Influence of Cavity Pretreatments on the Fracture Resistance of Premolars with Self-adhesive Cemented Composite Inlay.
PMID: 31597803
AIM: The aim of this study is to investigate whether different cavity pretreatment approaches affect the strength of premolars restored with self-adhesive (SA) resin cemented-composite resin inlays after mechanical and water aging.
合計120本の無傷の上顎小臼歯を10群(=12)に分けた。I群を除く9群の歯にMOD(Mesio-Occluso-Distal)窩洞を作製し,歯は無傷であった.II群では,窩洞は修復されなかった.III~X群はコンポジットレジンインレーを作製後,III群ではE and R接着剤/コンベンショナルレジンセメントを用いてインレーを作製し,セメントで固定した.IV群はSAセメント単独,V群はエナメル質と象牙質の酸エッチング,VI群はエナメル質の酸エッチング,VII群はエナメル質の選択的エッチングモードの汎用接着剤,VIII群はE and Rモードの汎用接着剤,IX群はエチレンジアミン四酢酸(EDTA)調整,X群は20%ポリアクリレート調整と,虫歯前処理あり/なしでのセメンティングを実施した.エージング処理後,耐静電破壊性を試験した。データは,一元配置分散分析およびDunn検定(= 0.05)を用いて解析した。
MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 120 intact maxillary premolars were divided into 10 groups ( = 12). Mesio-occluso-distal (MOD) cavities were prepared in the teeth of nine groups, except group I in which the teeth remained intact. In group II, cavities were unrestored. Following fabrication of composite resin inlays for groups III-X, in group III, the inlays were cemented using the etch-and-rinse (E and R) adhesive/conventional resin cement. In other groups, cementation was performed using a SA cement with or without cavity pretreatments as follows: group IV: SA cement alone, group V: acid etching of enamel and dentin, group VI: acid etching of enamel, group VII: universal adhesive in the selective enamel-etching mode, group VIII: universal adhesive in the E and R mode, group IX: ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) conditioning, and group X: 20% polyacrylic acid conditioning. After aging processes, static fracture resistance was tested. Data were analyzed using one-way ANOVA and Dunn tests ( = 0.05).
10群の破壊抵抗は有意な差を示した(< 0.001)。Newtonにおける破壊抵抗の中央値は以下の通りであった.Gr I = 1025, Gr II = 311, Gr III = 785, Gr IV = 500, Gr V = 435, Gr VI = 775, Gr VII = 805, Gr VIII = 411, Gr IX = 397, Gr X = 312.
RESULTS: Fracture resistance of the 10 groups yielded a significant difference ( < 0.001). The median fracture resistances in Newton were the following: Gr I = 1025, Gr II = 311, Gr III = 785, Gr IV = 500, Gr V = 435, Gr VI = 775, Gr VII = 805, Gr VIII = 411, Gr IX = 397, and Gr X = 312.
CONCLUSION: Unlike the conventional method, SA cementation could not restore the strength of inlay-cemented premolars. Selective enamel acid etching with or without universal adhesive significantly increased the fracture resistance.
CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: Selective enamel acid etching is recommended for increasing the fracture resistance of the SA cemented composite inlay to the level of intact teeth.