Lip repositioning with or without myotomy: A randomized clinical trial.
PMID: 30006937 DOI: 10.1002/JPER.17-0598.
リップ・リポジショニングは、唇の上方への後退を制限することにより、過剰な歯肉表示(EGD)を修正する保存的な手術方法である。Lip repositionは、ガミースマイルを治療するための簡単な方法である。この無作為化臨床試験(RCT)の目的は、EGDの治療効果とその結果としての安定性について、唇の再配置を、筋肉切断を伴う唇の再配置と比較して評価することであった。
BACKGROUND: Lip repositioning is a conservative surgical method for the correction of excess gingival display (EGD) by limiting the upward retraction of the lips. Lip repositioning presents a simple method for the treatment of gummy smile. The aim of this randomized clinical trial (RCT) was to assess lip repositioning, compared to lip repositioning with muscle severance for efficacy in treatment of EGD and resultant stability.
METHODS: A single-blinded, controlled, parallel-group RCT was performed. Twenty patients with EGD were enrolled in the study, treated with lip repositioning with and without muscle severance. Participants were assessed for EGD reduction, changes in lip length and result stability at 3, 6 and 12 months. Additionally, pain, swelling and satisfaction, were assessed.
RESULTS: Classic lip repositioning was found capable of reducing EGD by 2.73 mm (SD ± 1.281), while lip repositioning with muscle severance offered an improved reduction in EGD with a mean reduction of 3.57mm (SD ± 1.62). Lip length, swelling and pain scores were found comparable between the two techniques.
CONCLUSION: Lip repositioning is an effective method for treating EGD, however, muscle severance provides a more stable result at 12 months when compared to the classical technique. More studies are necessary to fully assess this procedure.
© 2018 American Academy of Periodontology.