非外科的歯周病治療が実施された。治療 2 ヵ月後に,GCF,唾液,血漿中の臨床パラメータと ROM レベルを再測定し,ベースライン値との比較を行った.統計解析は SPSS 20 ソフトウェアを使用して行われ、結果が導かれた。

Materials and Methods: Two groups were included in this study. Group I consisted of 30 healthy controls (C) and Group II consisted of 30 subjects with GCP. Plaque index (PI), papillary bleeding index, Probing Depth (PD), and clinical attachment level were recorded. GCF, saliva, and plasma samples were collected from both groups. ROM levels were assessed. A baseline comparison was made between the two groups. Nonsurgical periodontal treatment was carried out for Group II subjects. Two months posttreatment, the clinical parameters and ROM levels in GCF, saliva, and plasma were reassessed in Group II, and the data were compared with their baseline values. Statistical analysis was done using SPSS 20 software and results were derived.



Results: Two months posttreatment, Group II exhibited significant reduction in ROM levels in plasma, saliva, and GCF with significant decrease in PI, bleeding on probing, probing depth, and attachment loss.



Conclusion: Thus, significant oxidative stress may occur in chronic periodontitis and nonsurgical periodontal therapy may be regarded as an effective treatment modality to treat the diseased periodontium, thereby preventing possible systemic diseases in future.