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J Family Med Prim Care.2022 May;11(5):1913-1917.


Assessment of correlation of COVID-19 infection and periodontitis- A comparative study.

PMID: 35800529




Background: Periodontal disease constitutes a group of diseases involving inflammatory aspects of the host caused by several microbial agents that affect periodontal tissues and could have systemic implications.


本研究では、COVID-19 感染と歯周炎の重症度との相関を、軽症者と中等症者とで比較検討することを目的とした。

Objective: The present study was conducted to assess the correlation of COVID-19 infection and severity of periodontitis in subjects who has mild form of the disease as compared to subjects having moderate form of the disease.


COVID-19に罹患している116名の被験者を、簡便なサンプリング方法に基づいて2群に均等に分けた。グループ I は入院が必要な中等症の COVID であり,グループ II は軽症の COVID であり,自宅療養を行った.歯周病のステージは両群で評価された。また,C反応性蛋白(CRP),白血球(WBC),Dダイマー,ビタミンD,リンパ球などの臨床検査値も評価した.統計解析は,カイ二乗法と多重ロジスティック回帰分析により行った.

Materials and Methods: The study included 116 subjects suffering from COVID-19 that were equally divided into two groups, each based on a convenient sampling methodology. Group I had a moderate form of COVID that required hospitalization and Group II had a mild form of COVID and were treated at home. The stage of periodontal disease was assessed in both groups. Also, laboratory parameters such as level of C-reactive protein (CRP), white blood cell (WBC), D-dimer, vitamin D, and lymphocytes were also assessed. Statistical analysis was done using Chi-square and multiple logistic regression analysis.



Results: More than 75% of subjects in both groups were non-smokers. Subjects having more than one comorbid condition were more in number in Group I (51.7%) as compared to Group II (24%). Severe periodontitis (stages 2-4) was found in 81% of subjects in Group I and 46.2% of subjects in Group II [Figure 1]. The odds of getting severe periodontal disease were 6.32 times more in subjects belonging to Group I as compared to Group II. Subjects having more than one comorbid condition were 4.43 times at risk of severe periodontitis as compared to subjects with no co-morbidity.


重度の歯周病は,中等度から重度の COVID-19 感染と関連しており,Group I に属する被験者ではリンパ球,白血球,CRP のレベルが上昇していた.

Conclusion: Severe form of periodontal disease was associated with moderate-to-severe COVID-19 infection and levels of lymphocytes, WBCs, and CRP were elevated in subjects belonging to Group I.