Prospective evalution of pregnant women with suspected acute toxoplasmosis treated in a reference prenatal care clinic at a university teaching hospital in Southern Brazil.
PMID: 32667393 DOI: 10.1590/s1678-9946202062046.
妊娠中の原虫トキソプラズマ・ゴンドイによる感染は、胎児と新生児に壊滅的な影響を及ぼす胎盤感染の危険性があるため、保健当局の関心が高まっている。この研究は、大学教育病院のハイリスク妊産婦ケア外来で実施された。2009年1月から2018年8月までに受診した、特異的IgMおよびIgG抗-T. gondiiのスクリーニングを受けた妊婦を対象とした。疑われた530人の患者から218人がフォローアップを受け、陽性のIgMおよびIgG抗T. gondiiを提示した。これらの患者の中から、83例(38.0%)が低IgG陽性、39例(18%)が妊娠2~3期で血清化、19例(8.7%)が無陽性、69例(31.6%)が妊娠16週以降で高IgG陽性、5例が再発性絨毛網膜炎(2.2%)、3例(1.3%)がHIVに血清陽性であった。補完診断は30/48例(62.5%)でT. gondiiに対する特異的IgA抗体の存在が認められ,3/63例(4.8%)の末梢血,1/57例(1.8%)の羊水が検出された。胎児死亡は 8 件、新生児肝斑の 1 件、末梢血サンプルから T. gondii の DNA が検出された 1 件であった。教育病院で分娩された 139 例の新生児のうち,38%の追跡調査の喪失があった.先天性トキソプラズマ症の有病率は,症例のレトロスペクティブ調査によると,本研究地域では 1.2 症例/1,000 人の生後出生数であった.出生前の治療が垂直伝播のリスクを軽減するのに役立った可能性がある。
Infection by the protozoan Toxoplasma gondii during pregnancy demands greater attention from the health authorities due to the risk of placental transmission, which can have devastating consequences to the foetus and newborn. This study was conducted in a high-risk prenatal care outpatient clinic of a university teaching hospital. Pregnant women screened for specific IgM and IgG anti -T. gondii, attended from January 2009 to August 2018 were included. From 530 suspected patients, 218 were followed up and they presented positive IgM and IgG anti- T. gondii. From these patients, 83 (38.0%) had low IgG avidity, 39 (18%) seroconverted in the second or third trimester of pregnancy, 19 (8.7%) had no avidity test, 69 (31.6%) had high IgG avidity after 16 weeks of gestation, five had recurrent chorioretinitis (2.2%) and three (1.3%) were seropositive to HIV. Complementary diagnoses were made in 30/48 (62.5%) of the patients revealing the presence of specific IgA antibodies raised to T. gondii; 3/63 (4.8%) peripheral blood samples and 1/57 (1.8%) amniotic fluid sample. There were eight foetal deaths, one case of neonatal hepatomegaly and one case of T. gondii DNA detected in a peripheral blood sample. Of the 139 newborn deliveries at the teaching hospital, there was a 38% loss of follow-up. The prevalence of congenital toxoplasmosis was 1.2 cases/1,000 live births in this study area, according to the retrospective survey of cases. Prenatal treatment may have helped to reduce the risk of vertical transmission.