Accuracy of full-arch digital implant impressions taken using intraoral scanners and related variables: A systematic review.
PMID: 34006079
PURPOSE: To evaluate the accuracy of full-arch digital implant impressions taken using intraoral scanners and analyse the related variables.
2012年1月1日から2020年2月29日までに行われた,完全無歯顎のデジタルインプラント印象の精度に関する研究の電子検索を,PubMed,EMBASE,Cochrane Libraryで行った。英語で書かれた査読付きの実験または臨床研究のみを対象とした。修復物の精度を評価した研究、症例報告、臨床報告、技術報告、レビューは除外した。文献のスクリーニング、論文の読解、偏りのリスクの評価は、2人の審査員によって行われた。研究の特徴、精度の結果、調査した変数に関するデータを抽出した。
MATERIALS AND METHODS: An electronic search of studies on the accuracy of digital implant impressions in fully edentulous arches from 1 January 2012 to 29 February 2020 was conducted in PubMed, EMBASE and the Cochrane Library. Only peer-reviewed experimental or clinical studies written in English were included. Studies assessing the accuracy of restorations, case reports, clinical reports, technical reports and reviews were excluded. The literature screening, article reading and assessment of risk of bias were carried out by two reviewers. The data on the study characteristics, accuracy outcomes and investigated variables were extracted.
重複を除去した後、合計166の研究が同定され、そのうち42が最初にフルテキストを読むために選択され、30が最終的な分析に含まれました(29のin vitro研究と1のin vivo研究)。デジタルインプラント印象の真度は7.6~731.7μmで,精度は15.2~204.2μmであった.角度のずれは0.13~10.01度であった。100μmと0.4度を臨床的に許容されるレベルの偏差と考えると,18の研究が100μm以上の直線/距離/3D偏差を報告し,0.4度以下の角度偏差を報告したのは2つの研究だけであった。中間インプラント距離/スキャンしたアーチの長さ/スキャンシーケンス/スキャン範囲/インプラントの位置(9件)、インプラントの角度(10件)、インプラントの深さ(5件)、インプラントの接続(2件)、オペレーターの経験(6件)、スキャンボディの種類(3件)、口腔内スキャナーの種類(6件)、スキャンストラテジー(2件)、修正テクニック(3件)の影響を調べた結果、このような結果となった。
RESULTS: After removal of duplicates, a total of 166 studies were identified, of which 42 were initially selected for full-text reading and 30 were included in the final analysis (29 in vitro studies and one in vivo study). The trueness of digital implant impressions ranged from 7.6 to 731.7 μm, and the precision ranged from 15.2 to 204.2 μm. Angular deviations were between 0.13 and 10.01 degrees. Considering 100 μm and 0.4 degrees as clinically acceptable levels of deviation, 18 studies reported linear/distance/3D deviations larger than 100 μm and only two studies reported angular deviations below 0.4 degrees. The effect of interimplant distance/length of the arch scanned/scanning sequence/scanning range/implant position (nine studies), implant angulation (ten studies), implant depth (five studies), implant connection (two studies), operator experience (six studies), scan body type (three studies), intraoral scanner type (six studies), scanning strategy (two studies) and modification technique (three studies) was investigated.
CONCLUSIONS: Based on the results of the included studies, full-arch digital implant impressions taken using intraoral scanners are not sufficiently accurate for clinical application. Accuracy varies greatly with interimplant distance, scan body type, intraoral scanner type and operator experience, whereas implant angulation, implant connections and implant depth have no effect. The effects of scanning strategy and modification technique need further investigation.Conflict-of-interest statement: The authors declare there are no conflicts of interest related to this study.