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Technol Cancer Res Treat.2022 Jan-Dec;21:15330338221107714.


Tumor Volume Reduction Rate to Induction Chemotherapy is a Prognostic Factor for Locally Advanced Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma: A Retrospective Cohort Study.

PMID: 35770906


本レトロスペクティブ・コホート研究の目的は、局所進行頭頸部扁平上皮癌における導入化学療法後の腫瘍体積減少率状態の予後を評価することである。 2007年から2016年までに単一施設で新規に診断された患者をこのレトロスペクティブ研究に含めた。全例にタキソテール、プラチナ、フルオロウラシルの導入療法を行い、その後、シスプラチンベースの化学療法と同時または非併用で35分割70Gyの強度変調放射線療法を毎日実施した。腫瘍体積減少率は、診断時および少なくとも1サイクルの導入化学療法後に造影CT画像で測定・算出し、単変量および多変量のCox回帰モデルで解析した。 本研究では、下咽頭(31/90、34.4%)、中咽頭(29/90、32.2%)、口腔(19/90、21.1%)、喉頭(11/90、12.2%)の原発がん患者90人が対象となり、追跡期間の中央値は3.9年であった。多変量Cox回帰分析では、原発巣の腫瘍体積減少率(TVRR-T)も無病生存期間(DFS)の独立した有意な予後因子であった(ハザード比0.77、95%信頼区間0.62-0.97、-値=0.02)。診断時の年齢、原発巣、RECIST(Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumors)などの他の因子は、有意な関連を示さなかった。Kaplan-Meier生存解析における50%を用いたカットオフ値では、TVRR-T≧50%群でDFSが高く(log-rank検定、=.024)、全生存期間が改善する傾向がみられた。(log-rank検定、=.069)。 TVRR-TはDFSの予後因子となる可能性が高い。カットオフポイントを50%とすると、TVRR-Tはより良いDFSを示す可能性がある。

Aim of this retrospective cohort study is to evaluate the prognostic value of tumor volume reduction rate status post-induction chemotherapy in locally advanced head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. Patients newly diagnosed from year 2007 to 2016 at a single center were included in this retrospective study. All patients had received induction Taxotere, Platinum, Fluorouracil followed by daily definitive intensity-modulated radiotherapy for 70 Gy in 35 fractions concurrent with or without cisplatin-based chemotherapy. Tumor volume reduction rate was measured and calculated by contrast-enhanced computed tomography images at diagnosis, and after at least 1 cycle of induction chemotherapy, and analyzed though a univariate and multivariate Cox regression model. Ninety patients of the primary cancer sites at hypopharynx (31/90, 34.4%), oropharynx (29/90, 32.2%), oral cavity (19/90, 21.1%), and larynx (11/90, 12.2%) were included in this study, with a median follow-up time interval of 3.9 years. In multivariate Cox regression analysis, the tumor volume reduction rate of the primary tumor (TVRR-T) was also an independently significant prognostic factor for disease-free survival (DFS) (hazard ratio 0.77, 95% confidence interval 0.62-0.97; -value = .02). Other factors including patient's age at diagnosis, the primary cancer site, and RECIST (Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumors), were not significantly related. At a cutoff value using 50% in Kaplan-Meier survival analysis, the DFS was higher with TVRR-T ≥ 50% group (log-rank test,  = .024), and a trend of improved overall survival. (log-rank test,  = .069). TVRR-T is a probable prognostic factor for DFS. With a cut-off point of 50%, TVRR-T may indicate better DFS.