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JDR Clin Trans Res.2022 Jan;:23800844211070467.


Meta-regression Analysis of Study Heterogeneity for Systemic Outcomes after Periodontal Therapy.

PMID: 35037489



歯周病が全身的な有害事象にどのように関与しているかについては,依然として議論がある.本解析では,歯周病の感染と炎症という共通の発症機序に基づき,妊娠の有害事象と糖尿病患者の血糖コントロールというよく調査されている 2 つの事象を独立に,かつ複合的に検討した.また,メタアナリシス対象の歯周病介入研究間で認められた結果の不一致は,研究デザインの不一致が大きく寄与していることが示唆された.

INTRODUCTION: The contribution of periodontal disease to adverse systemic consequences remains controversial. This analysis examined 2 well-investigated conditions independently and combined-adverse pregnancy outcomes and glycemic control for patients with diabetes-based on shared pathogenic mechanisms of periodontal infection and inflammation. It was proposed that inconsistencies in study design significantly contribute to outcome discrepancies found between periodontal intervention studies undergoing meta-analysis.


無作為化比較試験のシステマティックレビューをもとに,歯周病介入による早産率および 2 型糖尿病患者の糖化ヘモグロビン A1c 変化を評価するメタ解析を行った.異質性を検討するためのメタ回帰の共変量には,無作為効果メタ回帰におけるモデレータ変数として,サンプルサイズ,医学的管理のレベル,バイアスリスクを用いた.

METHODS: Meta-analyses evaluating periodontal interventions on the rate of preterm birth and changes in glycated hemoglobin A1c in type 2 diabetes populations were conducted based on a systematic review of randomized controlled trials. Meta-regression covariates for exploring heterogeneity included sample size, level of medical management, and bias risk as moderator variables in a random-effects meta-regression.



RESULTS: Systematic review identified 17 studies of diabetes and 13 of pregnancy outcomes. Analyses of these studies identified 0.50% reduction in HbA1c and 0.78 odds ratio for preterm births. The heterogeneity associated with the models was high ( = 92.4 and = 62.7%, respectively). The adjusted models evaluating each systemic condition separately accounted for 52.2% of the effect for diabetes and 81.4% for pregnancy outcome effects independently, and 63.5% collectively, across interventional studies.



CONCLUSION: This systematic review with meta-regression analysis of heterogeneity demonstrates that disparate results seen in randomized controlled trials of periodontal therapy affecting systemic outcomes may be explained in large part by study design, specifically stringency in consideration of medical management and sample size. The potential for confounding factors to influence outcomes remains a concern in understanding the implications of oral health on systemic conditions.



KNOWLEDGE TRANSFER STATEMENT: The findings of this study demonstrate that much of the benefits seen from periodontal therapy on adverse systemic outcomes for diabetes and pregnancy are due to limitations in study design.