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J Appl Oral Sci.2018 Jun;26:e20170499.


Caries lesion remineralization with fluoride toothpastes and chlorhexidine - effects of application timing and toothpaste surfactant.

PMID: 29898179




INTRODUCTION: Habitual toothbrushing with fluoridated toothpaste followed by rinsing with antibacterial mouthwashes is a method to maintain good oral hygiene and to diminish the occurrence and severity of dental caries and periodontal disease. However, our understanding of how antimicrobial agents in mouthwashes affect fluoride-mediated caries lesion remineralization is still poor.



OBJECTIVE: The objectives of this in vitro study were a) to determine the effects of the waiting period of chlorhexidine (CHX) rinsing after fluoride toothpaste use and b) to further determine the effect of the type of toothpaste surfactant [sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) or cocamidopropyl betaine (CAPB)] on caries lesion remineralization associated with CHX rinsing.


ウシエナメル質標本に齲蝕病巣を形成し、Vickers surface microhardness(VHN)に基づき10の処理群(n=18)に割り付けた。その後,1 日 2 回の歯磨剤スラリー処理(1150 ppm フッ化物,SDS または CAPB)と CHX 溶液処理(スラリー処理後 0,15,30,60 分,CHX 処理なし(ネガティブコントロール))からなるレジメンで 10 日間 pH サイクルを行い,病変を観察した.再度VHNを測定し,病巣の再石灰化の程度を算出した(△VHN).

MATERIAL AND METHODS: Caries lesions were formed in bovine enamel specimens and assigned to 10 treatment groups (n=18) based on Vickers surface microhardness (VHN). Lesions were then pH-cycled for 10 days with daily regimen comprised of twice daily toothpaste slurry treatments (1150 ppm fluoride, with SDS or CAPB), followed by CHX solution treatments [0, 15, 30 or 60 minutes following slurry treatment or no CHX treatment (negative control)]. VHN was measured again and the extent of lesion remineralization calculated (∆VHN).


SDS 歯磨きの∆VHN は CAPB 歯磨きよりも有意に低く、CAPB 歯磨きの方が再石灰化率が高いことが示された。待ち時間 0 分の∆VHN は待ち時間 30 分およびネガティブコントロールよりも有意に低かった。

RESULTS: ∆VHN with SDS-toothpaste was significantly lower than with CAPB-toothpaste, indicating more remineralization for the CAPB-toothpaste. ∆VHN with 0-minute waiting time was significantly lower than with 30-minute waiting time and with negative control.


フッ素入り歯磨剤に CHX を添加しない場合,SDS-歯磨剤および CAPB-歯磨剤ともに CHX を添加した場合と比較して,エナメル質病変の再石灰化が促進されることが示唆された.CAPB歯磨きはSDS歯磨きに比べて有意に再石灰化率が高く,う蝕リスクの高い患者に提案することができる.また,ブラッシング後のCHX処理には30分程度の待ち時間が必要であることが示唆された.

CONCLUSIONS: The absence of CHX as an adjunct to fluoride toothpastes led to greater remineralization of enamel lesions compared with the immediate use of CHX treatment for both SDS- and CAPB-toothpastes. CAPB-toothpastes indicated significantly greater remineralization than SDS-toothpastes, and can be suggested for patients at high risk of caries. A 30-minute waiting time for CHX treatment is recommended after brushing.